07 October 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Mediterranean Awards
For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples and for his continued support for the vision of a world free of weapons of mass destruction. Consistent with his previous stances, during his first mandate Barack Obama advocated dialogue and cooperation across national, ethnic, religious and political dividing lines. Most notably, he called for a new start to relations between the Muslim world and the West, based on common interests and mutual understanding and respect. All along his mandate, President Obama has continued in his firm stand as strong spokesman for human rights and democracy as well as for the work being done to put effective measures in place to combat the Planet’s climate change. Today he continues to strongly support the Middle East Peace Process and in the greater Mediterranean area. Awarding Ceremony |
to Romano Prodi President of the European Commission, ITALY For the far-sightedness by which, in his capacity as President of the European Commission, he wanted to assign a key role in European policies to the dialogue among cultures and civilizations . The result of the work carried out by the “High-Level Advisory Group” – set up by him in 2002 – is still today a reference for the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and for the cultural and social interaction in the region, being a founding pillar of “Anna Lindh” Foundation. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 27 october 2014 |
The prize is awarded to President Mustapha Ben Jaafar for his contribution to the construction of the Tunisian Constitutional Assembly and the new Tunisian Constitution, which legitimate social justice and public as well as individual liberty as paramount rights of the newly born Tunisian Democracy. Awarding Ceremony |
The prize is awarded to Commissioner Štefan Füle For having conferred civil so- ciety a leading role, in decision- making over processes of gover- nance and democracy, especially across the Mediterranean coun- tries For its role as promoter of democracy and participation, the initiative of the “Structured Dia- logue” between civil society, lo- cal authorities, and the European Union is a fundamental tool to re- launch Europe and its partnership with the Southern Mediterranean countries. Awarding Ceremony |
For his efforts to reconciling peoples through the use of parallel diplomacy, which steers scientific production, global forums and strategic reports disseminated and estimated throughout the world, and, among others, in the Mediterranean area. His remarkable commitment reflects his desire to always achieve the alliance of civilizations, cultural diversity, and the principle of otherness among peoples. Awarding Ceremony |
For creating the SERMIG, a place of peace and education of young people for peace. Awarding Ceremony |
Diplomate français, il a été nommé ambassadeur en charge du processus Euromed en avril 2008 et a porté, et mis en place, au nom de la France, l’ensemble du corpus juridique, politique et administratif au cœur de la nou- velle initiative de l’Union pour la Méditerranée. Ce projet est désormais irréversible et, malgré les difficultés inhérentes à la région, devrait contribuer à favoriser la compréhension, le rapprochement, voire la convergence indispensable entre les 2 rives de la Méditerranée. Serge Telle est un des acteurs principaux pour faire sortir la Méditerranée de la marginalisation que dans les dernières années s’est considérablement aggravée. Awarding Ceremony |
For his commitment for the dialogue among Euro-Mediterranean civil societies and for his ability, as Executive Director, to relaunch the “Anna Lindh” Foundation in a delicate moment of its development. Awarding Ceremony |
Admiral Felicio Angrisano, with the sincerity of a seafarer and the kindness of a Naval Officer, is, for His men and women as well as for the whole civil society, a great example of constant commitment fot the safeguard of human life aiming at a culture of Peace. Awarding Ceremony |
The Mediterranean is not only a journey through geography, history, religions, traditions, wars, cultures, destiny… Awarding Ceremony |
A charismatic personality a world level, Master Thích Nhất Hạnh is a point of reference for interreligious dialogue. Through his way of life and acts, he teaches that spirituality exists beyond all religious beliefs, which translates into a deep commitment to peace and constructive dialogue between different faiths and religious beliefs in the Mediterranean and throughout the entire world. Awarding Ceremony |
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Mediterranean Award for "Culture" To the merits acquired with his studies on the history of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. Among his books: Frederick II, a medieval emperor (1990), The kingdoms of the western Mediterranean 1200-1500 (1999) The discovery of humanity, Atlantic encounters in the age of Columbus (2010). In his book ‘The Great Sea’ (English edition, “The Great Sea”, 2010), David Abulafia describes the Mediterranean as the most dynamic place for interaction between different societies on the face of the planet: a space in the history of human civilization has played a much more significant role than any other stretch of water. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 13 january 2014 |
