Mediterranean Awards
In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.
This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world. Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).
06 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
AL ARABIYA - 2015 Per aver contribuito con la sua rete in tutto il mondo – attraverso i canali in varie lingue – a diffondere gli eventi più significativi della regione euromediterranea, affidando alla tempestività dell’informazione ed alla sintesi delle notizie un ruolo essenziale per testimoniare accadimenti importanti, specialmente quelli concernenti la "Primavera Araba". La Cerimonia di Assegnazione |
to memory of SIMONE CAMILLI - 2014 Reporter, ITALY War. Awarding Ceremnoy |
ALESSIO ROMENZI - 2013 Awarding Ceremony |
MIKA YAMAMOTO - 2012 “Per aver sacrificato, a 45 anni, la propria vita – colpita a morte durante uno scontro ad Aleppo tra ribelli e soldati dell’esercito siriano – con lo spirito di informare il mondo sui crimini contro l’umanità affinché queste barbarie vengano impedite in un mondo che si considera civile e sostenitore dei diritti umani e della pace”. Presentation Awarding Ceremony |
PINO BLASI - 2012 Dieci anni al "Mattino", quasi trent'anni alla Rai. Nell'azienda di Stato, per quattordici anni, ha diretto il telegiornale regionale della Campania e, sempre sulla terza rete della Rai, ha curato la vita di cinque settimanali televisivi. Dal 2006, presso l'Università di Salerno, ha la responsabilità dei Corsi della Scuola di Giornalismo che, nei bienni 2006-2008 e 2008-2010, si sono attestati ai primi posti della graduatoria italiana dell'Ordine nazionale dei Giornalisti. Onestà della notizia, coerenza professionale, limpida etica personale: queste sono in sintesi le direttrici e i segni lungo i quali Blasi cerca di fare crescere i giovani che amano il mondo dell'informazione. Con la sua azione coniuga professionalità, rigore, competenza e valori etici e umani affinché siano vissuti con gioia dai giovani praticanti, che decisamente aspirano a svolgere, per un possibile migliore futuro, la qualificante e delicata avventura di un moderno e valido giornalismo.
PAOLO MIELI - 2011 Journalist, ITALY Per aver contribuito a diffondere i valori della cultura e delle religioni dello spazio euromediterraneo quali capisaldi per la libertà di religione e per i diritti umani. In tale contesto si è battuto per un’etica dell’informazione capace di assicurare obiettività di giudizio ed quilibrio nella comunicazione. |
CNN - 2011 Emittente televisiva, USA Per aver contribuito con la sua rete in tutto il mondo a diffondere gli eventi più significativi della regione euromediterranea, affidando alla tempestività dell’informazione un ruolo essenziale per testimoniare la verità degli accadimenti.
AL-JAZEERA - 2010 It is one of the most important means of communication and information in the world, mainly aiming at promoting fair information between the Arab and Western Worlds. By news and comments not subject to particular interests, in the global complexity of the events, it has always tried to find their causes, with the aim to give rise to an independent and mature reflection. Awarding Ceremony
LA VANGUARDIA - 2010 For spreading, with balance and precision, information about the main issues and problems of the Euro-Mediterranean area and for supporting the project of the Union for the Mediterranean contributing, by an accurate and objective analysis, to the designation of Barcelona as headquarters of the Coordination Secretariat.
Awarding Ceremony
El Pais - 2009 El Pais is a newspaper animated by political, human and social passions and it is involved, since its birth, in reporting global news. Spreading information and comments, especially on the Euro‑Mediterranean region, El Pais goes beyond the facts, searching for their causes and effects.
Awarding Ceremony
IL DENARO - 2008 For its role of constant involvement in economic political and cultural information in the Euro-Mediterranean context. Media partner of the association Europa Mediterranea, through special pages and in collaboration with the main press agencies – such as Ansamed – Il Denaro has become a leader as to the events occurring in the Greater Mediterranean, embodying the values of discussion, dialogue and interaction among cultures. By its action, it contributed to make Naples a nodal Euro-Mediterranean reference centre, by disseminating – with objectivity and precision – news and through reportages about the Countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region. Awarding Ceremony
IBRAHIM EL MOALLEM - 2007 He has a role of constant guide in the Arab World spreading the principles of freedom and equality through the publishing of thousands of writings which gave visibility to a thousand voices of the South Shore. From Naguib Mahfouz to Alaa Al-Aswani, the more significant writers of the Arab World found in Ibrahim El Moallem a channel of information through which it was possible to diffuse in the Arab World and all around the World frescos of lives which emphasized affinities among different cultures, contributing to a real knowledge and a mutual respect. Awarding Ceremony
AL-HAYAT - 2006 This Pan‑Arab newspaper deals with current problems and underlines the importance of dialogue and mutual understanding. It deeply analyzes and spreads news witnessing how the Arab-Muslim world changes. It also considers culture to be an important and indispensable instrument to bring societies together.
