In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.

This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world.

Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).



At a ceremony attended by 600 members of the Chouala Association, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, accompanied by Driss Guerraoui (a member of the executive committee), awarded the  “2012 Mediterranean Award for Civil Societyto the Chouala Association represented by its Mohamed Amadi and Abdelmaksoud Rachdi.

President Capasso emphasized the essential role play by the Chouala Association in 1975 and the value of the “Totem for Peace” as a symbol of the World Movement for Democracy.

In the presence of the Mayor of Rabat Qualalou and other regional representatives, President Capasso asserted that “The Totem for Peace” by sculptor Molinari would be created in Rabat with the colours of the Moroccan flag as a symbol of law and democracy.

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The Awards Ceremony for the “2012 Mediterranean Award for Institutions” was held on Thursday 31 May 2012, at 3:30 pm, at the NUNZIATELLA MILITARY ACADEMY.

On that occasion, the monumental work, “Totem for Peace” by sculptor Mario Molinari was placed in front of the Main Hall of the School

The Commander of the School, Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto, spoke at the ceremony expressing his personal appreciation for this initiative. The Academy considered it an honour to receive such a coveted award.

Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, dedicated the award to all the students attending the ceremony, reminding them of its ethical value at this moment in time.

Pia Molinari, board member of the Fondazione and director of the project “Totem for Peace” also attended the ceremony, together with Vittorio di Pace, senior member of the former pupils of the Nunziatella Academy and member of the Fondazione, and Claudio Azzolini, director of institutional relations for the  Fondazione Mediterraneo.

The students of the 222nd course, dressed in ceremonial uniform for the occasion,  paid tribute to the “Totem for Peace” together with the former pupils led by Giuseppe Catenacci.

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The  “2012 Mediterranean Award for Institutions” was awarded to the  “NunziatellaMilitary Academy in Naples at two ceremonies that took place to celebrate the traditional Mak p 100 for the pupils of the 222nd Course. The General Commander of the Military Academy of Modena, Division General, Massimiliano De Casale, presided over the ceremony at which the  Prefect of Naples Andrea De Martino, the Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris and representatives from Civil and military Authorities spoke. The Patroness of the ceremony was the Councillor for Culture for the Region of Campania, Prof. Caterina Miraglia.
A solemn ceremony was observed before the banners of the Region of Campania, the Province of Naples and the Municipality of Naples to award the “Mediterranean Award for Institutions”. The Commander of the “Nunziatella” Military Academy, Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto , received the Totem for Peace, a sculpture by Mario Molinari from the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, accompanied for the occasion by  Pia Molinari.


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