In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.

This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world.

Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).



During a video link to Fes and CMIESI directed by prof. Abdelah Azzozuzi, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso has announced the award of the "Mediterranean Award" to Dr. Jamal Sanad Al - Suwaidi, this Fes.
The solemn ceremony of delivery of the Prize will take place April 27, 2014.

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On the occasion of the visit of President Barack Obama in Italy, the Mediterranean, the Foundation announced the award by the international jury of the "Mediterranean Prize for Peace 2014".
The U.S. Ambassador to Italy John Phillips expressed the appreciation of his country and President Obama for the prestigious award: the ceremony with the presentation of the monumental work "Totem of Peace" by Mario Molinari at the White House will take place in the coming months Washington.
President Obama, during his visit to Italy, praised the Italian foreign policy for the central role assigned to the Mediterranean "- sign says Obama - who wants to strengthen the leadership that Italy already exercises in the Mediterranean from Lebanon to Libya."

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On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of his death, he was assigned to the memory of Don Peppino Diana the "Mediterranean Award for the legality Raffaele Capasso" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World".
On this occasion, present the family of Don Peppino Diana and representatives of the "Diana Don Committee" led by Renato Natale and Valerio Taglione, has been traced the human experience of the priest - a symbol of the fight against crime and the mafia. Were screened movies, and trailers of fiction "for the sake of his people ."
Present at the ceremony, the President of FM Michele Capasso, Vice-President Caterina Arcidiacono, the institutional relationship manager Claudio Azzolini, responsible and creative young Pia Molinari, the Min.Pl. Enrico Granara representing the RIDE and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mayor of Procida Vincenzo Capezzuto with President Luigi Muro, the mayor of Furore Raffaele Ferraioli with the City Council to complete and members of the networks of the Mediterranean Foundation.

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The island of Procida received the "Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" for the realization of the "Totem of Peace" which will shortly be inaugurated before the complex of Santa Margherita Nuova.
To withdraw recognition from the Mayor Vincenzo Capezzuto with City Council President Luigi Muro, Councillor Maria Capodanno and a delegation of citizens of Procida.
Present at the ceremony, the President of FM Michele Capasso, Vice-President Caterina Arcidiacono, the institutional relationship manager Claudio Azzolini, responsible and creative young Pia Molinari, the Min.Pl. Enrico Granara representing the RIDE and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the mayor of Furore Raffaele Ferraioli with the City Council to complete and members of the networks of the Mediterranean Foundation.
On this occasion Procida has been designated by the International Committee of the Award "Island of Peace".

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The Furore received the Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" for the realization of the "Totem of Peace" which will shortly be opened on the main hairpin Parkway "Village of Art".
To withdraw recognition from the Mayor of Furore Raffaele Ferraioli with the City Council to complete.
Present at the ceremony, the President of FM Michele Capasso, Vice-President Caterina Arcidiacono, the institutional relationship manager Claudio Azzolini, responsible and creative young Pia Molinari, the Min.Pl. Enrico Granara representing the RIDE and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mayor of Procida Vincenzo Capezzuto with the President of the Municipal Council Luigi Muro, Councillor Maria Capodanno and a delegation of citizens of Procida and other members of the networks of the Mediterranean Foundation.
On this occasion Furore has been designated by the International Committee of the Award "Village of Peace" .

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