Awarding Ceremony
LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE - 2005 Monthly magazine motivated by human and social emotions, yet with an open mind, “Le Monde Diplomatique” has for half a century, by news and comments not subject to partisan interests, sought to report the causes and forces that direct and drive political events. Its action has provoked an independent reflection, making it a leader in mutual understanding, justice and peace. Awarding Ceremony
ANSAMED - 2005 It is playing an essential role – with timeliness, completeness and reliability – in the field of Euro-Mediterranean information with the aim of re-launching and spreading a positive image of the Mediterranean, an area of opportunities and development with roots in a millenary history of relationships and exchanges, as well as with the aim of combating the stereotype of a region characterized by political and social tensions and constantly threatened by terrorism. Moreover, it has undertaken an initiative which, starting from the heritage of experiences and relations of the most important Italian Press Agency, wishes to be the point of encounter and reference for all those who work, at the political, economic, social and cultural level, believing in the possibility to develop a dialogue and a mutual knowledge among the Countries of the region in view of an increasingly close and profitable Integration. Awarding Ceremony
AL-BAYANE - 2004 Journalism is a constant, difficult and quite often risky commitment but it is an essential instrument for the development of a democratic society. The Award to “Al Bayane” is meant to emphasize the activity of this great journal in a moment of transition involving all Islamic societies, among which Moroccan society represents one of the most delicate points of passage. In the alternation of Governments – wanted by H.M. Hassan II as an essential mark of the democratisation process – “Al Bayane”, with its political director Ismail Alaoui, has contributed and still contributes to spread the values of dialogue and peace. Awarding Ceremony
"MEDITERRANEO" - 2003 Manifold instruments are needed to support the dialogue among Mediterranean peoples, among which communication is undoubtedly one of the most important. The prize awarded to the weekly TV programme Mediteranneo produced by the RAI editorial office of Palermo, is a symbol of the acknowledgment for a press group that has been trying to meet this need for more than ten years, acting in favour of dialogue and Euro-Mediterranean communication and answering to the appeal for peace in former Yugoslavia launched by the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo since 1994. Today it is the only weekly TV programme, not just Italian, allowing to watch simultaneously, in a cost-effective and creative way, the RAI, France 3 and, since last February, the Spanish TV RTve. It is broadcast in 11 countries of the Mediterranean Basin and Latin America. Its editorial staff started to produce news services and reports almost two years ago for Rai Med, the only satellite channel, both in Italian and Arabic, watched in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Giancarlo Licata is responsible for both initiatives originated and developed within the Testata Giornalistica Regionale, which has been capable of seizing the importance of dialogue among peoples and the different press teams better than any other national media. Awarding Ceremony
VITTORIO NISTICÒ - 2002 Journalism follows and tells everyday and historical events. It is rare for a newspaper to enter history becoming an Integral part of It. This is the case of “L’Ora”, prestigious newspaper of Palermo and Italy, during the long season when it was directed by Vittorio Nisticò. It is an example in the history of Italian and Mediterranean journalism. By his recent book “It happened in Sicily: the roaring years of Palermo newspaper ‘L’Ora’“, published by Sellerio, Nisticò reports on crucial events in Sicily as well as on the story of the newspaper and of its extraordinary community of journalists trained with Integrity and courage and with a hunger for the truth. Awarding Ceremony
EL MUNDO - 2002 Journalism has become an essential need to us. It involves, among other things, effort and sacrifice. Sometimes sacrifice goes to the extreme and deserves our deepest appreciation. This Award to “El Mundo” is the expression of our acknowledgment to a newspaper which, through the recent sacrifice of Julio Fuentes, has demonstrated how difficult it is to satisfy a priority need of our world: to be informed, which means above all awareness in transparency. Awarding Ceremony
CORRIERE DELLA SERA - 2002 Following the tradition of journalists like Albertini, the Corriere della Sera has been able to maintain a balanced stance among opposing passions and ideologies so as to represent the events in a more objective light which not only helps to better understand such events but also to make a constructive reflection on them. To achieve this aim, correspondents have travelled across the world, sometimes without coming back, and a great contribution has also been given by the editorial staff with its constant, patient, unanimous and anonymous work. Awarding Ceremony
IGOR MAN - 2000 During the solemn "rentrée" of the United States of the World, a ceremony was held to present the "Mediterranean Information Award" to journalist Igor Man, one of the most important experts on the Arab world. On this occasion, the decree of appointment as "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was handed over. Awarding Ceremony
06 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
In 2005 the Fondazione Mediterraneo in partnership with the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures - of which the FM is Head of the Italian Network - decided to launch a special category of the ‘Mediterranean Award’ entitled the Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue Between Cultures. This decision was taken unanimously by the Heads of the 35 National Networks during the meeting held in Barcelona on the 27th of November 2005 to celebrate the “Year of the Mediteranean” and the tenth anniversary of the Euromed Partnership.
HOUSE OF TALES AND MUSIC - 2013 Awarding Ceremony |
TEATRO VALLE OCCUPATO - 2012 Awarding Ceremony |
DEVELOPMENT NO BORDERS - 2011 Awarding Ceremony |
Ecopeace Friends of the Earth Middle East - 2010 Founded by environmentalists coming from Palestine, Jordan and Israel and by members of Friends of the Earth International, the largest organization of environmentalists in the world, FoEME is an organization of civil society, which carries out research projects and promotes dialogue beyond borders for the ecological sustainability in the region, fair sharing of Jordan Valley and fair peace. Awarding Ceremony |
Combatants for Peace - 2009 “Combatants for Peace”, a civil movement jointly established by Palestinian and Israeli individuals, is the Winner of the Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures 2009. The Award, which is bestowed and voted by the members of the Anna Lindh Foundation’s networks of civil society present in forty-three countries, recognizes this year the contribution of organizations and individuals in promoting a culture of peace and coexistence in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.
