06 October 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Mediterranean Awards
Awarding Ceremony Naples, 18 november 2022 |
Naples, 14 june 2021 |
Naples, 14 june 2021 |
Naples, 14 june 2021 |
Napoli, 14 june 2021 |
To Giuseppe Antoci - former president of the Parco dei Nebrodi from 2013 to 13 February 2018 - for having introduced a protocol for the allocation of land rents, which provides for the presentation of the anti-mafia certificate even for those with a value of less than 150,000 euros. Naples, 18 may 2019 |
To Pasquale Angelosanto, for his daily commitment in the fight against the mafia and terrorism, in defense of the values and fundamental rights of the human person. Naples, 18 may 2019 |
To Luciano Tavazza, a man, a believer and a volunteer who taught us how profoundly free politics can be: that means not only doing something for others without money, but above all taking responsibility responsibly and free of human coexistence and consequently the social dimension and human of every person. Naples, 18 may 2019 |
To Annella Prisco, for her work and, in particular, for the book “Girasoli al vento. Riflessioni e ricordi su mio padre (Guida editori)” in which the author remembers her father Michele, one of the most significant protagonists of twentieth-century literature. Naples, 18 may 2019 |
He is awarded for the constant and significant commitment to improve the management of water resources and access to water and sanitation services health care, in order to overcome poverty and tackle social and economic inequalities in the world. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 22 march 2019 |
He is awarded for the constant and significant commitment to improve the management of water resources and access to water and sanitation services health care, in order to overcome poverty and tackle social and economic inequalities in the world. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 22 march 2019 |
Is rewarded for the constant and significant commitment to improve the management of water resources and access to water and sanitation services health care, in order to overcome poverty and tackle social and economic inequalities in the world. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 22 march 2019 |
The award was assigned to Luigi Riello for his daily commitment against the Mafia and for the courage to speak the truth at the opening of the judicial year. His action is aimed at establishing the binomial "justice-legality" as the foundation of ethics in politics and society. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 05 May 2018 |
Madeleine Rossi è una donna eccezionale che ha esercitato la funzione di informazione contro la corruzione, la microcriminalità di tipo mafioso ed altre. È stata spesso una delle prime donne ad accedere a determinate responsabilità nell’informazione sul tema della criminalità, delle mafie, dei conflitti, delle religioni, ecc… Awarding Ceremony |
For having contributed to the creation of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples of the World, which was erected in the town of Procida, Island for peace. Awarding Ceremony |
For having contributed to the creation of the “Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples of the World, which was erected in the town of Furore. Awarding Ceremony |
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Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" - 2013 Naples, 04 January 2013 |
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Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" - 2013 Naples, 04 January 2013 |
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The Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" for Social Services 2013 The Mediterranean Foundation gave the Institute the award in memory of the student Melissa Bassi brutally murdered. The President of the Institute, Rosanna Maci, expressed his recognition for this award and his personal admiration for the work done in recent years by the Fondazione Mediterraneo, adhering to the plan drawn up by the latter to achieve the "Totem of Peace" Brindisi, dedicated to Melissa Netherlands. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 04 January 2013 |
![]() in memory of Melissa Bassi ITALIA The victim of a senseless act of terrorism and crime, with his sacrifice brought together young people from around the world to reaffirm the value of legality and peace as the foundation of any civilized society based on individual rights. Awarding Ceremony |
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Mediterranean Award "Medaglia d'Onore" per l'Infanzia - 2012 Awarding Ceremony |
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Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" per l'Infanzia - 2012 Awarding Ceremony |
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Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" per l'Infanzia - 2012 Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" pour la diplomatie - 2012 Per aver dedicato la propria vita ad un’azione diplomatica fondata sulla coralità e sulla condivisione. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" per la ricerca e la scienza - 2011 Per aver dedicato la propria vita alla scienza ed alla ricerca e per aver realizzato strutture diagnostiche di assoluta avanguardia in Italia e nel mondo, in grado di migliorare la qualità e le aspettative di vita dei malati. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" per l’editoria - 2011 Per aver contribuito alla diffusione della cultura napoletana nel mondo dando visibilità e spazio alla parte “Positiva” della città di Napoli: le bellezze naturali, il grande patrimonio culturale e artistico, l’artigianato e i mestieri d’arte. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" per l’alta formazione - 2011 Per aver contribuito alla rinascita dell’Ateneo. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" per la giustizia - 2011 Per aver dedicato la propria vita ai valori della giustizia e della legalità, combattendo strenuamente la mafia e la camorra. Per aver restituito al Tribunale di Napoli efficienza e funzionalità, invertendo una tendenza radicatasi negli anni a vantaggio della giustizia e dei diritti dei cittadini. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" - 2011 A historical group which, under the guidance of Santina Picone, has earned a prominent place on the international scene promoting Neapolitan songs in their beauty and authenticity through a chorus of voices of rare talent.
