Mediterranean Awards

In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.

This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world.

Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).



It was assigned to prof. Corrado Perricone the "Mediterranean Award for Science and Research 2021".
The members of the international juries awarded the Prize to prof. Corrado Perricone - hematologist former member of the Superior Health Council - for his scientific commitment since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic and for the exceptional nature of a long life path that testifies to his rigorous scientific message aimed at safeguarding life human in this difficult moment in the history of humanity. The professor. Perricone was among the authors of the "Appeal for the cooperation of all against Covid 19" proposed by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and by institutions of various countries.
During a ceremony at the Museum of Peace - MAMT they intervened to pay homage to prof. Perricone, the president of the Order of Doctors - Surgeons and Dentists of Naples and the Province prof. Bruno Zuccarelli, colleagues, students and representatives of Mediterranean countries who have been able to save lives thanks also to the indications of prof. Perricone during the pandemic.
The Award had been announced to prof. Perricone on March 25, 2021.

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The "MEDITERRANEAN AWARD MEDAL OF HONOR FOR SCIENCES AND RESEARCH 2021" consisting of the work "Totem of Peace" by the sculptor Mario Molinari was awarded to Dr. Giuseppe D'Antonio.
In the motivation we read how the recognition was awarded for having been able to combine the mission of doctor with the rigor of the surgeon, dedicating himself with competence, passion and dedication especially to the most needy people in particular in the period of the pandemic.
The award was presented by the president of the Order of Doctors - Surgeons and Dentists of Naples and the Province Dr.
Bruno Zucarelli.

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The "MEDITERRANEAN AWARD MEDAL OF HONOR FOR SCIENCE AND RESEARCH 2021" consisting of the work "Totem of Peace" by the sculptor Mario Molinari was awarded to Dr. Fabio Perricone.
The motivation reads how the recognition was awarded for having been able to combine the soul of an artist with the profession of a doctor, dedicating himself with attention and dedication to supporting scientific activity during the pandemic period.
Dr. Perricone thanked by recalling his father Corrado's teaching in the practice of the profession of medco to help others with humanity.

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The "MEDITERRANEAN AWARD MEDAL OF HONOR FOR SCIENCE AND RESEARCH 2021" consisting of the work "Totem of Peace" by the sculptor Mario Molinari was awarded to Dr. Giovanna Maisto.
The motivation reads how the recognition was awarded for the efforts made in the study in the immunological and hematological fields.
President Zuccarelli recalled the 40 doctors who were victims of Covid 19, an example of dedication and sacrifice to help others.

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It was communicated to prof. Corrado Perricone the award of the "Mediterranean Prize for Science and Research 2021".
On March 25, 2021, a webinar from the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, a meeting was held to communicate the prize awarded to prof. Corrado Perricone - hematologist former member of the Superior Health Council - for his scientific commitment since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic and for the exceptional nature of a long life path that testifies to his rigorous scientific message aimed at safeguarding life human in this difficult moment in the history of humanity, victim of the pandemic.
The professor. Perricone was among the authors of the "Appeal for the cooperation of all against Covid 19" proposed by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and by institutions of various countries
The award ceremony will take place on June 14 at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace and the Mediterranean.

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Mediterranean Award "Special Edition"
all'Ordine dei Medici - Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Napoli e Provincia

For the dedication and commitment shown by doctors in Naples and the Province during the Covid 19 pandemic, saving lives.                                

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 june 2021

Mediterranean Award "Science and Research"
to Corrado Perricone
Haematologist, former member of the Consiglio Superiore di Sanità and director of the Immunohaematology Service of the A.O.R.N. "Santobono Pausilipon Annunziata" - ITALY

For having devoted his life to the protection and respect of human life, dedicating his scientific and research activity to the solution of diseases, including rare ones.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 june 2021

Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour for Science and Research"
to Giuseppe D'Antonio
Doctor - ITALY

For having been able to combine the mission of a doctor with the rigor of a surgeon, dedicating himself with competence, passion and dedication especially to the most needy people, especially in the period of the pandemic.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 june 2021

Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour for Science and Research"
to Maria Rosaria Lupome
Biologist - ITALY

In recognition of his unstinting activity with passion, love, competence and dedication in the field of coagulation: in particular in the study of genetic thrombophilia.
In recognition of an extraordinary professional career at the service of the Common Good and of scientific research, particularly in the difficult period of the pandemic.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 june 2021

Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour for Science and Research"
to Giovanna Maisto
Biologist - ITALY

In recognition of his commitment to the study of immunology and hematology. In recognition of a professional activity at the service of scientific research, in particular during the difficult period of the pandemic.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 june 2021

Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour for Science and Research"
to Fabio Perricone
Gynecologist and Reproductive Medicine Specialist - ITALY

For having been able to combine the soul of an artist with the profession of a doctor, devoting herself with attention and dedication in supporting the scientific activity during the pandemic period.
In recognition of a career full of achievements, in particular, the scientific and human contribution given in the difficult period of the pandemic.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 june 2021

In full compliance with the distancing and protection rules for Covid 19, the award ceremony of the "Mediterranean Award 2020" was held at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples, which inaugurated the celebratory activities for the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo .
Recognized among the most important awards thanks also to the quality of the juries representing 43 Euro-Mediterranean countries, this edition of the Award saw the assignment of a new section called "City of dialogue".
On this occasion, the artist Ciccio Merolla performed in a concert of "Music for Peace" with the special instruments that characterize his art.
Great recognition by guests from various countries

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In full compliance with the distancing and protection rules for Covid 19, the award ceremony of the "Mediterranean Award 2020" was held at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples, which inaugurated the celebratory activities for the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo .
On this occasion, the plaque of honor was awarded to the "Library and Monumental Complex of the GIrolamini of Naples".
The president of the Mediterranean Foundation prof. Michele Capasso presented the new director of the Library and the Monumental Complex of the Girolamini of Naples dr.ssa Antonella Cucciniello, who withdrew the plaque from the hands of prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra, member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, on behalf of the Cenacle of culture and science

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