Awarding Ceremony |
Rima Maroun - 2008 The theme chosen by the Jury is “Dialogue through Art” and the Award has been granted to the Lebanese photographer Rima Maroun because she communicates, through her works, a message of peace and coexistence. Her compositions, with life images, even of wounded subjects or of victims of the endless civil war that troubles Lebanon, reflect an unusual sensitiveness, whose highest point of expression can be found in the exhibition “Murmures”: 14 multiple works where children and women are portrayed in front of a wall. A symbol that does not only mean “obstacle” but, above all, a spur to overcome the challenges everyone is confronted with. Awarding Ceremony |
Rodi Kratsa Tsagaropoulou e Jan Willems - 2007 The two ex aequo winners for this edition, Rodi Kratsa Tsagaropoulou and Jan Willems, have been working at two different but equally important levels in favour of women empowerment: Mr. Willems at the grassroots level, through his artistic talent and activities; and Ms. Kratsa at the institutional level, promoting equal opportunities policies in the European Parliament and in the Euro‑Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly. Awarding Ceremony |
Monastery Mar Musa - 2006 The Prize was awarded to the Monastery for its contribution in promoting mutual respect among population believing in different religions and creeds. Deir Mar Musa is a religious community founded by father Paolo Dall’Oglio in 1991. Its aim is to establish and keep up positive relations between Christians and Muslims. In the community there are men and women coming from different Countries and having different faiths who live the mutual experience to share the richness of their diversity through dialogue. Awarding Ceremony |
Barcelona Process - 2005 The Fondazione Mediterraneo has granted the ’Mediterranean Award for Dialogue between Cultures 2005’ to Barcelona Process on the occasion of the 10 th anniversary of partnership agreements. Just to emphasize its symbolic meaning, the acknowledgement has been attributed to the heads of the 35 national networks of Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation as auspicious for the commitment to be undertaken by these actors on behalf of the European Union and of the 35 Euro-Mediterranean Countries in a difficult and indispensable action for peace. Awarding Ceremony
06 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" For the dedication and commitment shown by the doctors of Naples and Province during the Covid 19 pandemic, saving lives. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" Historical truth, old and new difficulties preventing the peace process serve to strengthen his determination to consider peace as the imperative basis for the future of the Mediterranean and the world. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" for Peace Education- 2016 Per l’attività in favore della Pace e della concordia tra i popoli del mondo, svolta dalla Famiglia Salesiana, in particolare nei luoghi dove imperversa la guerra: proprio qui i Salesiani costituiscono, spesso, l’unico punto di riferimento per uomini e donne appartenenti a fedi diverse. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" - 2013 President Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen) has been the architect of constructive dialogue in the fraught peace process between Israel and Palestine. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" - 2011 to Luigi De Magistris Mayor of Naples, ITALY Naples is one of the great capitals, which, during the course of history, has been able to “Think European” and “Breathe in a Mediterranean Way”. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" - 2009 to Fès Festival of World Sacred Music President Mohammed Kabbaj, MAROCCO The Fez Festival of World Sacred Music represents one of the most important events in the world for the promotion of dialogue among different societies, cultures and religions. Thanks to the work of Mohammed Kabbaj it is an instrument for the construction of development and peace through the creation of a great coalition of shared values and interests. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" - 2007 to S.M. Rania Al-Abdullah Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of JORDAN For Her constant work in defending the rights of children and safeguarding those of future generations, for Her commitment to endorsing women’s rightful role in society, attaining their legal and civil rights, protecting the education of young women and finally for Her constant engagement to integrate the different components of Arab societies into the global process. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" - 2005 to Hasna El Becharia Singer, ALGERIA A free and upright woman, Hasna comes from the South of the Algerian Sahara. Daughter of a family of gnawi musicians, she performs pop music mixed with her own compositions, accompanied by electric or classic guitar or by guembri. Her music expresses different artistic and spiritual forms and, at the same time, in a play of background and mutual protagonism, it allows different individual expressions and the synergy of an expert choral quality, producing different rhythms and tunes, where the aim of a common concert is only possible thanks to the motivation of a production where the ensemble is not given by a succession of reciprocally tolerant pieces. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Special Edition" - 2003 to Naguib Mahfouz Nobel Prize for Literature, EGYPT For the intensity of his inspiration and the quality of his style. Because through his art he has portrayed, with true emotion and integrity, the lives of humble inhabitants of the poorest neighbourhoods of his city. For his literary creativity which went beyond and has created for over fifty years a true “Arab human comedy”. For his capacity to go beyond the simple description of behaviours and habits and to transform it into an epopee of the human soul. For his courageous refusal of any fanaticism and exclusion. For the great contribution given to the international spreading of contemporary Arab literature. For his significant participation in the construction of a 21st Century humanism in the wake of Mediterranean historical knowledge. ****** “I get this acknowledgment from Michele Capasso: a ’peace builder’, able to turn the ’Love for Power’ into the ’Power of Love’”. Awarding Ceremony |
06 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy and Development" - 2018 The award was assigned Mohamed M. Abou El Enein for his efforts concerning the approximation of the Mediterranean peoples with regard to development; and exchanges. As an entrepreneur he is committed to valorization of the cultural and artistic heritage of Egypt and the countries Mediterranean waters of the South Bank. Naples, 09 November 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy" - 2015 For his efforts in reconciling peoples through the use of diplomacy and all acts of good will steering scientific production, enabling global fora and strategic studies reports disseminated and positively evaluated around the world, including the Mediterranean Region. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy" - 2014 For his efforts to reconciling peoples through the use of parallel diplomacy, which steers scientific production, global forums and strategic reports disseminated and estimated throughout the world, and, among others, in the Mediterranean area. His remarkable commitment reflects his desire to always achieve the alliance of civilizations, cultural diversity, and the principle of otherness among peoples. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy" - 2014 Diplomate français, il a été nommé ambassadeur en charge du processus Euromed en avril 2008 et a porté, et mis en place, au nom de la France, l’ensemble du corpus juridique, politique et administratif au cœur de la nou- velle initiative de l’Union pour la Méditerranée. Ce projet est désormais irréversible et, malgré les difficultés inhérentes à la région, devrait contribuer à favoriser la compréhension, le rapprochement, voire la convergence indispensable entre les 2 rives de la Méditerranée. Serge Telle est un des acteurs principaux pour faire sortir la Méditerranée de la marginalisation que dans les dernières années s’est considérablement aggravée. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy" - 2014 Admiral Felicio Angrisano, with the sincerity of a seafarer and the kindness of a Naval Officer, is, for His men and women as well as for the whole civil society, a great example of constant commitment fot the safeguard of human life aiming at a culture of Peace. Awarding Ceremony |
Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy" - 2013 to memoyo of Chris Stevens Ambassador of USA in Libia, USA For his innovative action in USA Mediterranean policy especially in Libya, where he was Ambassador. As an enthusiastic supporter of the Arab World, where he cultivated his love for Arabic and Muslim culture and society, he made every effort to accelerate the democratization process opening the door to freedom and justice. Naples, 04 January 2013 |
Hillary Rodham Clinton - 2012 Per la sua azione promotrice di una nuova politica degli USA nel Mediterraneo, grazie alla quale è stato possibile sostenere la "Primavera araba" ed iniziare il lungo cammino della democratizzazione dei Paesi arabi fondato sulla libertà e sulla solidarietà. Da sempre ha ritenuto che la Società Civile euromediterranea ha un ruolo essenziale nel processo di pace e nello sviluppo condiviso nella regione. Awarding Ceremony |
LEILA SHAHID - 2011 Per la sua azione in difesa dei diritti della Palestina e per il suo strenuo impegno per una pace duratura in Medio Oriente. Da sempre ha ritenuto che la Società Civile euromediterranea ha un ruolo essenziale nel processo di pace e nello sviluppo condiviso nella regione. Awarding Ceremony |
H.R.H. Wijdan Al-Hashemi - 2010 By her action, she has contributed to spread the image and the excellences of Jordan and of the Arab World at a global level. Art, creativity and youth are the focus of her action, aiming at promoting a new concept of cultural diplomacy, overcoming conflicts and tensions. Awarding Ceremony |
Carl Bildt - 2010 He is the expression of cultural and political integrity and of a pluralist and democratic conception matured through a long journey and a long reflection. He has worked to create in his Country juridical and political conditions in agreement with international policies, always respecting Human Rights. His diplomatic activity is characterized by a strong action relying on the knowledge and sharing of the different problems in order to reach a cultural and political integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region, where Sweden is a leading subject. Awarding Ceremony |
Ursula Plassnik - 2009 The Prize was awarded to the Minister Plassnik for her contribution in the promotion of the Euro-Arab dialogue through diplomatic initiatives able to build a coalition of shared values and interests with the full involvement of the Civil Society. Awarding Ceremony |
Massimo D'Alema - 2008 For his role in the UN Council concluded with the declaration against death sentences and for placing Italy, with the actions in Lebanon and other Countries, in the board of European interventions to establish peace in the Mediterranean and in the World. Thanks to his political action, Italian foreign policy regained credibility and respect in international field giving back to Italy an important role. Awarding Ceremony |
Erkki Tuomioja - 2007 “If our aim is a world of peaceful coexistence, then dialogue among cultures on a common ground is indispensable, a possible dialogue, especially in the region of the Greater Mediterranean, so that each culture can discover the reasons of the other: Finland is one of the main players in this process”. These are the words used to grant the Mediterranean Diplomacy Award 2007 to the Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs Erkki Tuomioja. Awarding Ceremony |
Mohamed Bedjaoui - 2006 Mohamed Bedjaoui is a model of both cultural and political integrity and of a pluralistic and democratic ideology, which is the final fruit of a long progress and deep reflection. He worked to achieve the political and juridical conditions of his Country in harmony with international policies and respecting human rights. His diplomatic activity is characterized by strong actions based on the understanding and sharing of different problems in order to come to a cultural and political integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Awarding Ceremony |
Miguel Angel Moratinos - 2004 His politics in favour of the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue laid the basis to re-launch the peace process for a shared development in the area. At the beginning as general director of the Spanish foreign policy for Africa and Middle East, then as special envoy of the European Union in the Middle East, Moratinos always carried out a diplomatic and political work of dialogue and mediation that avoided the worsening of the conflicts. Now, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, he is carrying out a concrete diplomatic action against prejudices and the global fear of terrorism, increasing social justice and multiculturalism, against the idea of Islam equal terrorism. Awarding Ceremony |
Paolo Pucci Di Benisichi - 2002-2003 For having demonstrated the common features and views of Italy and Spain. He retraced accurately the history connecting the two people and cultures and gave incentives to the two create a common strategy to re-launch the Barcelona Process for a stronger Euro- Mediterranean Partnership. Awarding Ceremony |
Nehad Abdel Latif - 2002 In a long and patient process he has built the bases for a strong Egyptian-Italian dialogue by solidifying the knowledge of the societies living on the two shores of the Mediterranean. He was one of the protagonists of the 2 nd Euromed Civil Forum of Naples In 1997, giving a constructive contribution for the cultural, economic and social cooperation. Awarding Ceremony |
06 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Mediterranean Award "Innovation and Quality of Life" - 2018 The award was assigned to Domenico De Masi, for his tireless and passionate research aimed at delineating transformations for a better future and to rebalance work commitments with the set of activities that enhance human existence. The intense and multiform action of Domenico De Masi is absolutely not due to a single disciplinary sector or national borders. Naples, 03 May 2018 |
06 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Corrado Beguinot - 2012 Per aver, nel suo lungo percorso, dedicato la propria vita alla ricerca scientifica ed alla sperimentazione progettuale nelle tematiche della pianificazione urbanistica territoriale, sfociate, a livello internazionale, all’ideazione e promozione della città europea interetnica cablata. Awarding Ceremony |
Alessandro Ortis - 2012 Professionista e uomo che si è dedicato e si dedica, con convinto impegno, nel promuovere istituzioni, organismi ed iniziative di particolare importanza per una sempre più avanzata collaborazione e coesione tra i Paesi del Mediterraneo. Awarding Ceremony |
Senen Florensa Palau - 2011
Emanuele Vittorio - 2011 Medico Odontoiatra Per la sua azione in favore del bene comune, attraverso il puntuale e rigoroso esercizio della professione di medico-odontoiatra. Naples, 23 september 2011 |
BAGNO ELENA di GIOVANNI MORRA Il Bagno Elena costituisce un simbolo ed un’eccellenza per Napoli, l’Italia e il Mediterraneo. Awarding Ceremony |
Alla memoria di GUIDO GRIMALDI Per aver contribuito attraverso la diffusione dei collegamenti marittimi e delle “Autostrade del Mare” – nel Mediterraneo e nel Mondo – a promuovere con lungimiranza quel “meticciato di civilta`” che e` alla base dello sviluppo condiviso e della pace. Per questo motivo la Fondazione Mediterraneo, con l’Accademia del Mediterraneo, ha attribuito alla memoria di Guido Grimaldi il Premio Mediterraneo “Delfino d’Argento” 2011. Awarding Ceremony |
H.E. Mgr. Rocco Favale - 2010 His commitment to promote peace among peoples and strengthen solidarity in Cilento area are fundamental pillars of his action. He has the merit of allowing the realization of the monumental work “Totem for Peace” by Rutino Cathedral.