Awarding Ceremony
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MEDITERRAID Associazione Mediterraid, ITALIA Per l’alto valore simbolico di un progetto che da vari anni contribuisce all’interconnessione culturale e sociale delle popolazioni del Mediterraneo. In particolare quest’anno per la dedizione e l’impegno di confermare la realizzazione del tour in un contesto di tensioni e conflitti che non hanno demotivato il team di Mediterraid che ha voluto essere nel cuore del grande mare con un messaggio di pace e di cooperazione fra tutte le genti della nostra culla di cultura e civiltà. Awarding Ceremony |
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RAI NUOVI MEDIA - 2011 Emittente TV, ITALIA Per la pronta e appassionata disponibilità a supportare con competenze tecnologiche e capacità comunicativa il progetto di Mediterraid che diventa linguaggio di collegamento con il mondo culturale italiano proprio grazie al portale web della Rai. Rai Nuovi Media conferma la centralità del servizio pubblico anche nel nuovo ambiente digitale in virtù di una strategia di sussidiarietà della comunicazione che abilita ogni soggetto ad essere protagonista dei propri messaggi in campo nazionale ed internazionale. Awarding Ceremony |
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EUTELSAT - 2011 Per la sensibilità e l’attenzione che rivolge al mondo della cultura e della cooperazione del Mediterraneo, dove opera come principale vettore di comunicazione e di reciproco riconoscimento. Eutelsat assicura la convergenza delle culture mediterranee con una fitta rete di opportunità di connessioni satellitari che rende questo mare sempre più il prolungamento della terra e la sede della straordinaria produzione culturale di un’unica comunità di pace. Awarding Ceremony |
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MASSIMO MILONE - 2011 Caporedattore del TGR Campania, ITALIA Per aver contribuito, nello spirito del servizio pubblico, a diffondere un'informazione coerente ed obiettiva sul rispetto dell'etica e sulle responsabilità. Awarding Ceremony |
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ANTONIO GUIDA - 2011 Presidente del Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale della Campania, ITALIA Per aver all'affermarsi di una giustizia amministrativa capace di tutelare il cittadino nel rispetto delle norme. Questa azione è di esempio per i Paesi del Mediterraneo. Awarding Ceremony |
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FIORENZO ALFIERI - 2011 Assessore alla Cultura e al 150° dell'Unità d'Italia del Comune di Torino, ITALIA Per aver contribuito alla realizzazione del “Totem della Pace Tricolore”, simbolo universale del dialogo e della cooperazione tra le città e i popoli del Mondo, nella città di Torino in occasione del 150° Anniversario dell'Unità d'Italia. Awarding Ceremony |
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SERGIO CHIAMPARINO - 2011 Sindaco di Torino, ITALIA Per aver contribuito alla realizzazione del “Totem della Pace Tricolore”, simbolo universale del dialogo e della cooperazione tra le città e i popoli del Mondo, nella città di Torino in occasione del 150° Anniversario dell'Unità d'Italia. Awarding Ceremony |
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DRISS GUERRAOUI - 2011 Consigliere del Primo Ministro, MAROCCO Per aver contribuito alla realizzazione del “Totem della Pace”, simbolo universale del dialogo e della cooperazione tra le città e i popoli del Mondo, a Dakhla. Awarding Ceremony |
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HAMID CHABAT - 2011 Sindaco di Fès, MAROCCO Per aver contribuito alla realizzazione del “Totem della Pace”, simbolo universale del dialogo e della cooperazione tra le città e i popoli del Mondo, nella città di Fès. Awarding Ceremony |
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FATHALLAH OUALALOU - 2011 Sindaco di Rabat, MAROCCO Per aver contribuito alla realizzazione del “Totem della Pace”, simbolo universale del dialogo e della cooperazione tra le città e i popoli del Mondo, nella città di Rabat. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Antonio Saitta - 2011 For contributing to the realisation of the “Tricolored Totem for Peace”, a universal symbol of dialogue and cooperation among cities and peoples in the World, in the city of Turin on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Town of Pescasseroli - 2010 For contributing to the realization at Pescasseroli of the “Totem for Peace” by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Europarc Federation - 2010 For contributing, by its action, to the defence of nature and to the promotion of eco-sustainable and eco-compatible development. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Michele Voria - 2010 For his commitment to the realization of the monumental “Totem for Peace” in the Town of Rutino. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Jozefina Topalli - 2010 For her action, as President of the Albanian Parliament, to defend the rights of women and children. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Vincenzo Galgano - 2010 For having fulfilled the function of Attorney General of Naples with commitment and dedication, reaching the climax of the legal career. For having fought against unauthorized building and environmental degradation in the complex region of Campania through vigorous and concrete actions. For having been an example of incorruptible Justice, while being a man of deep humanity.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Cecilia Chiavelli - 2010 For the message of solidarity and union among the communities of the Mediterranean that her work “Nostro Mare Nostro” is meant to communicate.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() H.R.H. Beatrice of Bourbon – Two Sicilies - 2010 Her commitment to solidarity, young people and the valorisation of the cultural, artistic, architectural, environmental and, archaeological heritage of the Mediterranean is unanimously recognized and is an example for all those who wish to undertake partnership actions. Awards Ceremony |
