In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.

This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world.

Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).



Izet Sarajlic' - 1997

Izet Sarajlic’ is one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. He spent most of his life in Sarajevo, remaining also during the siege of the city: he stayed there until the end. He could leave the town but did not. He was the “voice of Sarajevo” and never ceased to write, though wondering if this might be useful anyway, after what had happened. He could do nothing else. The Fondazione Mediterraneo published “Il Libro degli Addii” (the Book of Farewells) and on the first copy, near to a drawing of a flower dedicated to Rita Allamprese Capasso. Izet wrote a single word: “Thanks”. By this Award we want to remember and thank a great poet for his teaching and his work, a man who showed us that literature in itself would not be enough. We should rather promote peace and mutual respect through positive actions.

Awarding Ceremony
Trieste, 25 January 1997


Abdulah Sidran - 1996

Sidran’s poetry has always dealt with strong concrete themes and with civic anxieties, giving rise to very effective representations of real life during the years of Sarajevo siege (1992 1995). In a situation of real and extreme danger for his city, its inhabitants and himself, Sidran went on working, loyal to Sarajevo and to its ancient habit to accept different religions, cultures, writings, traditions and languages.Sarajevo, a cosmopolitan city, a place where differences meet and are re-elaborated, is the heart of Sidran’s poetry. The secret of this town and of this poetry lies in the “endless tolerance” mentioned by Sidran in his writings.

Awarding Ceremony
Trieste, 20 January 1996


Premio Mediterraneo "Legalità"
a Antonio De Iesu
Questore di Napoli, ITALIA

Ad Antonio De Iesu per il suo impegno nell’affermare i valori della legalità e della giustizia sociale in un momento difficile della nostra storia. La sua esperienza operativa alla guida della Polizia di Stato in importanti città d’Italia ha forgiato il binomio “rigore - umanità” che è alla base del suo operare e che costituisce il tratto distintivo per la soluzione di difficoltà urbane e sociali, quali le “baby gang” che hanno turbato la già difficile coesistenza nella città di Napoli.
La sua lungimirante visione istituzionale unitamente alla conoscenza del territorio costituiscono una risorsa per poter controllare i fenomeni della criminalità a tutti i livelli assicurando sicurezza ai cittadini.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 may 2018

Catello Maresca and his Boys - 2018
Magistrate, ITALY

The award was assigned to Catello Maresca and his guys because he proves that there may be a different Naples that can give the chance to those who have none. His experience as a magistrate has fueled the belief that crime and the mafias can be fight also by helping the boys to be "hunters of the positive" and "producers of the future".

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 05 May 2018
Paolo Borrometi - 2015
Giornalista (AGI), ITALIA

Paolo Borrometi, laureato in giurisprudenza, è giornalista dell’Agenzia Giornalistica Italia (AGI).
Da tempo Borrometi, per il suo impegno contro la criminalità organizzata, è costretto a vivere sotto scorta, con costanti e continue minacce.
Ha affrontato il tema delle infiltrazioni mafiose in una parte della Sicilia che si credeva essere una "isola felice": la provincia di Ragusa. Ha creato un organo di informazione indipendente - - contro tutte le mafie. Si è occupato di diversi casi scomodi che nessuno ha affrontato come i rapporti tra clan siciliani e calabresi.
Per questi motivi gli viene conferito il “Premio Mediterraneo Raffaele Capasso per la legalità 2015”.

Awarding Ceremony
San Marino, 16 july 2015

to the memory of Don Giuseppe Diana - 2014
Parroco, ITALY

Diana Joseph was born in Casal di Principe, near Aversa, from a family of landowners. Become ecclesiastical assistant of the Group Scout Aversa and later assistant to the sector Foulard White . Since September 19, 1989 pastor of the parish of St. Nicholas of Bari in Casal di Principe, his native country. Don Peppino Diana tries to help people in times made ​​difficult by the Camorra , in the years of absolute rule of the boss Francesco Schiavone, known as Sandokan .

At 7:25 March 19, 1994 , on his feast day , Giuseppe Diana is killed in the sacristy of the church of St. Nicholas of Bari in Casal di Principe, and is preparing to celebrate the holy mass. A killer confronts him with a gun : Don Peppe Diana died instantly. The murder , pure mold of the Camorra, a sensation throughout Italy. A message of condolence is pronounced by Pope John Paul II during the Angelus. The most well-known writing of Don Peppe Diana is the letter for the sake of my people will not keep silent, a document released at Christmas of 1991 in all the churches of Casal di Principe and Aversa: a manifesto commitment against the criminal system.

