Mediterranean Awards

In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.

This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world.

Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).



During an official visit to the Fondazione Mediterraneo,  the President of Palestine Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen), expressed his appreciation for the “Totem for Peace” by sculptor Mario Molinari as well as the willingness of the entire Palestinian population to host this monumental work in a Ramallah, and inaugurate in in the month of October.

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President Michele Capasso awarded Professor Antoine Nasri Messarra the  “2013 Mediterranean Award for Culture” at a ceremony in Marseille together with representatives of the Consultative Committee from the Anna Lindh Foundation, among others, Aliki Noschis and Lamia Radi, the Central Deputy Director for the Mediterranean and Middle East at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Stefano Queirolo Palma,  the Deputy Secretary General for the Union for the Mediterranean Ambassador Sotiris Varouxakis, and representatives from 43 ALF national networks.

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At a solemn ceremony, which took place in Marseille at the PACA Regional Headquarters, President Michele Capasso together with the President of the PACA Region Michele Vauzelle and Minister Plenipotentiary Stefano Queirolo Palmas (Central Deputy Director of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), awarded the “2013 Mediterranean award for Civil Society to General Union for Cultural Centers of Gaza represented by its Director General Yousri Darwish
Those attending the ceremony included Leila Shahid (Palestinian Ambassador to the European Union), Aliki Moschis (Member of the Anna Lindh Foundation Consultative Committee), Lamia Radi (Cultural Director of Cooperation of  MfA-Morocco and member of the Anna Lindh Foundaton Consultative Committee), Paolo Segala (ALF Italian Network) and representatives of national networks of the ALF.

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At a solemn ceremony, which took place in Marseille at the Regional Headquarters, President Michele Capasso presented the Mediterranean Award for Institutions to the President of the PACA Region Michele Vauzelle.
Those present at the ceremony included Minister Plenipotentiary Stefano Queirolo Palmas (Central Deputy Director of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Leila Shahid (Palestinian Ambassador to the European Union), Aliki Moschis (Member of the Anna Lindh Foundation Consultative Committee), Lamia Radi (Cultural Director of Cooperation of  MfA-Morocco and member of the Anna Lindh Foundaton Consultative Committee), Paolo Segala (ALF Italian Network), the Director General of the General Union for Cultural Centers of Gaza Yousri Darwish and representatives of national networks of the ALF.
“This acknowledgement – declared  President Capasso – is in recognition of the Michel Vauzelle having dedicated his life to dialogue and cooperation in the Mediterranean. The founding of the “Villa Méditerranée” is further proof of his dedication to the common good, as well as his cultural, political and social commitment to promoting partnership among the two shores”.
President Vauselle was moved as he expressed his gratitude emphasizing the importance of the Award he had received, which coincided with events – such as the Anna Lindh Forum, the meeting of young representatives from cities and  youth movements in the Mediterranean and the first Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. These events crown the achievements of the PACA Region and President Vauzelle’s own dedication to Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

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During a ceremony that took place at the Città della Scienza, the Fondazione Mediterraneo – together with other civic institutions such as the Prefecture, the Fire Brigade, the Civil Protection, the Carabinieri Force, the Police Force, the Fiscal Police, etc. -  were all awarded the NATIONAL AWARD FOR GOOD HEALTH, for their unswerving  commitment to social solidarity in Italy and throughout the Mediterranean. The Award was handed over to President Michele Capasso by Prof. Annamaria Colao, consort of the Governor of the Campania Region Stefano Caldoro. 
Prof. Caterina Arcidiacono, Vice President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo also attended the ceremony.

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During the evening dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the birth of the great singer, the “MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR ART AND CREATIVITY” was awarded posthumously to Lucio Dalla”.

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Pietro Grasso, as Antimafia National Direction Head, has received- during the 18° Antimafia National Summit held in occasion of the tenth anniversary of the death of the judge Caponetto – “MEDITERRANEAN AWARD RAFFAELE CAPASSO FOR LEGALITY” (medal of honour) 2012”.

On that occasion, the President of the Fondazione Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri together with the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, and more than 500 delegates and students participating in the venue, announced the establishment of MOMOC (The Mediterranean Observatory on Mafia and Organized Crime).

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At the Trieste Film Festival, with whom the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been collaborating since1995, the 2013 Mediterranean Cinema Award for the best short film was awarded to “Deda” (Waiting for Mum) by Nana Ekvtimishvili. The film focuses on a man’s voice calling his mother and was awarded by a jury of young people.

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