Omcom - Observatory on the Mafias

Mediterranean Award "Omcom" - 2019
Francesco Emilio Borrelli
Regional Councilor of Campania, ITALY

During the 26th Anti-Mafia Summit - organized in Naples at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT by the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the Fondazione Caponnetto and the Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafia (OMCOM) - the OMCOM AWARD 2019 was awarded to Francesco Emilio Borrelli, Regional Councilor of Campania, for his social and political commitment.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 18 may 2019

Mediterranean Award "Omcom" - 2018
Cesare Sirigano
Magistrate, ITALY

The award was assigned to Cesare Sirignano for his silent and continuous commitment in facing the mafia not only in Campania but also in Tuscany without ever underestimating it.
His determination to make important decisions against the mafia, they are an example for young people and for those who pursue the values of legality and social justice.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 05 May 2018