Who We Are || History and Statute

The Fondazione Mediterraneo - network for dialogue among societies and culture - Moral Body monitored by the Italian Government and attended by Public Bodies and Local through its sections: ALMAMED, ACCADEMIA DEL MEDITERRANEO, EUROMEDCITY and ISOLAMED - is an international non-profit Organisation of Social Utility (Onlus) planned in 1989 by Michele Capasso and established in 1994 in Naples with the aim of promoting dialogue and peace in Mediterranean areas and all around the world. It includes specialists and internationally recognised scholars on the Mediterranean, politicians with international and diplomatic experience, and who have been involved in actions to promote dialogue and peace.

The Fondazione is composed by a Scientific Council and an International Committee.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo is legally recognised by (Statute):

  • the Region of Campania, via decree n. 11315 of the 25/03/1997;
  • the Italian Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Activities, via their decree of 20/04/1999 (published in G. U. n. 113 of 17/05/1999).
  • Declarations n. 2228 of 18/05/1999 and n. 2079 of 17/11/2004 of the Region of Campania decreed it an «Institution of High Culture». States, regions, provinces, cities, local communities, institutions, universities and organisations of 38 Euro-Mediterranean countries – representing beyond 400 million citizens – have officially recognised the Fondazione.
  • the Prefecture of Naples with decree n.47554 of 17/03/2015 with which were approved the amendments to the Statute.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo began its action with an intense activity in favour of the people from ex-Yugoslavia – who suffered the biggest conflict in the heart of Europe after the Second World War - then it became a reference point to stimulate partnerships in an ever-more multicultural and globalised world, particularly among the Mediterranean, Europe and the Islamic world. It constitutes, with its partners and with its other offices (located in various countries) a Network for the dialogue among society and cultures. Further, it recognises that civil society within its member countries – including within local communities, universities, private organisations, professional orders, unions, NGOs, network associations, the media, etc. – is the key factor to progress regarding human rights, political security, culture, economy, science, sustainable development, and dissemination of information.

The Fondazione is dedicated to the realisation of a Greater Mediterranean, a concept both historical and strategic. It works in cooperation with the countries of the Middle East, the Gulf and the Black Sea in order to promote international understanding through the promotion of awareness of the social, cultural, and self-identification realities that exist in the Greater Mediterranean, encouraging closer interaction and highlighting shared interests in respect of fundamental human rights and equality between the genders. In particular, it develops human resources and intellectual cooperation in multidisciplinary fields.

During the last twenty years the Fondazione acted as an organization that is free from bureaucracy and in which every resource is invested directly in the field: the great number of partnership accords signed, and of partnerships with civil society and with institutions active in different projects - together with the actions realized (more than 3000 events in 41 Countries) - are indications of the high impact reached and of the concrete results achieved.

The Fondazione has established:

- The Maison de la Méditerranée

- The Maison des Alliances

- The Maison de la Paix

- Mamt Museum, Mediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Traditions

- Seats and Bureaux in Euromediterranean Countries

The Fondazione Mediterraneo:

- develops dialogue between society and cultures in order to affirm fundamental rights (civil and political freedom; and social, cultural and economic rights), democracy and justice pursuing ethical values and reciprocal morale of respect and of exploitation of the differences;

- is a tool for researching solutions to the problems that threaten peace through strategies of co-existence;

- is a means of cohesion in reaching a common management of the Greater Mediterranean, also working in coordination with the European Union’s Euro-Mediterranean policies (the Barcelona Process, the Politics of Neighbours, the Union for the Mediterranean, etc.) and that of UN (Alliances of Civilizations).

- facilitates the participation of civil society and institutional actors through networks, platforms, forums and other modes of communication encouraging partnerships in order to avoid duplication and consequent waste of resources. Therefore, the Fondazione also supports and develops already-existing organisms and activities, maximizing the effective use of financial and human resources and thus, consequently, results.


