06 October 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Mediterranean Awards
Per aver contribuito con la sua rete in tutto il mondo – attraverso i canali in varie lingue – a diffondere gli eventi più significativi della regione euromediterranea, affidando alla tempestività dell’informazione ed alla sintesi delle notizie un ruolo essenziale per testimoniare accadimenti importanti, specialmente quelli concernenti la "Primavera Araba". La Cerimonia di Assegnazione |
![]() Reporter, ITALY War. Awarding Ceremnoy |
Awarding Ceremony |
MIKA YAMAMOTO - 2012 “Per aver sacrificato, a 45 anni, la propria vita – colpita a morte durante uno scontro ad Aleppo tra ribelli e soldati dell’esercito siriano – con lo spirito di informare il mondo sui crimini contro l’umanità affinché queste barbarie vengano impedite in un mondo che si considera civile e sostenitore dei diritti umani e della pace”. Presentation Awarding Ceremony |
PINO BLASI - 2012 Dieci anni al "Mattino", quasi trent'anni alla Rai. Nell'azienda di Stato, per quattordici anni, ha diretto il telegiornale regionale della Campania e, sempre sulla terza rete della Rai, ha curato la vita di cinque settimanali televisivi. Dal 2006, presso l'Università di Salerno, ha la responsabilità dei Corsi della Scuola di Giornalismo che, nei bienni 2006-2008 e 2008-2010, si sono attestati ai primi posti della graduatoria italiana dell'Ordine nazionale dei Giornalisti. Onestà della notizia, coerenza professionale, limpida etica personale: queste sono in sintesi le direttrici e i segni lungo i quali Blasi cerca di fare crescere i giovani che amano il mondo dell'informazione. Con la sua azione coniuga professionalità, rigore, competenza e valori etici e umani affinché siano vissuti con gioia dai giovani praticanti, che decisamente aspirano a svolgere, per un possibile migliore futuro, la qualificante e delicata avventura di un moderno e valido giornalismo.
![]() Journalist, ITALY Per aver contribuito a diffondere i valori della cultura e delle religioni dello spazio euromediterraneo quali capisaldi per la libertà di religione e per i diritti umani. In tale contesto si è battuto per un’etica dell’informazione capace di assicurare obiettività di giudizio ed quilibrio nella comunicazione. |
![]() Emittente televisiva, USA Per aver contribuito con la sua rete in tutto il mondo a diffondere gli eventi più significativi della regione euromediterranea, affidando alla tempestività dell’informazione un ruolo essenziale per testimoniare la verità degli accadimenti.
![]() AL-JAZEERA - 2010 It is one of the most important means of communication and information in the world, mainly aiming at promoting fair information between the Arab and Western Worlds. By news and comments not subject to particular interests, in the global complexity of the events, it has always tried to find their causes, with the aim to give rise to an independent and mature reflection. Awarding Ceremony
![]() LA VANGUARDIA - 2010 For spreading, with balance and precision, information about the main issues and problems of the Euro-Mediterranean area and for supporting the project of the Union for the Mediterranean contributing, by an accurate and objective analysis, to the designation of Barcelona as headquarters of the Coordination Secretariat.
Awarding Ceremony
![]() El Pais - 2009 El Pais is a newspaper animated by political, human and social passions and it is involved, since its birth, in reporting global news. Spreading information and comments, especially on the Euro‑Mediterranean region, El Pais goes beyond the facts, searching for their causes and effects.
Awarding Ceremony
![]() IL DENARO - 2008 For its role of constant involvement in economic political and cultural information in the Euro-Mediterranean context. Media partner of the association Europa Mediterranea, through special pages and in collaboration with the main press agencies – such as Ansamed – Il Denaro has become a leader as to the events occurring in the Greater Mediterranean, embodying the values of discussion, dialogue and interaction among cultures. By its action, it contributed to make Naples a nodal Euro-Mediterranean reference centre, by disseminating – with objectivity and precision – news and through reportages about the Countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region. Awarding Ceremony
![]() IBRAHIM EL MOALLEM - 2007 He has a role of constant guide in the Arab World spreading the principles of freedom and equality through the publishing of thousands of writings which gave visibility to a thousand voices of the South Shore. From Naguib Mahfouz to Alaa Al-Aswani, the more significant writers of the Arab World found in Ibrahim El Moallem a channel of information through which it was possible to diffuse in the Arab World and all around the World frescos of lives which emphasized affinities among different cultures, contributing to a real knowledge and a mutual respect. Awarding Ceremony
![]() AL-HAYAT - 2006 This Pan‑Arab newspaper deals with current problems and underlines the importance of dialogue and mutual understanding. It deeply analyzes and spreads news witnessing how the Arab-Muslim world changes. It also considers culture to be an important and indispensable instrument to bring societies together.