Awarding Ceremony |
Sergio Piazzi - 2010 His commitment and passion aiming at strengthening the role of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) are unanimously recognized. Thanks to his commitment, it has been possible to harmonize the role of the Parliaments of Mediterranean Countries making them accept a shared view, especially about the values and fundamental rights of the human person. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Baltasar Porcel - 2010 World-famous writer, acute and determined journalist, in his works Baltasar Porcel has told today’s society with precision and irony. Founder and director of the Catalan Institute of the Mediterranean he has turned his deeply Mediterranean culture into a political action, thanks to which Catalonia, Barcelona and Spain have been able to take on a first-rank role in the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Gennaro Pompilio - 2010 A man who reminded us that words alone are not enough. His love for Vesuvius, as pioneer of tourism and coordinator of Vesuvius Tour Operators, show us how it is possible to promote peace and mutual respect through positive actions. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Ahmed Jebli - 2009 History has known more than one person who, though without media renown, have played an extraordinary role in the events that mark the life of a State. Ahmed Jebli belongs to this gallery, for the contribution given to the promotion of knowledge and culture, especially in the academic field. The themes he envisaged have a high vision of education, always overcoming the borders of class and belonging. Ahmed Jebli‘s action falls within this framework, always aiming at understanding the reasons “of the other” and at developing friendship among the peoples of the Mediterranean. He was a reference point for the Fondazione Mediterraneo that wishes to pay a tribute to him by this acknowledgement. Awarding Ceremony |
Abdelwahed Radi - 2007 He is a great supporter of the Barcelona Declaration and, in particular, of the necessity to strength Euro-Mediterranean relationships. A defender of democracy, he voted his life to create a new humanism in order to transform the Mediterranean, through the promotion of dialogue, into a democratic area of knowledge and mutual respect. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Manuel Vazquez Montalban - 2004 A great Spanish writer, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán told the story of today’s society with irony and acumen through his main character: Pepe Carvalho. He was among the first to join the Fondazione Mediterraneo and this acknowledgment is not meant to be an institutional award, but rather a great warm remembrance from his “Mediterranean family”. Awarding Ceremony |
Raffaele La Capria - 2003 His work represents a long meditation on the missed occasion of the single being and of the entire history, also an emblem of the Mediterranean, which from the missed occasioons is still tragically constructing its present. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Federico Bugno - 2003 Federico Bugno produced some of the greatest journalistic pieces with his strong reportages, showing that in order not to succumb to globalisation, journalism had to be “democratised”. He belongs to one of the last “big ones” who flies high; from Tiananmen Square to the Berlin Wall and to Sarajevo. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Izet Sarajlic' - 2003 A man who showed us that literature in itself would not be enough. His teachings and his works encourage us to promote, peace and reciprocal respect through concrete actions. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Marcello Gigante - 2002 In the transformation period started after the second world war, Marcello Gigante, Iike Carducci in his time, gave voice to the relation between ancient culture and modern conscience, reconsidering the text of Herodotus and interpreting the historical lines of the classic world in the mark of the Nomos Basileus, the sovereignty of the law. Translator of Diogenes Laertius and Director of the collections “La Scuola di Platone” and “La scuola di Epicuro”, he deepened the study of ancient philosophy, in particular of Epicurus and Philodemus of Gadara, through the study of Herculaneum papyri. His essays on Leopardi, Settembrini, Quasimodo and on the classical culture of the period between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are focused on the relation between ancient and modern time. He was editor of “Parola del Passato”, director of the “Studi di Filologia Classica”, National President of the Italian Association of Classical Culture. His publications, more than 700, have always contained highly significant descriptions and views. Among his works, it is worth remembering: “Le Elleniche di Ossirinco”, “Nomos Basileus”, “Civiltà delle forme letterarie nell’antica Pompei”, “Classico e mediazione”. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Paolo Bufalini - 2002 History has known more than one personalities who, though without media renown, have played an extraordinary role in the political events that mark the life of a State. Paolo Bufalini belongs to this gallery: for the contribution given during the 30’s to the creation of one of the most important and active anti-fascist groups, the Roman one, also because he gathered young intellectuals who later on played an important role on the political and intellectual scene of the post-war period, for the contribution given to the Italian resistance in Yugoslavia; as animator, after the liberation, of the Autonomist Southern Movement, in Sicily and in the South, struggling for Agrarian Reform and modernization of the Country; as a strong and wise mind In the action for the renewal of P.C.I., the unity of the left party, the convergences among all democratic forces. He dealt with all these issues with a high vision of politics, always overcoming the class and party borders, like a Cavour-style statesman. This is the framework in which falls the exceptional work made by Bufalini in drafting a foreign policy of détente, of understanding of the other’s reasons, of friendship among the peoples of the Mediterranean; the activities aiming at guaranteeing religious peace and Improving relations between the Italian State and the Vatican, through the renewal of the Concordat. And he did so as a laic, persuaded that only a lay State and the respect of the religious conscience of the Individual and of the communities can defeat the fundamentalism that has blooded the word for centuries, until today. Bufalini was also a serious specialist in Greek and Latin and a careful and acute translator of Horace, thus telling us that the mingling of culture and politics is vital and necessary to make noble and effective public commitment, to improve one’s country and the mutual knowledge of peoples. Awarding Ceremony |