On 25 April 2006, in Casal di Principe, the Committee was officially born Don Peppe Diana in order to not forget the martyrdom of a priest who died for the sake of his people. It was established in 2003 thanks to organizations active in the social, including: Agesci Campania, associations Peace School Don Peppe Diana, Jerry Essan Masslo , Project Continents, Omnia non-profit organization, Legambiente and the cooperative social circle Ager Solesud non-profit organization. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of his death, the Mediterranean Foundation attributes this recognition to the memory of Father Giuseppe Diana and all the organizations of the Committee Don Peppe Diana.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples ,14 march 2014

Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto - 2013

For its activities in disseminating the principles of legality against any form of organized crime or criminal activity, especially in school and among young people.
The Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto continues to apply the principles adopted by the renowned judge throughout his life and work by promoting initiatives and publications focusing on young people and preparing them to become the protagonists of the future based on the principles of sobriety, solidarity and deeply rooted in legality at all levels of society.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 04 January 2013

Pietro Grasso - 2012
Head of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate

To Pietro Grasso for their continued commitment to life against the Mafia from his work as associate judge in the maxi trial instructed by Anthony Caponnetto, continued by his work as Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Palermo, culminating in chairing the National Anti-Mafia Directorate and that led him to defend the legality of daily engaging in anti-mafia summits organized by the “Foundation Caponnetto”.

Awarding Ceremony
Gaeta, 04 February 2013

Don Luigi Ciotti - 2012
"Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie"

"Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie" (Free Associations, Names and Statistics against the Mafia) was established on 25 March 1995 with the aim of calling on civil society to combat the mafia and promote legality and justice. At present, Libero brings together more than 1600 associations, social groups and grass roots organizations committed to developing cultural and political and organizational synergies capable of disseminating a culture of legality. The laws on the social uses of property confiscated from the mafia, education in democratic lawfulness, the commitment to fighting corruption, the sectors for vocational training to combat mafias, projects for work and development and measures to combat usury are  just some of the commitments undertaken by Libera. Libera is recognized as an association that promotes social aims by the Ministry of Social Welfare. In 2008, Eurispes considered it one of Italy’s top organizations.
Don Luigi Ciotti, an anti-mafia activist, is the coordinator of Libera. His work aims to make the essential social and cultural progress required to eradicate mafia phenomena and every form of injustice, illegality and criminal activities.

Awarding Ceremony
Chieti, 21 november 2019

to the memory of Angelo Vassallo - 2010
Mayor of Pollica, ITALY

The first “Raffaele Capasso” Mediterranean Award for Legality has been granted to the memory of the mayor of Pollica Angelo Vassallo, barbarously killed on September 5 th 2010. This award means to remember the commitment of Angelo Vassallo who, by his work, was able to represent the force of comprehension with a message of nobility and courage in difficult areas.

Awarding Ceremony
San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, 18
September 2010

The titles of "Peace-Keeper" are attributed to all those who work for the realisation across the world of the Totems for Peace.

Naples 17 October 2010
Miralem Tursinović
Senada Sušić
Mirjana Stamenković Tursinović
Marija Ageljic
Kresimir Jolic
Bojan Stančević
Chen Alon
Aharon Segoly
Nouraldin Shehada
Seydi Fırat
Phil Maslen
Gerard Foster
Michael Culbert
William Mitchell
Robert Campbell

Naples 15 October 2010
Nando Morra

Naples 15 October 2010
Leonzio Borea

Roma 13 October 2010
Officers of the Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs

