07 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Mediterranean Award "Environment and Co-Development" The Environmentalist American Tom Fox, the "guru" who has turned the water front of New York, received from the hands of the President and the Mayor of Naples Capasso De Magistris the "Mediterranean Prize for 2013 to the environment."
Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Peace" To Isola di Lampedusa (Italia) Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Interreligious Dialogue" Naples, 04 January 2013 |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition 2013" President Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen) has been the architect of constructive dialogue in the fraught peace process between Israel and Palestine. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy Awarding Ceremony |
The “Rita Allamprese” Mediterranean Award for Children Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award for Institutions Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award for Culture Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award for Media To Alessio Romenzi (Italy) Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award for Cultural Heritage Naples, 04 January 2013 |
The "Raffaele Capasso" Mediterranean Award for Legality To Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto (Italy) Awarding Ceremony |
The Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour for Architecture He has been incisive and profession in the execution of his architectural work as well as in his relationships with light. His works, especially the "Light of the Mediterranean", are permeated with “Mediterraneanity” and combine the culture of architecture with rigour and lighting technology in compliance with the memory of place, the utility of spaces and the needs of individuals. Awardin Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award for Civil Society For having contributed to integration and cooperation among young people in Palestine and other countries by undertaking precise actions to restore dignity and prestige to Palestine, as well as giving hope to young people for a future with peace, solidarity and mutual respect. Undertaking careful reforms for the inclusion of young Palestinians is just one concrete example of good practice. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award for Energy and Sustainable Development ENI is a total energy–based company committed to increasing its activities in research, transport, transformation and sale of petroleum and natural gas and its history is firmly rooted in the Mediterranean. Day after day, men and women from Eni continue to develop their passion for challenges, progress and excellence. Their fundamental values are directed towards people, the environment and integrity. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Cinema" 2013 a Vincent Dieutre Vincent Dieutre has lived in New York and Rome before turning to film. Author of numerous papers on the relationship between cinema and contemporary art, teaches at the Department of Cinema at the University of Paris VII. From filmmaker explores the "boundary between documentary and fiction-car." Awarding Ceremony |
The Mediterranean Cinema Award a “Deda” (waiting for mum) At the Trieste Film Festival, with whom the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been collaborating since1995, the 2013 Mediterranean Cinema Award for the best short film was awarded to “Deda” (Waiting for Mum) by Nana Ekvtimishvili. The film focuses on a man’s voice calling his mother and was awarded by a jury of young people. Awarding Ceremony |
The Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour Naples, 04 January 2013 |
The Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour Naples, 04 January 2013 |
The Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" for Social Services The Mediterranean Foundation gave the Institute the award in memory of the student Melissa Bassi brutally murdered. The President of the Institute, Rosanna Maci, expressed his recognition for this award and his personal admiration for the work done in recent years by the Fondazione Mediterraneo, adhering to the plan drawn up by the latter to achieve the "Totem of Peace" Brindisi, dedicated to Melissa Netherlands. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 04 January 2013 |
The Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour Awarding Ceremony |
The Mediterranean Award for Social Solidarity a Associazione Jerry Essan Masslo (Italy) Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award “Memoriae” To Raffaele Arcella (Italy) Awarding Ceremony |
Euromed Award a House of Tales and Music Jordan La House of Tales and Music (Jordan) rappresentata da Rabeea Najm Al-Din Al-Naser è il vincitore dell’Euro-Med Award 2013-2014. La Cerimonia di assegnazione si è svolta a Vilnius presenti i Capofila delle 42 Reti Nazionali della Fondazione Anna Lindh ed ha visto la partecipazione di Andreu Claret, Direttore della Fondazione Anna Lindh, e di Michele Capasso, Presidente della Fondazione Mediterraneo che hanno consegnato il riconoscimento a Rabeea Najm Al-Din Al-Naser.
Awarding Ceremony |