06 October 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Mediterranean Awards
The Mediterranean “Culture” Award 2011 was attributed to Prof. Bichara Khader (Palestine) for his action in favour of dialogue and peace.
For its action in favor of dialogue and peace. The presentation of the award took place on October 7, 2011 in Barcelona Pedralbes Palace - seat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) - and in the presence of the Secretary General of the UfM Youssef Amrani. The award was presented by Michele Capasso - president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo - and prof. Roberto Aliboni. Awarding Ceremony |
EMANUELE VITTORIO Medico Odontoiatra Per la sua azione in favore del bene comune, attraverso il puntuale e rigoroso esercizio della professione di medico-odontoiatra. Awarding Ceremony |
On Friday the 20th of May, at the Sala Filangieri of the Administrative Court of Campania (piazza Municipio 67), took place the awarding ceremony of the “Mediterranean Awards 2011”. The “Mediterranean Award for Peace” has been assigned to the Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe. Awarding Ceremony |
The ”Silver Dolphin” Mediterranean Award Special Edition 2011 was conferred on Giovanni Morra’s Bagno Elena. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD “MEDAL HONOUR” for Research and Science The “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011 for research and science has been conferred on Marco Salvatore. Awarding Ceremony |
The “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011 for diplomacy has been conferred on Michele di Gianni. Awarding Ceremony |
The “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011 for publishing has been conferred on Rosario Bianco. Awarding Ceremony |
The “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011 for advanced training has been conferred on Gennaro Ferrara. Awarding Ceremony |
The “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011 for justice has been conferred on Carlo Alemi, president of the Tribunal of Naples. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR ART AND CREATIVITY For promoting the crib art across the world and for valorising the incessant work of all the craftsmen who hand down the ancient know-how related to the crib, which reflects the characteristics of a community and of an epoch, representing the great mystery of Jesus’ birth. Awarding Ceremony |
A historical group which, under the guidance of Santina Picone, has earned a prominent place on the international scene promoting Neapolitan songs in their beauty and authenticity through a chorus of voices of rare talent.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR CINEMA The young German director explores the themes related to the need for dialogue among different cultures and the difficult and controversial relation between individual and power. As every year, the Wölkel family celebrates Christmas with grandmother. But this year something unexpected and shocking takes place: grandmother wants to recall the nazi Christmas of her young age. It is not a big problem, indeed, but it happens that just today they are waiting for a guest from Israel. Awarding Ceremony |
Other Memories Section Awarding Ceremony
Post-memoriaes Section Awarding Ceremony
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR SOCIAL SOLIDARITY For their commitment in promoting the dialogue among cultures and civilizations involving youth. In particular, for spreading among the students the idea that we all belong to the human race, which is only one, cancelling the differences in view of a better understanding of the other, so as to reach a peaceful coexistence among people of different cultures and religions. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR PEACE For his commitment in promoting dialogue among cultures and civilisations involving youth. In particular he has been the promoter of the 21st Inter-faith International Peace Meeting entitled “For a world without violence, dialogue between religions and cultures”, held in Naples from 21st through 23rd October 2007. Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe has also the merit of instituting, in the year 2011, a “Special Jubilee” for Naples, involving all the citizens in the task for the renaissance of the city. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "RITA ALLAMPRESE" FOR CHILDREN For her action in defence of children’s rights and, in general, for her commitment in favour of abandoned children. President of the Observatoire National des Droits de l’Enfant (ONDE) and reference point for UNICEF both in Morocco and across the World, she has made every effort for children’s education, saying that “it is not quite important which kind of world we are leaving to our children, but rather which children we are leaving to this world”. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR ISTITUTIONS Since 1995 she has been working for dialogue and peace process in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Being one of the promoters of the “Barcelona Process”, she has made every effort in concrete partnership initiatives involving the European Union and the Countries of the Mediterranean, developing operational programmes which, in spite of all difficulties, have had an influence on mutual understanding and exchanges among the peoples of the two shores. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE Per la sua intensa attività e concreto impegno profusi nei prestigiosi incarichi svolti nella ultraquarantennale carriera diplomatica iniziata nel lontano 1962 presso le nunziature di Nicaragua, Filippine, Libano, Canada, Brasile e proseguita dal 1980 da Arcivescovo quale delegato apostolico in Thailandia, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos e Brunei e dal 1986 quale Osservatore Permanente della Santa Sede all’O.N.U fino all’Ottobre del 2002, epoca della sua nomina a Presidente del Pontificio Consiglio Giustizia e Pace. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE For his action in favour of dialogue among religions, freedom of worship and human rights. He has devoted his life to the construction of solid relations with Protestant, Catholic and Jewish communities in the USA, holding the role of messenger between two worlds and struggling strenuously against any prejudice. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR DIPLOMACY For her action in defence of Palestine rights and for her strenuous commitment for a lasting peace in the Middle East. She has always believed that the Euro-Mediterranean Civil Society plays an essential role in the peace-keeping process and in the shared development of the region. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR CULTURE For his contribution to the spreading of the value of culture and music as a fundamental instrument for dialogue, cooperation and solidarity among populations. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR MEDIA For contributing to spread the values of cultures and religions of the Euro-Mediterranean space as the foundations of freedom of worship and human rights. In this context he has struggled for an ethics of information able to ensure objectivity of judgement and balance in communication. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR MEDIA For contributing, through its network across the world, to spread the most significant events of the Euro-Mediterranean region, attributing an essential role to timely information so as to witness the truth of the events. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR SCIENCE AND RESEARCH Author of more than seven hundred publications in the field of physiopathology, of clinics and therapy, as well as author of three treatises on cardiology, Mario Condorelli contributed to the diffusion of science and research as a basis element for the diagnosis and the cure of manifold pathologies, training an entire generation of doctors and cardiologists. As senator of the Italian Republic he has been proposer of bills for the safeguard of health and for the rights of sick people. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR SCIENCE AND RESEARCH For the activity carried out through practical projects in the field of research on genetic and rare diseases, in order to find in the short run specific treatments to save human lives, especially those of children. Telethon has the merit to have been able to use the donations received in a transparent way and with results that everybody can check. Awarding Ceremony
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "ANGELO VASSALLO" FOR ENVIRONMENT AND CO-DEVELOPMENT For its commitment – through 16 bureaux in Euro-Mediterranean Countries – for the management and sustainable use of natural resources as well as for the implementation of partnerships among local actors in view of an eco-sustainable development in the region. Awarding Ceremony
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR ARCHITECTURE Born in Iraq, then living in London, Zaha Hadid is slowly characterizing the world landscape by her architectural creations. Inspiration and visionary elegance that in Italy have found a favourable situation for her works, from Napoli Afragola Station for high speed trains to the new project for a Museum of the Mediterranean in Reggio Calabria, or for the Museum of Nuragic Art in Cagliari. Up to her futurist 21st Century Art Museum in Rome. Zaha Hadid is a reference point in the Greater Mediterranean with regard to the possibility that Architecture may be an instrument of peace and dialogue. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "SILVER DOLPHIN" For his contribution, through the spreading of maritime connections and the “Highways of the Sea” – in the Mediterranean and all around the World – to the promotion of the “melting pot of civilizations” which is at the base of shared development and peace. For this reason the Fondazione Mediterraneo attributed To the memory of Guido Grimaldi the Mediterranean Award “Delfino d’Argento” 2011. Awarding Ceremony
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For contributing to the realisation in the city of Rabat of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples in the World.
Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For contributing to the realisation in the city of Fez of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples in the World.
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For contributing to the realisation in Dakhla of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples in the World. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For contributing to the realisation of the “Tricolored Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples in the World, in the city of Turin on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For contributing to the realisation of the “Tricolored Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples in the World, in the city of Turin on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For contributing to the realisation of the “Tricolored Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples in the World, in the city of Turin on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For his contribution to the establishment of an administrative justice able to preserve citizens in the respect of the rules. This action is an example for the Mediterranean Countries.
Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For his contribution in the spirit of public service, to the diffusion of coherent and objective information based on the respect of ethics and on responsibility.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For its sensitivity and attention to the world of culture and cooperation in the Mediterranean, where it works as the main carrier of communication and mutual recognition. Eutelsat ensures the convergence of Mediterranean cultures through a thick network of satellite connection opportunities which increasingly makes this sea an extension of land and a place of extraordinary cultural production of shared peace within a community. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For their immediate and impassioned availability to support Mediterraid project through technological skills and communication abilities, so that it becomes a connection language with the Italian cultural world thanks to RAI web portal. Rai Nuovi Media confirms the central role of the public broadcasting service even in the context of new digital media through a strategy of communication subsidiarity which enables any subject to be protagonist of its own messages both in the national and international field. Awarding Ceremony |
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD "MEDAL OF HONOUR" For the high symbolic value of a project which has been contributing for several years to the cultural and social interconnection of Mediterranean peoples. In particular this year, for the effort made and for its commitment to confirm the organization of the tour in a context of tensions and conflicts, in spite of which Mediterraid team has not lost its motivations, always wishing to be in the heart of the great sea with a message of peace and cooperation among all the peoples of our cradle of culture and civilization. Awarding Ceremony |
E Awarding Ceremony