Pescasseroli 29 September 2010
L’Ape del Marsicano di Tatti Maria Giovanna
Bar dell’Orso di Gaetano Tarquinio
La Baita di Annarita Palleschi ed Ernesto Leopardi
Hotel Edelweiss di Gildo Beniamino
Giuseppe Del Principe
Domenico Roselli
Cesidia D’Arcangelo
Loreto Boccia
Argita Gizzi
Nino Saltarelli
Michele De Rubeis
Nino e Fiorella Rosica
Bruno e Carla Moscatello
Alfredo e Rita Tabacchiera
Duilio e Rossana Giorgio
Sindaco Nunzio Finamore
Assessore Ernesto Paolo Alba
Assessore Guglielmo Gentile
Vice Sindaco Italo Gallinelli
Assessore Gerardo Notarantonio
Albergo Ristorante Plistia di Simona Decina
Co.Ma.L. di Alfonso Berardini
Residence La Ginestra
Hotel Pagnani di Sergio Pagnani
Assifer Service s.r.l. di Chiara Grassi
Snow Tubing di Vincenzo e Claudio Vitale
Mariolina Morelli
Impresa F.lli D’Addario s.n.c. di Giacomo D’Addario
Hotel Bamby di Gerardo Finamore
Hotel Iris di Daniel Esposito
Hotel Garni Posta di Alessia Forti
Il Vecchio Forno di Agnese Gentile
Albergo Mon Repos di Antonio Decina
Albergo Ristorante Il Picchio di Giovanni Saltarelli
Ristorante A’Cavut di Roberto Decina
Hotel Sport Daniel di Laura e Pietro Roncuzzi
Hotel Paradiso di Geraldine Mac Carron
Bar Jurico di Sergio Del Principe
Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma Agenzia di Pescasseroli – direttore Augusto Pace
Consigliere Comunale Pietro Scarponi
Consigliere Comunale Gaetano Tarquinio
Consigliere Comunale Marco Grassi
Consigliere Comunale Virgilio Morisi
Consigliere Comunale Carmelo Giura
Consigliere Comunale Giovanni Saltarelli
Consigliere Comunale Luigi La Cesa
Consigliere Comunale Silvano Di Pirro
Segretario Comunale Antonella Marra
Massimiliano Mazzulli
Luigi Neri
Annino Di Pirro
Elia Finamore
Maria Decina
Anna Terrazzi
Maria Cocuzzi
Maria Rosaria Di Pirro
Luana Morisi
Modesto Neri
Davide Mucciante
Carmela D’Addezio
Michela Scaccia
Filomena Saltarelli
Filomena D’Addezio
Monia ed Elena Casale
Liberata Berardini
Mario Tudini
Anna e Daniela Nanni
Daniela Di Pirro e Sergio Amadei
Andrea Cutini
Enzo Cutini
Vincenzo La Cesa
Maria Gloria Neri
Carmelo Leone
Rocca Gallinelli
Pasquale Gallinelli
Gianna Miele e Maddalena Ursitti
Bruno e Loreto Pandolfi
Annino Finamore
Hotel Valle dell’Oro di Gerardo D’Addezio

Rutino 7 August 2010
Citizens of Rutino

Director General of the State Property Agency, ITALY

The award was assigned to Roberto Reggi for his efforts in the valorisation and redevelopment of Italian public real estate assets.
His strategic vision aimed at the recovery and regeneration of public property has allowed in recent years to transform old abandoned buildings, urban vacuums, opportunities for development and economic and social growth for the country. At the helm of the Agenzia del Demanio, thanks also to the support of a united and motivated "team", it was able to grasp the market's expectations, combining it with the regulatory opportunities, inserting the assets into suitable circuits for their future destination.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 03 May 2018


For their daily commitment to the defense and preservation of the Casbah of Algiers, UNESCO World Heritage Site. This award is given to the hundreds of artisans, merchants, men and women who do not intend to leave the Casbah of Algiers who are building a civic choral system to prevent the destruction of this unique place in Algeria and the Mediterraneano.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 29 october 2014

ICOMOS - 2013
Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti, ITALY

The Consiglio Internazionale dei Monumenti e dei Siti (ICOMOS) is a global NGO whose mission is to promote, conserve, utilize and valorize monuments and sites.
Thanks to its actions, the evolution and circulation of ideas promote a new sensitivity towards the use of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean and the rest of the world. Diversity, collegiality and impartiality are the fundamental values which lie at the heart of exchange between countries of the North and South throughout the world. Renewed solidarity channeled through young people will contribute to the indispensible process of sensitization and education towards the conservation of monumental heritage.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 04 January 2013

Director General UNESCO, BULGARIA

For her commitment to the defense and protection of world cultural heritage as well as for strengthening the cultural diplomacy as a fundamental basis for peace and mutual respect among peoples. In particular, through her actions, she has created a space with which to recognize the value of immaterial and intangible cultures, considering them as the world heritage of mankind.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 3 september 2012


Philantropist, LEBANON

For her activity in favour of the historical, artistic, architectural, environmental and cultural heritage of Mediterranean Countries, in particular of Lebanon. By her actions, she has favoured – considering it one of the aspects of the historical heritage – the reintegration of the communities of migrants within their countries of origin.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 13 june 2010

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2018
Emma Bonino

To Emma Bonino for having dedicated her entire life to the values of freedom and social justice in defense of the fundamental rights of the human person. For having opposed those policies based exclusively on special interests and contrary to the Common Good. For having dedicated itself to the marginalized and the weakest throughout the world, making this action the center of its existence.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 24 november 2018

