Mediterranean Awards
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In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.
This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world. Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).
29 October 2014
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
The Minister of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism Hon. Dario Franceschini joined to the events organized by Fondazione Mediterraneo in occasion of the EU Italian Semester Presidency and the 25° anniversary of Fondazione Mediterraneo and the 10° of Anna Lindh Foundation.
Welcomed by president Capasso, by Parliamentar Minister Granara, and regional assessors of Culture Miraglia and Tourism Sommese, the Minister really appreciated the initiative held at Mercadante Theatre and to which have joined Ambassadors from 42 Countries, ALF National Networks Leader and other delegates from cultural and politic world. In this occasion has been held the ceremony for the assignment of “Mediterranean Award 2014”.
29 October 2014
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Took place in Mercadante Theatre in Naples the last event for the 25° anniversary of Fondazione Mediterraneo and the 10° of Anna Lindh Foundation. Joined to the ceremony ambassadors from 42 countries, the minister of culture and tourism Dario Franceschini, the culture assessor of Campania Region Caterina Miraglia and other authorities.
In this occasion, in celebration of the twenty-year anniversary has been held the ceremony for the assignment of “Mediterranean Award” which have been conferred to Simone Camilli, Pino Daniele, Romano Prodi, Stefan Fule, Andreu Claret, Serge Telle, Felicio Angrisano, Maurizio Marinella, Antonio De Martino, Israeli and Palestian mothers and Algerian Artisans.
29 October 2014
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
The Fondazione Mediterraneo’s President Michele Capasso, the artist Pino Daniele and the Admiral Felice Angrisano – three “Admirals for the Peace!” –are working about a project for the realization of a “Concert for the peace in the Mediterranean” to be dedicated to the migrants and to be held near the sea. Pino Daniele and Michele Capasso will met by the end of the year in the Fondazione’s headquarter in order to analyze the project which will let Napoli get back the role of “City of Peace” “An high profil event which will marks the future’s musical history”, declared president Capasso.
27 October 2014
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
During a ceremony held in Naples has been consigned the “Mediterranean Award Civil Society” to Štefan Füle, European Commissioner.
During its speech president Michele Capasso talked about the importance of Füle’s work which assigned to Civil Society’s organizations, especially those one of Mediterranean countries, a significant role in the governance process and democracy which allows them to have a crucial role. The initiative of “Structured Dialogue” between Civil Society, Local Authorities and European Union it is essential for the relaunch of Europe and in partnership with Mediterranean south shore’s countries. Commissioner Füle thanked Fondazione Mediterraneo and plaused its 25 action for dialogue between civil society and promoter of peace in Mediterranean. Joined to the event Ambassadors from 42 euro mediterranean countries and members from Anna Lindh Foundation beside to Board of Governors, Consultative Committee and National Network Leaders.
27 October 2014
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Romano Prodi, European Committee President, has been appointed with the “Mediterranean Award for Civil Society”, during a ceremony held in Naples. During his speech, the Foundation’s president Michele Capasso remembered the importance of Prodi which with its foresight, as President of Commission Europe, aimed to assign a central role in European policies for intercultural dialogue. The results of the work done by "Group with high consultative level” established in 2002 – is still a reference for the euromediterranean cooperation and cultural interaction and social of the region, and it’s an important pillar of Anna Lindh Foundation. Joined to the event Ambassadors from 42 euro mediterranean countries and members from Anna Lindh Foundation beside to Board of Governors, Consultative Coommitte and National Network Leaders.
02 October 2014
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
For the occasion of 50° anniversary of missionary service and at the eve of 5° World Youth Meeting, has been hosted in Fondazione Mediterraneo the ceremony for the appointment of “Mediterraneo di Pace” award given to Ernesto Olivero and Sermig. During the ceremony president Capasso talked about the aims and mission of Ernesto Olivero plausing its actions and scopes. Joined to the meeting a delegation from Sermig and Fondazione Mediterraneo. Michele Capasso and Jacopo Molinari rewarded Ernesto Olivero with Totem della Pace prize, created by Mario Molinari.
27 April 2014
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Dr. Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi, Director General of the Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR), received the Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy 2014 from the Fondazione Mediterraneo at a ceremony held in the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Hall at the ECSSR Office Complex in Abu Dhabi on Sunday, 27 April 2014. Esteemed members of the scientific, cultural, political and diplomatic communities as well as Fondazione Mediterraneo senior officials attended the ceremony. The award was conferred on H.E. Dr. Jamal Al-Suwaidi in recognition of his efforts and contributions toward bringing nations closer and promoting the concept of cultural diplomacy based on knowledge and thought.
The award, which consists of a work of art, Totem of Peace, by Italian sculptor Mario Molinari, was presented to H.E. Dr. Jamal Al-Suwaidi by the son of the sculptor Jacopo Molinari in the presence of Prof. Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and of Italian Ambassador in Abu Dhabi Giorgio Starace.
Prof. Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, remarked that conferring the Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy 2014 on H.E. Dr. Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi reflects recognition of the role of the UAE in promoting global peace and encouraging dialog between cultures and civilizations. He pointed out that the UAE has become a key player in ensuring global peace through its policies, which stress the importance of giving, co-existence, and sharing with others. The Mediterranean Prize is awarded in collaboration with relevant international organizations and with the RIDE - Italian Network for the Dialogue between Cultures.
11 April 2014
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
During a video link to Fes and CMIESI directed by prof. Abdelah Azzozuzi, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso has announced the award of the "Mediterranean Award" to Dr. Jamal Sanad Al - Suwaidi, this Fes.
The solemn ceremony of delivery of the Prize will take place April 27, 2014.
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