![]() Fausto e Marion Marchi - 2009 The Inauguration and Launching Ceremony of the boat Megaride – Grande Mediterraneo, donated to the Fondazione Mediterraneo by Fausto and Marion Marchi, took place within the Yacht Med Festival event. As a mark of gratitude they received the Medal of Honour of the Mediterranean Award. The Boat represents Mediterranean Countries and has been recognized not only by the countries overlooking the Basin but also by International Institutions such as the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and the United Nations. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Consormare del Golfo - 2009 The Inauguration and Launching Ceremony of the boat Megaride – Grande Mediterraneo, donated to the Fondazione Mediterraneo by Fausto and Marion Marchi, took place within the Yacht Med Festival event. The Boat, restored by Consormare del Golfo represents Mediterranean Countries and has been recognized by International Institutions. Fondazione Mediterraneo awarded Consormare del Golfo with the Medal of Honour for the renewal of the Boat. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Camera di Commercio di Latina - 2009 The Inauguration and Launching Ceremony of the boat Megaride – Grande Mediterraneo, donated to the Fondazione Mediterraneo by Fausto and Marion Marchi, took place within the “Yacht Med Festival” event. The Boat, restored by Consormare del Golfo represents Mediterranean Countries and has been recognized not only by the Countries overlooking the Basin but also by International Institutions such as the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the United Nations and others. The initiative was realized thanks to the sensibility of the President Vincenzo Zottola. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Scuola Nautica Guardia di Finanza di Gaeta - 2009 The Inauguration and Launching Ceremony of the boat Megaride – Grande Mediterraneo, donated to the Fondazione Mediterraneo by Fausto and Marion Marchi, took place within the “Yacht Med Festival” event. This initiative is supported by the Scuola Nautica Guardia di Finanza of Gaeta which was awarded with the Medal of Honour.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Istituto Nautico Caboto - 2009 The Inauguration and Launching Ceremony of the boat Megaride – Grande Mediterraneo, donated to the Fondazione Mediterraneo by Fausto and Marion Marchi, took place within the “Yacht Med Festival” event. This initiative is supported by the Istituto Nautico Caboto which was awarded with the Medal of Honour.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Abdel Hadi Majali - 2007 For the contribution to the consolidation of a parliamentary dimension and for the cooperation with civil society, youth and women. With his actions he put politics and parliaments in the middle of a partnership with the Countries of the “Greater Mediterranean”.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Peter Straub - 2007 For the contribution to the consolidation of a parliamentary dimension and for the cooperation with civil society, youth and women. With his actions he put politics and parliaments in the middle of a partnership with the Countries of the “Greater Mediterranean”.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Ernest Benach - 2007 For the contribution to the consolidation of a parliamentary dimension and for the cooperation with civil society, youth and women. With his actions he put politics and parliaments in the middle of a partnership with the Countries of the “Greater Mediterranean”.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Alessandro Tesini - 2007 For the contribution to the consolidation of a parliamentary dimension and for the cooperation with civil society, youth and women. With his actions he put politics and parliaments in the middle of a partnership with the Countries of the “Greater Mediterranean”.
![]() Ordine degli Architetti di Napoli - 2005 For spreading the culture of Mediterranean architecture and for contributing to the exchanges among the Associations of Architects in the Mediterranean Countries. Awarding Ceremony |
![]() Eugenio Bennato - 2004 For having spread the value of dialogue among society and cultures with his music and, especially, with his album “Che il Mediterraneo sia”, which is an indispensable tool for peace and shared development.
Awarding Ceremony |
![]() City of Herculaneum - 2003 Ercolano deserves much more than the bad reputation that a small number of its inhabitants has inflicted on it. The stretch of land linking Vesuvius to the sea initially strikes for the beauty of its natural landscape that foreign visitors, like the great French writer Colette, have celebrated with admiration and emotion. A sort of archaeological vertigo, making this inspired place rival the famous nearby Pompeii, pulses below the strolling tourists. The splendour of the wonderful villas that from the 18th century onwards have multiplied so as to form the enchanted so-called square of Elbeuf behind the Porticoes protecting this almost unique architectural complex, go by before the visitor’s eyes. Therefore the arguments supporting a Renaissance for this emblematic City are quite numerous. We have no doubts that the different events, such as the one that gathers us here to make the Mediterranean Hymn resound inside the walls of this ancient and modern City, will help, thanks to your initiatives, Mrs Mayor, give back the right place to Ercolano, among the cities built on the shores of our Common Sea, like the grains of a rosary for a common prayer Inspired by a Mediterranean faithful to its past, but definitely open to its future. Awarding Ceremony |