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2017
Madre Yvonne Reungoat
General Superior of the institute Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice – Salesians of  Don Bosco

“For the activities in favor of Peace and Concord among the Populations of the world conducted to the guide of Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice ( FMA), especially where raging war and poverty.
Exactly in these places, often, FMA rapresent the only anchor for men and women of different faiths. Mother Yvonne Reungoat thanks to her missionary experience, in the poorer places of African continent, is aware of the joy and simplicity in helping others and in feeling “ Family”. A  place where, thank to the charisma of Don Bosco and to the model of Mother Mazzarello, is possible , everyday, give space to that “ Creativity of Love” which represent the instrument of salesian charisma; with humility and complicity and the hope in  youth, authors of our future.”

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 09 november 2017

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2014
to Barack Obama

President of United States of America, USA

For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples and for his continued support for the vision of a world free of weapons of mass destruction. Consistent with his previous stances, during his first mandate Barack Obama advocated dialogue and cooperation across national, ethnic, religious and political dividing lines. Most notably, he called for a new start to relations between the Muslim world and the West, based on common interests and mutual understanding and respect. All along his mandate, President Obama has continued in his firm stand as strong spokesman for human rights and democracy as well as for the work being done to put effective measures in place to combat the Planet’s climate change. Today he continues to strongly support the Middle East Peace Process and in the greater Mediterranean area.

Awarding Ceremony
Napoli, 13 january 2014

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2014
to Ernesto Olivero

Fondatore Sermig, ITALY

For creating the SERMIG, a place of peace and education of young people for peace.
Because of his faith and his tenacity thousands of projects to help the weaker ones were made around the world.
It ’an example of how one man can act with the strength of faith for the good of all mankind.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 02 october 2014

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2013
all'Isola di Lampedusa, ITALIA

For the high symbolic value, integration and coexistence with thousands of dispossessed - in search of dignity, life and future - with which the inhabitants of Lampedusa have twisted relationships of solidarity and friendship, creating a great hybrid of civilization.
For the action taken in favor of human rights and the defense of the natural environment as a tool for dialogue and cooperation between peoples.

Awardind Ceremony
Lampedusa, 01 july 2013

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2012
to Majallie Whbee
Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, ISRAEL

For his long-standing commitment to promoting dialogue between Israel and Palestine in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, and for his balanced vision in confronting the historical reality of old and new problems preventing the peace process, in the knowledge that this is the only possible way for two Peoples to live together in two States: it is their destiny to live on Earth side by side due to their geography and history.

Awarding Ceremony
Malta, 13 October 2012

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2012
to Taysser Quba'a
Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean 

For his long-standing commitment to promoting dialogue between Israel and Palestine in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, and for his balanced vision in confronting the historical reality of old and new problems preventing the peace process, in the knowledge that this is the only possible way for two Peoples to live together in two States: it is their destiny to live on Earth side by side due to their geography and history.

Awarding Ceremony
Malta, 13 October 2012

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2011
Archbishop of Naples, ITALY

For his commitment in promoting dialogue among cultures and civilisations involving youth. In particular he has been the promoter of the 21st Inter-faith International Peace Meeting entitled “For a world without violence, dialogue between religions and cultures”, held in Naples from 21st through 23rd October 2007. Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe has also the merit of instituting, in the year 2011, a “Special Jubilee” for Naples, involving all the citizens in the task for the renaissance of the city.

Awardin Ceremony
ples, 20 may 2011

Mediterranean Award for "Peace" - 2010
Advisor to the King of Morocco and President of the “Anna Lindh” Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, MOROCCO

He has witnessed the importance of dialogue among cultures, mutual understanding and coexistence in social justice and democracy in a significant historical moment at the turn of the century. Today he continues his action in favour of peace in the Greater Mediterranean region carrying out activities aimed at defending freedom, testifying there is no peace and respect for the differences without claiming human rights. André Azoulay is one of the promoters of a true dialogue between the Arab-Islamic and the Western worlds, taking the role of protagonist in initiatives involving the main issues of the matter, such as Israel and Palestine, also in his role of president of “Anna Lindh” Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 13 June 2010