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Mediterranean Award for "Cultural Heritage" to Artisans of the Casbah of Algeri ALGERY For their daily commitment to the defense and preservation of the Casbah of Algiers, UNESCO World Heritage Site. This award is given to the hundreds of artisans, merchants, men and women who do not intend to leave the Casbah of Algiers who are building a civic choral system to prevent the destruction of this unique place in Algeria and the Mediterranean. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 29 october 2014 |
![]() in memory of Don Giuseppe Diana ITALY Diana Joseph was born in Casal di Principe, near Aversa, from a family of landowners. Become ecclesiastical assistant of the Group Scout Aversa and later assistant to the sector Foulard White . Since September 19, 1989 pastor of the parish of St. Nicholas of Bari in Casal di Principe, his native country. Don Peppino Diana tries to help people in times made difficult by the Camorra , in the years of absolute rule of the boss Francesco Schiavone, known as Sandokan . At 7:25 March 19, 1994 , on his feast day , Giuseppe Diana is killed in the sacristy of the church of St. Nicholas of Bari in Casal di Principe, and is preparing to celebrate the holy mass. A killer confronts him with a gun : Don Peppe Diana died instantly. The murder , pure mold of the Camorra, a sensation throughout Italy. A message of condolence is pronounced by Pope John Paul II during the Angelus. The most well-known writing of Don Peppe Diana is the letter for the sake of my people will not keep silent, a document released at Christmas of 1991 in all the churches of Casal di Principe and Aversa: a manifesto commitment against the criminal system. On 25 April 2006, in Casal di Principe, the Committee was officially born Don Peppe Diana in order to not forget the martyrdom of a priest who died for the sake of his people. It was established in 2003 thanks to organizations active in the social, including: Agesci Campania, associations Peace School Don Peppe Diana, Jerry Essan Masslo , Project Continents, Omnia non-profit organization, Legambiente and the cooperative social circle Ager Solesud non-profit organization. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of his death, the Mediterranean Foundation attributes this recognition to the memory of Father Giuseppe Diana and all the organizations of the Committee Don Peppe Diana. Awarding CeremonyNaples ,14 march 2014 |
![]() to Israeli and Palestinian ISRAEL - PALESTINe This award, proposed by Monsignor Fouad Twal, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, is granted to Israeli and Palestinian mothers who lost one or more members of their family because of the ongoing war and do not seek revenge, wishing to commit themselves for peace and a better future. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 29 october 2014 |
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Mediterranean Award for "Science and Research" to CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) FRANCE For its commitment – as a public research body – to producing knowledge and making it available to society for the “common good”. Thanks to its more than 1100 research institutes on French territory and its international partnerships, it has come to represent a point of reference in all its field of knowledge. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() to memory of Simone Camilli Reporter, ITALY War. Awarding Ceremnoy |
Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho, better known as Oscar Niemeyer (Rio de Janeiro, 15 December 1907 – Rio de Janeiro, 5 December 2012), was a Brazilian architect and one of the most renowned architects of the twentieth century. He worked for many years with Le Corbusier, and, despite advocating utilitarianism in architecture, his creations reflect the use of dynamic “Mediterranean” forms. They are so sensual that many of his admirers saw him as a sculptor of monuments more than an architect. Awarding Ceremony |
Between 2011 and 2013 José Ornelas was one of the researchers of Housing First Europe, a social experimentation project on the EU level, developed, and funded by the European Commission. Awarding Ceremony |
For his efforts in the defense of the values of the High Arts and Creativity, protecting the enterprise value based on the powers and memories of ancient knowledge. Choosing to stay in Naples as the centerpiece of the production and sales of core products of his company, the "Marinella Ties", confirm the ethical value of the Company for the revival of a great city that can think and breathe the European Mediterranean. Awarding Ceremony |
For having married the old traditions with the strict rules of high entrepreneurship. Awarding Ceremony |
For having contributed to the creation of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples of the World, which was erected in the town of Procida, Island for peace. Awarding Ceremony |
For having contributed to the creation of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples of the World, which was erected in the town of Furore. Awarding Ceremony |