In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.

This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world.

Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).



During a ceremony at the Fondazione Mediterraneo headquarters was assigned to S.A.R. Prince Turki at Faisal al Saud, president of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, the "Mediterranean Award Diplomacy 2015".
He has delivered the prize consisting of Mario Molinari's "Totem of Peace", president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso.
At the ceremony, among others, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Italy Rayed Khalid A. Krimly, Ambassador of Tunisia to Italy Naceur Mestiri, Catherine Arcidiacono, Vice-President of the Mediterranean Foundation, Admiral Inspector Captain Felicio Angrisano, Commander General of the Body of the Ports of Capitals - Coast Guard, Antonio Capuano, Professor of Tor Vergata University, Admiral Antonio Basile, Commissioner of the Port Authority of Naples and Men and Women of the Coast Guard Antonio Capuano, Professor of the University of Tor Vergata.
In his speech President Capasso traced a profile of Prince Turki to Faisal al Saud, emphasizing the role of a great strategist and diplomat whose experience is a reference for the entire world.
After reading his speech on international politics, Prince Turki at Faisal al Saud thanked for the high recognition "received by one of the most prestigious institutions in the world, the Mediterranean Foundation."
The Mediterranean Award is awarded in collaboration with the most important international organizations and with the RIDE - Italian Network for the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue.


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The Sicilian journalist Paolo Borrometi was appointed with the “Mediterranean Award 2015”.
Paolo Borrometi, graduated in law, is a journalist of  Italian Journalistic Agency (AGI) and director of the journalistic website La
Borrometi is engaged for years in the struggle against the organized criminality and due to the several threats is compelled to live with bodyguards, and in the past was also victim of a physical aggression which caused a permanent damage to his shoulder.
The “Mediterranean Award” 2015  assigned to Borrometi was  in the field of “Legality” and is dedicated to “Raffaele Capasso”.
Borrometi follows – among the others- Pino Daniele, Don Ciotti, Fondazione CaponnettoPietro Grasso and (to the memory) don Giuseppe Diana.
The engagement of Paolo Borrometi was highlighted- during a meeting with the Italian ambassador of San Marino Barbara Bergato – by the founder and president of  Fondazione “Mediterraneo”, promoter of peace Michele Capasso, and by Salvatore Càlleri,  president of Caponetto Foundation.
Paolo Borrometi thanked for the initiative and promoted the daily engagement for legality and contrast again all mafia.

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The conclusive ceremony of the 36th Training Anti -terrorism and Preparation to Job, for Inspectors, Supervisors and Customs Officers, took place in the “Monte Grappa” barracks, headquarters of the Orvieto Training and Specialization Centre of Financial Guard. The newly promoted Baschi Verdi solemnly wore the hat representing the military unit and its functions, at the presence of the Inspector for the Financial Guard Academies Gen. Giorgio Toschi, the Commander of the Centre Col. Giorgio Giombetti and civil and military High Authorities. During the ceremony, the salute was given to Col. Giombetti, which will leave the “Monte Grappa” barracks in the next few days, after have been in charge of the Centre for four years and will take up an important role at the General Command.

At the end of the ceremony of the 36th training course for green berets in Orvieto, president Michele Capasso along with Salvatore Calleri, president of the Caponnetto Foundation, communicated to the Inspector for the Financial Guard Academies Gen. Giorgio Toschi and the Commander of the Centre Col. Giorgio Giombetti the decision of the Jury of the Mediterranean Award to give the prize for Institution to the Baschi Verdi, in honour of their loyalty in the anti- terrorism struggle.

During its twenty years of existence, the prize has been given three times to an Italian Military Unit: “Military School Nunziatella” (2012), the Coast Guard (2014) and the Baschi Verdi of the Financial Guard” (2015).

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