Palestinian Poet, PALESTINE

Commonly considered as “the Poet of Peace”, “the Poet of the Palestinian cause” or of the Palestinian Resistance, Mahmoud Darwich avoided the slenderness of the thematic field offered by resistance poetry, transforming little by little the familiar objects of his lost land into myths, treating Palestine like a metaphor of the human condition. His poetry, already mightily lyrical, lives on an epic inspiration, dispensed essentially through a bright evocation of figures of speech or mythical figures drawn from all cultures. The clever work on the images and the incisive wording, allow Mahmoud Darwich to give back to himself and to Palestine the identity stolen with the promise of peace. His poetry develops, above all, a profound and painful thought on memory, on exile in all its dimensions, and digs deeply in the heart of rejection, of otherness and of death. Substitute of the confiscated native land, the writing is claimed as a principle of existence and even more as “out-life”. Poetry at this stage acquires completely his sense of dwell (bayt). Mahmoud Darwich, with his poetry, promoted peace in the world and in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Awarding Ceremony
Gaeta, 27 March 2009

President of Provincia di Benevento, ITALY

For his political and scientific action in favour of Peace, which made possible the elevation of the territory of Benevento into a centre of excellence in the Euro-Mediterranean sphere. Through the creation of an international school of environmental diagnostics, he realised a real laboratory of peace in which youth coming from 30 Countries of the Great Mediterranean met in a new dimension of advanced technologies in which the satellite services from space attend upon humanity.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2008

Nobel Prize for Peace, IRAN

First jurist woman in Iran, Nobel Prize for Peace, she stands out for her commitment in favour of human rights, democracy, respect for women and children. Her strong opposition to a patriarchal culture, which across the world and in the Mediterranean denies women’s rights, represents a firm point for a future of peace founded on gender equality. Her action is especially oriented in favour of children, who are the hope of mankind, so as they can grow in a relational, emotional and affective universe without violence or oppression. Her figure of practising Muslim is the emblem of the ancient tradition of welcome and respect of the Other, typical of Islamic culture, and is in contrast with stereotyped images created and circulated by media. Her commitment for the construction of a dialogue through the search for shared values is a warning and a guide towards the common action for the creation of a Greater Mediterranean of peace and prosperity.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 5 March 2007

Parish Church of S. Giorgio Maggiore
Parish Church of S. Maria della Sanità
Parish Church Resurrezione del Signore

For their undertaking carried out in favour of Peace and Social Solidarity into the excluded areas of a great metropolis, such as the city of Naples, where the conflicts due to poverty and soocial inequality are more evident.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2007

President Jean Claude Gaudin, FRANCE

The originality and the exemplariness of activities promoting interfaith dialogue without boundaries and bringing together representatives of different cultures and beliefs practiced by people of Marseille, constitute the merit action of this Association.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 28 May 2004

Father ELIAS CHACOUR - 2003
Melkite Archbishop of Galilee and writer

Priest at Ibillin, a small village in Palestine, Elias Chacour, Christian, Arab and Israeli citizen, is one of the few living witnesses of a coexistence, nowadays impossible, in the Middle East. He’s a man who, despite the bitterness that the story of his People might cause to him, courageously fights for the reconciliation of the two “blood brothers”: Israeli and Palestinian peoples. One of his challenges is to construct peace never giving up to those who constantly destroy it. His work starts from a school he founded at Ibillin, where 4500 Palestinian, either Muslim or Christian, and Israeli-Jewish children and students learn together. It is in this school that Elias Chacour’s mission takes shape: to construct a land of peace where the sons of God – brothers who today are tearing each other to pieces – can live peacefully together. It is a message of love and an impassioned address In favour of peace that Chacour sends to his Palestinian and Israeli brothers, not to convert them to his religion, but to show them a concrete and tangible possibility to share peace and life. Chacour is “another man of Galilee” who speaks from the depths of his suffering and of his wise experience.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 March 2003

Journalists killed in Afghanistan - War correspondents, ITALY-SPAIN

War. Tangle of wrongs and passions, of infamy and greatness. Like a tear in the fabric that – millennium after millennium since the first ancestors at the beginning of the reflection and consciousness which established rules and laws to curb instinct, repress egoism, find a conception of good, link people in mutual aid with general and shared values and made us less transient in the large sea of being, thanks to the persisting trace – hardly renews in the present, perpetuates in the future and marks an identity higher than the biological one. A tear in which, in the struggle of a force against another, the tragically constructed civilization becomes somehow uncertain and sometimes wavering. And there they were, without hatred or partisanship, to witness courage and cowardice, examples of compassion or abuses, of generosity and baseness, without prejudice in search of the truth that each fighter distorts. There, to found on that truth a better understanding of both parts, of the suffering of both, to challenge the opposing beliefs and lay the foundations of a new agreement so as to put an end to hostilities and establish a new, possibly fairer, peace. For this understanding, for this better and more human future, they were there: determined, sparing no pains, without escaping risk. Without any support, except for the distant support from their newspapers which had entrusted them with a mission more difficult than fighting, almost always more obscure. There, unarmed among armed people, serene among passions, courageous without boldness, more determined than fighters. There, always ahead where the battle is raging, convinced and determined. Until the sacrifice, just like Maria Grazia Cutuli and Julio Fuentes whose mutilated bodies and broken mobile phone were brought back to us. But their voice we gather here and their message we repeat in their name are not broken.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2002


