With a solemn ceremony that took place at the Fair Centre in Cairo, the Mediterranean Book Awards were assigned, in the presence of the members of the International Jury and of the institutional delegates.

Born as an issuing of the "Mediterranean Prize", it has the aim of awarding translation, edition, promotion, diffusion and spread of the works, contributing to a better acquaintance with the “other”, considering the variation and the vitality of the literary form of the research and of the contemporary debates on the two shores. This way it will be possible to favour interchanges and open debates to a larger Mediterranean public.

Animated by the will to make possible the dialogue between languages, cultures and thoughts of the two shores, and, more generally, the dialogue about universal values, the Prize has the promotion of the cultural interaction as a fundamental principle.
As a true bridge between the two shores, the prize let the western reader to read reference works of the thought of the northern shore in his own language and makes accessible to the European reader a often unknown side of the Literature and of the contemporary thought of the southern shore, basically the Arabic one.

The Mediterranean Book Awards assigned to Tiziano Terzani, Giuseppe Conte and Galassia Gutenberg were bestowed in Naples on March the 17th 2007, during the XVIII Edition of the Book Fair Galassia Gutenberg.


