During the decennial anniversary of the partnership’s agreements, the Fondazione Mediterraneo awarded the Barcelona Process the "Mediterranean Award for Dialogue between Cultures 2005".
The award has been assigned to the leaders of the 35 national networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation “as a good omen for the engagement these actors must carry out towards the European Union and the 35 Euro-Mediterranean countries” to underline its symbolic meaning.

President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso stated also – with the leaders’ approval – that starting by next year this session of the prize will be called "Euro-Mediterranean Award for Dialogue between Cultures" and it will be awarded together by the Fondazione and the ALF with a jury made up of all national networks’ members headed by the leaders of Malta, Cyprus and Italy.

The Head of the Palestinian Network, representing all the national networks, thanked President Capasso for this important action that gathers together organizations coming from different cultures and Countries.

Reasons | Press release | Press | Accordo FM-ALF per Euromed Award EN FR