06 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Mediterranean Award "Culture" - 2018 During a ceremony held at the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Tunis, international juries have assigned to S.E. Mohamed Zinelabidine - Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia - the "Mediterranean Award for Culture 2018". Tunis, 30 october 2018 |
Mediterranean Award "Culture" - 2018 The award was assigned to Khalid bin Khalifa al Khalifa for his efforts concerning cultural diversity and interreligious dialogue. Naples, 03 May 2018 |
Premio Mediterraneo "Cultura" per la Poesia e l’Innovazione - 2015 Il Premio Mediterraneo per la Poesia e l'Innovazione viene assegnato al dottor Mana Saeed Al-Otaiba per il suo impegno per l'alleanza tra le civiltà, il rispetto per la diversità e la convivenza pacifica tra popoli diversi. Mana Saeed Al Otaiba è un esempio della grande e vera tradizione arabo-mediterranea, che unisce la passione della letteratura, della poesia, dell''arte... Marrakech, 12 June 2015 |
Mediterranean Award "Culture" - 2015 Il “Premio Mediterraneo per la Cultura 2015” è stato attribuito al prof. Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain per il ruolo e gli sforzi nella diffusione della cultura della pace, riunendo gruppi di intellettuali, statisti e leader di tutto il mondo. Awarding Ceremony Naples, 21 october 2015 |
Mediterranean Award "Culture" - 2015 Il “Premio Mediterraneo per la Cultura 2015” è stato attribuito al prof. Khalid H. Al-Malik per gli sforzi compiuti in favore dell’Alleanza tra le civiltà e la coesistenza pacifica tra i diversi popoli del mondo. Awarding Ceremony Napoli, 21 ottobre 2015 |
Mediterranean Award for "Culture" - 2014 To the merits acquired with his studies on the history of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. Among his books: Frederick II, a medieval emperor (1990), The kingdoms of the western Mediterranean 1200-1500 (1999) The discovery of humanity, Atlantic encounters in the age of Columbus (2010). In his book ‘The Great Sea’ (English edition, “The Great Sea”, 2010), David Abulafia describes the Mediterranean as the most dynamic place for interaction between different societies on the face of the planet: a space in the history of human civilization has played a much more significant role than any other stretch of water. Awarding CeremonyNaples, 13 january 2014 |
Mediterranean Award for Culture - 2013 Awarding Ceremony |
The Mediterranean Award for Culture - 2012 to Youths of the “Arab Spring Revolutions" SYRIA - EGYPT- TUNISIA - LIBYA This Award is bestowed upon youth representatives in Syriak Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, who thanks to their actions and conviction, especially through the use of new means of communication, brought about the capitulation of dictatorial regimes and enabled the difficult path towards Democracy and Freedom to be undertaken.
MEDITERRANEAN AWARD “CULTURE” - 2011 The Mediterranean “Culture” Award 2011 was attributed to Prof. Bichara Khader (Palestine) for his action in favour of dialogue and peace. Awarding Ceremony Barcellona, 07 october 2011 |
Roberto Vecchioni - 2011 For his contribution to the spreading of the value of culture and music as a fundamental instrument for dialogue, cooperation and solidarity among populations. Torino, 16 March 2011 |
to the memory of Mario Molinari - 2010 Mario Molinari was born in Coazze in 1930. He became manager of the paper mill Sartorio, then he realized that he was born for the Art. His sculpture is meant to stimulate soul ironically, he makes a weapon out of the colour, a power able to overthrow reality. His polyhedric subjects and materials lead his sculptures to the greatest expression, almost touching the fourth dimension. By his sculpture “Totem for Peace” – recognized as such all over the world – Molinari intended to refer to our purest and most infantile soul so as to produce an extraordinary “noise of love”. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of Maurizio Valenzi - 2010 Maurizio Valenzi, born in Tunis in a family from Livorno, started his activity as a painter attending for some years the Fine Art Academy of Tunis. In June 1932, coming back to Tunisia in Chaffar area, he promoted the union struggle of Arab labourers against the great European landowners. In 1937, in Paris, he met various protagonists of the new French culture, such as Tristan Tzara, Paul Eluard, Aragon, André Wumser, J.R. Bloch and studied the works of the Impressionists and of the Ecole de Paris. His artistic activity brings together the two shores of the Mediterranean bridging the “European thought” and the “Mediterranean breath”. Awarding Ceremony |
to the memory of H.E. Mgr. Luigi Padovese - 2010 Born in Milan in 1947, he enters the Order of the Friars Minor Capuchin in 1965. He is professor at the Pontifical Antonianum University and has been the Director of the Institute of Spirituality for sixteen years. He has been visitor of the Eastern Council of the Congregation for Eastern Churches for ten years. On 11th October 2004 he is appointed Vicar Apostolic of Anatolia. On 3 rd June 2010, he was stabbed to death by his driver in his house of Iskenderun, a Turkish city on the Mediterranean. The members of the Jury of the “Mediterranean Award”, gathered in Goteborg (Sweden) on 6th November 2009 and in Naples on 4th December 2009, granted the “Mediterranean Award for Culture” to Monsignor Luigi Padovese for the following reason: “As he has always witnessed – with perseverance, commitment and generosity – the universal values of dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding, promoting peaceful coexistence of different religions all over the world, and mainly in the Middle East. He has opposed his huge culture to the widespread ignorance often at the origin of fundamentalism and integralism, looking for a future of solidarity and peace”. On 5 th June 2010, after the assassination of Msgr Luigi Padovese, the Jury of the “Mediterranean Award”, during an ad-hoc session in Rome, decided to reconfirm the award to “his memory”, highlighting the importance of the cultural activity in favour of dialogue carried out by Mgr Luigi Padovese, as an example for future generations. Awarding Ceremony |
Pegaso Thelematic University - 2010 Fondazione Mediterraneo assigned this award to Pegaso University for being a focal point and an innovating example in international research and for being an instrument to promote dialogue among civilizations and culture. Awarding Ceremony |
Carmen Romero - 2009 She is the founder of the Circúlo Mediterraneo and this award wants to pay tribute to her actions in promoting integration among politics, culture and civil society in the Mediterranean area. Her action strengthens the initiatives in favour of the respect of human rights and gender equality.
