06 October 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Mediterranean Awards
Lampedusa Island - 2020 Naples, 08 october 2020 |
Naples, 14 May 2018 |
La Commissione Intermediterranea è una delle 6 commissioni geografiche della Conferenza delle Regioni Periferiche Marittime che, nella sua globalità, riunisce circa 160 regioni provenienti da 25 paesi dell’UE e paesi terzi (del Vicinato merionale e orientale). La CRPM, assieme alle sue commissioni geografiche, rappresenta quasi 200 milioni di cittadini ed opera assiduamente per uno sviluppo più armonioso del territorio europeo e dei suoi bacini di riferimento. Ha inoltre un ruolo di think tank ed è portatrice, fin dal 1973, della voce delle regioni di fronte alle Istituzioni Europee, Internazionali ed Euro-Mediterranee. Naples, 07 july 2017 |
Da oltre 25 anni impegnata per il dialogo e la pace nel Mediterraneo e nel Mondo, l’on. Guigou ha assunto ruoli di prestigio ed è stata anche la prima donna Ministro della Giustizia con il presidente Mitterrand nel 1997. Ed è ancora la prima donna ad essere eletta presidente della commissione per gli affari esteri dell'Assemblea Nazionale, nel 2012. Awarding Ceremony |
The prize is awarded to President Mustapha Ben Jaafar for his contribution to the construction of the Tunisian Constitutional Assembly and the new Tunisian Constitution, which legitimate social justice and public as well as individual liberty as paramount rights of the newly born Tunisian Democracy. Awarding CeremonyRome, 28 february 2014 |
Awarding Ceremony |
Michel Vauzelle - 2012 As President of the PACA Region and the Alps-Mediterranean Euroregion, he has taken on a major role in development and integration policies. Awarding Ceremony |
Per aver preparato da 225 anni generazioni di Giovani alla "Vita e alle Armi", costituendo un patrimonio immateriale dell'Umanità radicato nella storia e nella vita della Città di Napoli e dell'Italia. La Scuola Militare Nunziatella rappresenta un'eccellenza educativa nel Mediterraneo e nel Mondo che pone l'Etica ed un sistema di Valori al centro della formazione di giovani, destinati ad assumere un ruolo essenziale nella vita sociale del futuro. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Segretario Generale dell’Unione Maghreb Arabo (UMA), TUNISIA Già Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Tunisia, è stato uno dei protagonisti del Processo di Barcellona del 1995. Sotto la sua guida, l’Unione Maghreb Arabo è impegnata nella risoluzione delle tensioni nella sezione del Maghreb per pervenire ad un clima di cooperazione e intesa necessario per lo sviluppo condiviso. Awarding Ceremony
![]() Già Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica d’Austria e Commissario Europeo delle Relazioni Esterne, AUSTRIA Si è impegnata fin dal 1995 nel processo di dialogo e di pace nella regione euromediterranea. Tra le artefici del “Processo di Barcellona” ha profuso ogni sforzo in iniziative concrete di partenariato tra l’Unione Europea e i Paesi del Mediterraneo, sviluppando programmi operativi che – nonostante tutte le difficoltà – hanno inciso sulla fiducia, sulla reciproca comprensione e sugli scambi tra i popoli delle due rive. Awarding Ceremony
![]() GORGE ABELA - 2011 Per aver promosso la cooperazione tra Europa e Mediterraneo assegnando alla Repubblica di Malta un ruolo di cerniera ed uno spazio per le sedi di organismi internazionali costituiti per rafforzare il dialogo politico, cultura e sociale tra le due rive.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Angela Merkel - 2010 Expression of a democratic, pluralist vision in defence of human rights – matured through a long journey up to the fall of Berlin Wall – she has been able to put into practice juridical and political conditions of European standard, thus facilitating the unification of the two Germanies and taking a first rank role in the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. Naples, 13 June 2010
![]() Anibal Cavaco Silva - 2009 Continuing the great tradition of his Country, the President Aníbal Cavaco Silva always committed himself to reinforce solidarity and a proactive co-operation among all the Countries of the Mediterranean, to pursue development and to promote peace in the region.
Awarding Ceremony
![]() Nicolas Sarkozy - 2008 For his project of the Union for the Mediterranean. This action, pertaining to all the Countries converging on the Mediterranean and equally settled like the European Union, could be an initiative able to transform in a radical manner the inter-Mediterranean relationships. If politically there are not sufficient precedents, this idea has behind a thousand-year history of convergence expressed by the wide synthesis that succeeded in the Mediterranean. To give to this history a political conclusion is a big vision to which we cannot renounce. Awarding Ceremony
![]() René Van Der Linden - 2007 René van der Linden contributed with his political action to the spreading of the values of dialogue in the Greater Mediterranean area. At first as President of European Popular Party, then as President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, he encouraged the Euro Mediterranean Politics, especially in order to defend human rights, democracy and gender equality. Awarding Ceremony
![]() Amr Moussa - 2006 This award is granted for his contribution in promoting dialogue between the Western and Arab-Islamic worlds, first as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and then as Secretary General of the League of Arab States. His merit was that to get transformation process of the League of Arab States in a Pan-Arab Parliamentary Assembly democratically representative of those States. Awarding Ceremony
![]() Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - 2005 A personality unanimously respected for his integrity and commitment to democracy and pluralism with a vision of politics matured through a long journey and reflection. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, as Mayor of Istanbul, was able to introduce modern criteria in the administration of the town. Then, as Prime Minister, he has consistently promoted the political and cultural dialogue between Turkey and Europe. This award, meant to recognize the great progress of a Country whose culture is deeply rooted in the East with a long and profound relationship with the West, wishes that Europe be willing to testify, by a new enlargement, the end of a century-old confrontation between States of Christian tradition and States of Muslim tradition. Awarding Ceremony
![]() Gianni Letta - 2004 His “good policy” founded on respect of Constitution and consideration of the adversary allows to include Gianni Letta in the list of Statesmen. His commitment in favour of solidarity, youth and valorisation of cultural, artistic, architectural, environmental, archaeological heritage of the Mediterranean is unanimously recognized and is an example for those who want to be involved in partnership actions. Awarding Ceremony
![]() Pat Cox e Abdelwahed Radi - 2003 The President of the European Parliament Pat Cox and the President of the Moroccan Parliament Abdelwahed Radi were the authors of the patient work that led to the creation in Naples, on 2nd December 2003, of the Euro‑Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, transforming the Forum instituted after the Barcelona Process. In acknowledgement of their essential action for democratic development in the Euro-Mediterranean area, the ad hoc Commission of Fondazione Mediterraneo granted the Mediterranean Award for Institutions 2003 to Presidents Cox and Radi. Awarding Ceremony
![]() Antonio Bassolino - 2002 As Governor of the Region, he instituted a Department for the Relations with the Mediterranean Countries. Symbol and warning of a policy that, being aware of the turn of the millennium, has realized that Naples, Campania and Italy itself have no future outside the tissue where along centuries has been constructed, among clashes and encounters, exchanges and unions, a great and specific Euro- Mediterranean unity, to which the whole Europe should turn again so as to reinforce and develop the values on which it has constructed its own identity and resulting from the syntheses occurred in the Mediterranean. Awarding Ceremony