Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, representing the Monastery Mar Musa (Syria) was awarded ”for its contribution in promoting mutual respect among population believing in different religions and creeds.”
The ceremony was organized on occasion of the 4th Meeting of the Leaders of the National Networks of “Anna Lindh” Foundation in Tampere.

After the director Shoefthaler and president Capasso’s praises, Father Paolo Dall’Oglio spoke about the inter-religious dialogue stating that mediation, moderation and transparency – together with an exceptional perseverance – have to be the foundations on which to build religious, cultural and social interaction in religion.

The Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tuomioja closed the ceremony assuring Finland commitment in favor of the dialogue, mutual understanding and integration of migratory flows. Diplomats representing the Euro-Mediterranean countries took part in the ceremony.

Euromed Award | Brochure | Press release | Press | Speech by Tuomioja | Deir Mar Musa