Awarding Ceremony |
Student of Gaza - 2009 In the city of Gaza, caught in the grip of an inexorable paralysis, living in poverty with little livelihood, among endless problems, young people don’t give way to despondency and desolation but look for everything that may enlighten and feed their mind. They are self-educated, they exchange information and educational tools and transcribe any uplifting or useful reading accessible to one of them, supporting each other spurred by that human ambition described as “seguir virtute e canoscenza” in Dante’s words. This prize aims to remember them to the world that has left them alone, even ignoring the UN declarations, and hides this action of abandon behind the ambiguous language highlighted by Joris Luyendijk in “Almost human. Images from the Near East”, of 2006. Awarding Ceremony |
Wassyla Tamzali - 2008 For her cultural work which testifies the liberation war in Algeria through the painful events of its protagonists. For expressing, with her work, the multiple dimensions and contradictions of the South Shore, suffering victim of the colonial age and of the unexpected post-colonial drifts which attempt on individual liberties and rights, undermining the principles of freedom whereof the Euro-Mediterranean culture is a proud protagonist and witness. For giving voice to abuses of power which women are victims in all patriarchal and sexist cultures of the Mediterranean. Awarding Ceremony |
'Ala Al Aswani - 2007 Writer and novelist, he goes on representing through his narration the contemporary Egyptian society with all its social and psychological problems and as they are revelated in the encounter and strife among people of different ages, gender and status. Through these pictures a transformation process gets to develop which is suffered by the Arab society in a rapid changing of a world and in difficult relation with the West which transform it. Awarding Ceremony |
Gerardo Marotta - 2007 The prize was awarded to the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies and to its President and founder, Gerardo Marotta. For years he played the role of ethical and moral guide, he embodies the values of dialogue and cultural integration. With the actions carried out, he made Naples the point of reference of the ancient Euro-Mediterranean culture promoting the idea of the World and of the Human beings in their mutual sense of belonging. He affirms, at the same time, the values of the individual and of the community, in the constitution of the “Polis” and of the “Common Good”. Awarding Ceremony |
Nazional Library of Algiers - 2006 He played an important role in the approach among cultures, for his efforts on the national and international context in favour of the diffusion of books and literature and, consequently, for the development of dialogue among cultures and civilisations in the region of the Greater Mediterranean.
Awarding Ceremony |
Mohamed Kabbaj - 2005 He carried out a great work of spiritual dialogue which reminds us, both through the performances of Fez Festival and through his speeches, a message of Mediterranean humanism, that contributes to the spread of the highest values of culture and civilization.
Awarding Ceremony |
Mateja Matevski - 2005 Born in 1929, he was educated in the war period in that spirit of freedom and political and national renaissance which brought to the revolt of the peoples who constituted Yugoslavia. Starting from the second part of the 20th century, his poetic works have marked with an original and indelible voice the development of the new Macedonian literature within Balkan culture like a lyric reflection of universal value expressed in a clear and perfect shape. A further testimony that small nations are not minor nations and, thanks to their scholars, they are able to give a significant contribution to the richness of human culture. Awarding Ceremony |
Kamel Zoheri - 2004 He gave a great contribution to the promotion of dialogue and intercultural communication among the Countries of the Islamic-Arab World and the West. He is one of the protagonists on the cultural scene of Egypt and one of the great persons of culture of this century.
Awarding Ceremony |
Suzanne Mubarak - 2003 She played a leading role in the realisation of the project of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina: its rebirth is an act of faith to the memory of a people and, at the same time, of a cultural which belongs to humanity.
