Mediterranean Awards

In 1996, the Fondazione Mediterraneo instituted the Mediterranean Awards (with various categories) that are granted every year to eminent personalities from the worlds of arts and culture, politics and science and social disciplines, whose actions have contributed to reducing tensions, breaking down cultural barriers and developing shared values in the Greater Mediterranean.

This Award is considered one of the most prestigious acknowledgements in the world.

Various events are associated with the Mediterranean Award, such as the “Euro-Mediterranean Concert for Dialogue Among Cultures” and the “Epiphany Concert” (organized by the Cultural Centre “Oltre il Chiostro” in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. The latter event is broadcast by RaiUno and Rai International throughout the world every year on the morning of January 6th).



The “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011 for  diplomacy  has been conferred on Michele di Gianni.
The Awarding ceremony took place on Friday  23rd September 2011 at Bagno Elena.
The award was given by Claudio Azzolini, responsible for institutional relations at  Fondazione Mediterraneo.
“For devoting his life to a  diplomatic action based on team working and shared decisions.
Thanks to his  tenacity and to his  ability to maintain good  relations with others, in his capacity as Honorary Consul of Malta and Japan and then as Secretary General of the  Union of Honorary Consuls of Italy, he is a  point of  reference for diplomacy and, in particular, for the role of “Honorary Consul” that represents an important connection between the  cities and the different Countries in the world, even more in  a moment of  changes in the global scenario”.
This is the main reason for conferring the award.

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The “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011 for  research and science has been conferred on Marco Salvatore.
The Awarding ceremony took place on Friday  23rd September 2011 at Bagno Elena.
The award was given by Michele Capasso.   
“For devoting his life to science and research and for having realized highly advanced  diagnostic structures in Italy and all over the world, able to improve the life quality and  the expectations of patients”.

This is the main reason for conferring the award.

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The “Medal Honour” of the Mediterranean Award 2011 for  justice  has been conferred on Carlo Alemi, president of the Tribunal of Naples.
The Awarding ceremony took place on Friday  23rd September 2011 at Bagno Elena.
The award was given by the mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris.
“For devoting his life to the values of justice and legality, struggling strenuously against  mafia and camorra. For restoring within the Tribunal of Naples an efficient and  functional action in favour of justice and of the citizens’ rights, thus reversing a trend that had taken root in the course of the years”.

This is the main reason for conferring the award.

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In the name of all the winners of the MEDITERRANEAN AWARD – 146 personalities from 43 countries, such as the Nobel prize-winners Naguib Mahfouz and Shirin Ebadi, Lea Rabin, Simon Peres, Queen Rania of Jordan, etc. , who have received this prestigious award - the Egyptian writer Alaa Al Aswani symbolically handed over the  “Totem of Peace”, by the  sculptor Mario Molinari, to the mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, with the wish that one day  it will be possible to report of  a  “Neapolitan revolution” that can  give back to this city its role of great  European and  Mediterranean capital.

Naples le 14 septembre 2011
Alaa Al- Aswani


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The old Neapolitan chocolate factory GAY-ODIN - present in Italy since 1894 - has offered to the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the guests attending the ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2011 a basket of chocolates to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity.

On Friday the 20th of May, at the Sala Filangieri of the Administrative Court of Campania (piazza Municipio 67), took place the awarding ceremony of the “Mediterranean Awards 2011”. The “Mediterranean Award for Peace” has been assigned to the Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe. Many of the laureates attended the ceremony: Leila Shahid, Palestinian Ambassador to Brussels; Driss Guerraoui, Councillor of the Prime Minister of Morocco; Habib Ben Yahia, Secretary of the Arab Maghreb Union; the journalists Paolo Mieli and Massimo Milone.

For the occasion, the Fondazione Mediterraneo promoted the “Euromediterranean Concert for Dialogue among Cultures" with the participation of “Cantori di Posillipo”.

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The Mediterranean Social Solidarity Award 2011 was granted to Diana Pezza Borrelli and Alberta Levi Temin (Jewish-Christian Friendship).

The Award was given on Thursday 17th March 2011 at the  Centro La Pace in Benevento on the occasion of the Forum “Dialogue and Brotherhood: the heritage of Chiara Lubich” held within the framework of the events planned on the occasion of the Award Fraternità Città di Benevento.

The Award was given by Carmine Nardone, as representative of Fondazione Mediterraneo, who read a message by President Michele Capasso.

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On the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity, the Fondazione Mediterraneo decided to grant the Mediterranean Culture Award 2011 to Roberto Vecchioni, winner of this year’s  edition of Sanremo Festival.

President Capasso met the singer in Turin and informed him of the jury’s decision.  The official ceremony will be held in Naples in May.

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