Leah Rabin was a great woman from Israel: a woman who fought for peace, with clear and sincere thoughts, with her hope for a better future and her contagious optimism.


Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2001

to the memorry of H.M. HASSAN II - 2000

Morocco, though having most of its coasts on the Atlantic, is truly Mediterranean. Not only because the Moroccan coast facing the Mediterranean extends from Tangier to Oujda, but also because Moroccan culture is founded on that humanism which has made man the measure of the world: a universal humanism, as emphasized by many thinkers and artists. From the high of Tangier a blue line separates the waters of the Ocean from those of the Mediterranean; and the latter seem to venture to the Atlantic in search of other continents to be fecundated by Mediterranean culture and ancient traditions. This line of demarcation – in the Koran Marajou AI Bahrein – is the strong representation of the attitude of Mediterranean genius to transmit our ancient immortal culture to the whole world: an attitude that H.M. Hassan II has constantly nourished, since His accession to the throne, continuing the action for national unity started by His father Mohammed V. His great merit was to support the democratization process towards which he wisely oriented His Country: this achievement will remain in history the main pillar in His political career. By accepting this challenge, He belied all those who argued that there was an absolute structural incompatibility between Islam and Democracy. By instituting for the first time in the Arab world and on the Southern shore of the Mediterranean the system of alternating democracy, H.M. Hassan II offered an example of pride and hope not only to the Moroccan people but also to all Arab and Muslim peoples. “Your Majesty, in a moment when the highest minds of the Mediterranean give You this Award, we join them, being sure that this high acknowledgement is not only conferred on the most important representative of Maghreb world but also on all Maghreb peoples who, thanks to Your action, may hope in a future founded on peace and on the respect of different identities – Michele Capasso”.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 5 January 2000

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic, ITALY

Minister Dini guided the Italian action aimed at preparing and holding the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial meeting on 3rd and 4th June 1998 in Palermo, which restored confidence in the principles and intervention programme set forth in the Barcelona Declaration of 28th November 1995. While reaffirming the absolute priority of Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the regional promotion of an area of peace and shared prosperity, the message coming from Palermo showed, as guideline, the supportive commitment to contrast and remove the causes of instability of political, economic, social and cultural nature. Minister Dini, by asserting the concept of global stability, contributed to the acceptation of this guideline in an action able to accelerate the efforts for a rapid conclusion of a Euro-Mediterranean Charter for peace and stability. Strictly in accordance with this objective, he supported, as a protagonist, the re-launching of dialogue with Libya also in view of favouring the conditions for revoking the sanctions adopted by the Security Council against this Country. It is important for the dialogue to be carried on patiently by all Parties and deepened with the highest mutual comprehension, wishing to fully involve Libya in the efforts to strengthen peace and stability in the region. In the same spirit as in Palermo and in support of the search for a general pacification of the Mediterranean, the visit made in July 1998 to Algiers gave an important contribution, by testifying the existence of a dialogue for a closer cooperation with a Country so hardly affected by a tragic terrorist violence.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 5 January 1999

President of the Republic of MACEDONIA

A great figure of European anti-fascism and of the war of liberation in the Balkans, Gligorov is the political man who, by his action and prestige within the Yugoslav Federation, has managed to contain a tragic downfall of other similar regimes in Europe. In his acts and writings he has always defended the principles of human rights, of the equality of citizens, of a democratic expression even when these points of view were absolutely a minority. Under his leadership, Macedonia has fully participated in the spirit and practice of European agreement becoming the cornerstone of a policy aiming at the integration of South-Eastern Europe into the framework of European Union. This Award is meant to acknowledge the clear views, the political consistency and determination, as well as the courage always shown by Gligorov, since the constitution of the new post-war Yugoslav situation, in affirming the same fundamental ideas even when they were not in accordance with current policy. Ideas and principles of which he and his Country have become an example.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 5 January 1998