Awarding Ceremony |
H.E. Cardinal Roger Etchegaray - 2001 Following Pope John Paul II’s recommendations, he launched a dissemination process for dialogue among religions and cultures. He accomplished this through liturgy but also through well chosen new technologies and channels of new communication and information. Awarding Ceremony |
Repubblic of Malta - 2000 The Republic of Malta is a unique example in the Mediterranean. History and culture of Maltese islands are mingled with those of Europe and of the Mediterranean across the centuries, since the prehistoric period, when the archipelago was part of a vast territory extending from Northern Africa to Europe. Megalithic monuments, erected at Xaghra, are considered the most ancient in the world: Ggantilia temples, built around 300 B.C., before Egyptian pyramids. Later on Malta was ruled by various peoples among which Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs: a mingling of knowledge, religions, traditions and destinies which make this island in the middle of the Mediterranean a priceless cultural heritage. However, those who left a decisive mark were the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, by chasing off the Turks of Solyman the Magnificent and turning the island into a true cultural deposit. Today the Republic of Malta has undertaken the journey towards Europe. Prof. Guido de Marco is one of the authors of this process. Foreign Minister for a long period and today President of the Republic, he has been able to embody the three Mediterranean “Forces”, showing in his action the experience of a political man as well as that of man of culture and economics. Today this global vision enables the Republic of Malta, under the leadership of President de Marco, to play an important role in the cultural, social and economic partnership between the European Union and Mediterranean Countries: a vital function for the future of the Region and for the preservation of its ancient culture in a period in which the risks of flattening deriving from the globalisation process are well known by everybody. Awarding Ceremony |
H.M. Hussein Bin Talal - 1999 During 46 years of Reign, His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal worked relentlessly for a long-lasting peace and for the development of mutual comprehension and respect between the people of Jordan and the rest of the Middle East. In addition, he worked to attain a level of cultural tolerance and comprehension, free artistic expression and exchange between different cultures and religions, supporting national and international prestigious artists and intellectuals to practise their culture and creativity without restraint. Through local and International cultural festivals, exhibitions, meetings, scholarships and training programmes, the Government and private organizations have always been encouraged to support the free expression of traditional and contemporary culture, art and literature in all their forms, as well as establishing and maintaining relations between local communities and famous national and international artists for a free exchange of ideas and cultural expressions that can one day be the foundations for a world of peace and cooperation for future generations. His Majesty King Hussein is the author of a ‘culture of peace’ in the Arab World: for these reasons the Fondazione Mediterraneo, with the Accademia del Mediterraneo, has granted to H.M. King Hussein bin Talal the Mediterranean Award for Culture 1999. Awarding Ceremony |
H.M. Juan Carlos I - 1998 He has been able to use the monarchy as a tool of a secure and flourishing transition. With discretion and determination he has pushed hard reintegration of Spain in the concert of a renovated Western world by suggesting with the diversity of the policies the unity of the final outcome and the balance of the autonomies and the respect of the different Iberian cultures, as well as solidarity among people who have been tied by a common history in the past centuries. Awarding Ceremony |
06 October 2010
Parent Category: Iniziative (EN) -
Category: Mediterranean Awards
Vincent Dieutre -2013 Vincent Dieutre ha vissuto a New York e a Roma prima di dedicarsi al cinema. Autore di numerosi scritti sul legame tra il cinema e l'arte contemporanea, insegna al dipartimento di cinema dell'Università di Parigi VII. Da cineasta esplora il «confine tra documentari e auto-fiction». La Fondazione Mediterraneo gli attribuisce questo riconoscimento per aver creato un sistema poetico personale e umanista, capace di reinventare la scrittura di sé nella solitudine, nella separazione e nel ripiegamento, sopperendo in questo modo al bisogno umano di essere percepiti dall'Altro per sentirsi vivi. Il cinema di Dieutre è prima di tutto parola, una parola che riempie e personalizza anonime stanze di un hotel come intere città.Awarding Ceremony Naples, 05 october 2013 |
DEDA (ASPETTANDO MAMMA/WAITING FOR MUM) - 2013 At the Trieste Film Festival, with whom the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been collaborating since1995, the 2013 Mediterranean Cinema Award for the best short film was awarded to “Deda” (Waiting for Mum) by Nana Ekvtimishvili. The winner is "Deda, Apettando Mamma" of Nana Ekvtimishvili (GE) 2011 Awarding CeremonyNaples, 26 January 2013 |
APELE TAC, SILENT RIVER - 2012 The winner is "Apele tac, silent river", Anca Miruna Lăzărescu, (DE/RO), 2011. Awarding Ceremony |
DER KLEINE NAZI (THE LITTLE NAZI) - 2011 The young German director explores the themes related to the need for dialogue among different cultures and the difficult and controversial relation between individual and power. As every year, the Wölkel family celebrates Christmas with grandmother. But this year something unexpected and shocking takes place: grandmother wants to recall the nazi Christmas of her young age. It is not a big problem, indeed, but it happens that just today they are waiting for a guest from Israel. Awarding Ceremony |
VARIÁCIÓK (VARIAZIONI) - 2010 The award has been assigned to “Variációk” where the young Hungarian director explores sexual relationships, provokes understanding of reality, shows awareness of visual style and talent for a precise cinema language. She shows compassion for her characters without any sentimentalism. Awarding Ceremony |
Laura Morante - 2009 Versatile and professional actress. She worked with young and famous directors in many Mediterranean Countries: from Italy to France to the Iberian Peninsula, crossing all kinds of movies, from thriller to comedy, always with outstanding results thanks to her personality and her innate artistic gift. Awarding Ceremony |
Ferzan Ozpetek - 2007 For his contribution to the spreading of values of dialogue in the Great Mediterranean, giving a decisive impulse to cultural and social interaction in the Euro-Mediterranean area.
Awarding Ceremony |
Yasmine Kassari - 2005 Her film work “L’Enfant endormi” shows the lives of women left alone by their partners and their daily work in the cornfields to nourish their children and the old people of the village. These women are freed and emancipated from the authoritative male figures, they can choose and evaluate their lives affairs in a context that often represents them as the victims of millenary traditions, but that has started a process of cultural renewal. Awarding Ceremony |
Pino Tordiglione - 2003 The film work of the Venice Screenings “The Stolen Christmas”, by Pino Tordiglione expresses in the originality, ingenuousness and simplicity of the cinematographic language, the Mediterranean culture and art emphasising, in its contents, the human values.
Awarding Ceremony |