The Fondazione Mediterraneo is developing a work plan to accomplish the following:

1. Activities of network the branch offices of the Fondazione

2. Participation in the programs of the network to which the Fondazione belongs

3. Technical coordination-organizational of the main office

4. Coordination of the Maison de la Méditerranée, Maison des Alliances, Maison de la Paix-Casa Universale delle Culture

5. Management of the database

6. Management of the web site and portals

7. Management of the press bureau and of press reviews

8. Management of the library

9. Management of the spaces for lectures, seminars, meetings, workshop, shows and varied events of the headquarters/main office

10. Actions for international visibility

11. Construction of relations and institutional engagement with countries, institutions and associations of the Greater Mediterranean

12. Missions in the countries of the Greater Mediterranean and elsewhere

13. Organizations of meetings of high political cultural and scientific impact, with representatives of the states of the Greater Mediterranean (heads of state and government; ministers; ambassadors; presidents of regions, provinces and local community; university rectors, etc.)

14. Organization of the “Mediterranean Award”

15. Activities of training and of research

16. Publications of the Fondazione


Moreover, the Fondazione Mediterraneo is developing the following actions:

a – the direction of events, regarding initiatives conceived, realised and organised directly by the Fondazione (prizes, publications, advanced training programmes, workshops, seminars, lectures, concerts, shows, etc.)

b – The co-organisation of events, together with either partners within or of outside the Fondazione’s networks or of other networks to which the Fondazione belongs.

c – The support of events organised from outside of either partners within or of outside the Fondazione’s networks or of other networks to which the Fondazione belongs.

d – The accomplishment of broad projects, both autonomous in form and in response to local and international calls for proposals. (Among the projects realised by the Fondazione are: Cinemamed, Medina, Medpride, Intercultural Dialogue, Civil Forum Euromed, Master’s training in complexity and human ecology, Euromedcafé, Medpeace, etc).

Dopo il furto subito a fine novembre 2014 la FONDAZIONE ha lanciato un appello ad amici, sostenitori, imprese e semplici cittadini affinchè con il loro contributo possano assicurare la vita al Museo MAMT e alle altre iniziative della FONDAZIONE.


Destinate il 5x1000 delle vostre imposte indicando sul modello UNICO il numero di codice fiscale della
Fondazione Mediterraneo:





You can make payments directly to the bank account of the Fondazione:

BENEFICIARY: Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo
BANK: Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
BANK ACCOUNT: 0000 0001 2066
CAB: 03403
ABI: 01005
IBAN: IT 14 K 01005 03403 0000 0001 2066
Reason for payment: Donations to the Fondazione Mediterraneo for dialogue, peace and social solidarity activities.



You can support Fondazione Mediterraneo with donations of movable or immovable property. For more information you can contact us writing to:


Fondazione Mediterraneo
Via Depretis 130
80133 Napoli - Italy
tel +39 081 5523033
fax +39 081 4203273

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Michele Capasso was born on 14th of June 1954 in Torre del Greco (Naples). When he worked as engineer-architect (1978-1994) he realized more than 500 projects in different Countries of the world.

At the beginning of the war in the former Republic of Yugoslavia - Country that he used to visit with his family since childhood – Michele Capasso was strongly struck by the slaughter of innocent victims. Therefore he decide to stop his professional activity in order to dedicate himself to helping the populations in this Country. Aiming to build dialogue and peace in the Euro–Mediterranean area, he created in 1994, together with Caterina Arcidiacono - psychoanalyst and community psychologist - the Fondazione Mediterraneo: an important Euro-Mediterranean network for dialogue between societies and cultures with its headquarter in Naples and different offices in other Euro–Mediterranean Countries.

International Institutions and men and women of culture and science from many Countries joined the Fondazione: Predrag Matvejevic', Nullo Minissi, Claudio Azzolini, Wijdan Al-Hashemi, Wassyla Tamzali, Manuel Vazquez Montalban...

The Fondazione is composed of a Scientific Council and International Committee.

Among the most important actions of Fondazione Mediterraneo are the “Maison de la Paix – Casa Universale delle Culture”, the MAMT Museum, the “Totem for Peace” and the Maison des Alliances.

The activities of Michele Capasso for dialogue and peace are described in his book “Nostro Mare Nostro”.

Michele Capasso grew up in the village of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio near Naples. His father Raffaele was the Mayor of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio for over 37 years. During that period he did a lot to rebuild the village after its destruction after the eruption of the Vesuvius on 19th March 1944.

The drive to learn more about the world and the desire to be independent from his family led him to pursue the life of photographer (1967 – 1972), gallery owner and director (1972 – 1978) and painter (1972).