Awarding Ceremony
![]() LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE - 2005 Monthly magazine motivated by human and social emotions, yet with an open mind, “Le Monde Diplomatique” has for half a century, by news and comments not subject to partisan interests, sought to report the causes and forces that direct and drive political events. Its action has provoked an independent reflection, making it a leader in mutual understanding, justice and peace. Awarding Ceremony
![]() ANSAMED - 2005 It is playing an essential role – with timeliness, completeness and reliability – in the field of Euro-Mediterranean information with the aim of re-launching and spreading a positive image of the Mediterranean, an area of opportunities and development with roots in a millenary history of relationships and exchanges, as well as with the aim of combating the stereotype of a region characterized by political and social tensions and constantly threatened by terrorism. Moreover, it has undertaken an initiative which, starting from the heritage of experiences and relations of the most important Italian Press Agency, wishes to be the point of encounter and reference for all those who work, at the political, economic, social and cultural level, believing in the possibility to develop a dialogue and a mutual knowledge among the Countries of the region in view of an increasingly close and profitable Integration. Awarding Ceremony
![]() AL-BAYANE - 2004 Journalism is a constant, difficult and quite often risky commitment but it is an essential instrument for the development of a democratic society. The Award to “Al Bayane” is meant to emphasize the activity of this great journal in a moment of transition involving all Islamic societies, among which Moroccan society represents one of the most delicate points of passage. In the alternation of Governments – wanted by H.M. Hassan II as an essential mark of the democratisation process – “Al Bayane”, with its political director Ismail Alaoui, has contributed and still contributes to spread the values of dialogue and peace. Awarding Ceremony
![]() "MEDITERRANEO" - 2003 Manifold instruments are needed to support the dialogue among Mediterranean peoples, among which communication is undoubtedly one of the most important. The prize awarded to the weekly TV programme Mediteranneo produced by the RAI editorial office of Palermo, is a symbol of the acknowledgment for a press group that has been trying to meet this need for more than ten years, acting in favour of dialogue and Euro-Mediterranean communication and answering to the appeal for peace in former Yugoslavia launched by the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo since 1994. Today it is the only weekly TV programme, not just Italian, allowing to watch simultaneously, in a cost-effective and creative way, the RAI, France 3 and, since last February, the Spanish TV RTve. It is broadcast in 11 countries of the Mediterranean Basin and Latin America. Its editorial staff started to produce news services and reports almost two years ago for Rai Med, the only satellite channel, both in Italian and Arabic, watched in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Giancarlo Licata is responsible for both initiatives originated and developed within the Testata Giornalistica Regionale, which has been capable of seizing the importance of dialogue among peoples and the different press teams better than any other national media. Awarding Ceremony
![]() VITTORIO NISTICÒ - 2002 Journalism follows and tells everyday and historical events. It is rare for a newspaper to enter history becoming an Integral part of It. This is the case of “L’Ora”, prestigious newspaper of Palermo and Italy, during the long season when it was directed by Vittorio Nisticò. It is an example in the history of Italian and Mediterranean journalism. By his recent book “It happened in Sicily: the roaring years of Palermo newspaper ‘L’Ora’“, published by Sellerio, Nisticò reports on crucial events in Sicily as well as on the story of the newspaper and of its extraordinary community of journalists trained with Integrity and courage and with a hunger for the truth. Awarding Ceremony
![]() EL MUNDO - 2002 Journalism has become an essential need to us. It involves, among other things, effort and sacrifice. Sometimes sacrifice goes to the extreme and deserves our deepest appreciation. This Award to “El Mundo” is the expression of our acknowledgment to a newspaper which, through the recent sacrifice of Julio Fuentes, has demonstrated how difficult it is to satisfy a priority need of our world: to be informed, which means above all awareness in transparency. Awarding Ceremony
![]() CORRIERE DELLA SERA - 2002 Following the tradition of journalists like Albertini, the Corriere della Sera has been able to maintain a balanced stance among opposing passions and ideologies so as to represent the events in a more objective light which not only helps to better understand such events but also to make a constructive reflection on them. To achieve this aim, correspondents have travelled across the world, sometimes without coming back, and a great contribution has also been given by the editorial staff with its constant, patient, unanimous and anonymous work. Awarding Ceremony
![]() IGOR MAN - 2000 During the solemn "rentrée" of the United States of the World, a ceremony was held to present the "Mediterranean Information Award" to journalist Igor Man, one of the most important experts on the Arab world. On this occasion, the decree of appointment as "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was handed over. Awarding Ceremony