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During the 15th edition of the Epiphany Concert, performed on 4th January at the Mediterraneo Theatre in Naples, the Fondazione Mediterraneo granted the Mediterranean Art and Creativity Award 2011 to the Italian Association "Amici del Presepio".

The representative of the Association expressed his appreciation for this Award as well as his personal admiration for the activity carried out by the Fondazione during these years in favour of art. The Award was given by President Michele Capasso.

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On January the 4th 2011, there has been in Naples the 16th Edition of the Epiphany Concert that has sealed the conclusion of the Christmas holidays, spreading again the usual peace and party message, using once again the music as a tool to exceed any barrier of race, culture and religion in the sign of a universal brotherhood.
The Concert took place in Naples at Teatro Mediterraneo with the exhibition of great artists.

The Epiphany Concert, is an event aired on RAI since 1994, and, promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue, it represents one of the most important social events in the city of Naples.

On that occasion the Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity 2011 was assigned to the Associazione Italiana “Amici del Presepio”, bestowed by the President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso.

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The"Anna Lindh" Euromediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures, whose Central Office is in Alexandria, expresses its deep sorrow for the terrorist attack made against this city in the night of December 31st, and also expresses the solidarity of its President, André Azoulay, and of all his staff with the victims, their families and the Egyptian people.

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Michele Capasso, President of Fondazione Mediterraneo and all members of the Fondazione strongly condemn the attack made on 31st December 2010 against al Qiddiseen church in Alexandria.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo shares the sorrow of the families of those innocent people who died due to this vile attack and of those who were seriously wounded. We also express our sympathy with all the Egyptian people and with President Hosni Mubarak, who has promised all his commitment so that those responsible for this criminal attempt pay for their action.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo affirms once again, on this occasion, its commitment in favour of the principle of religious freedom for every citizen of every Country in the Euro-Mediterranean region and condemns all those who, in contrast with those who work for peace and for the fraternity of all peoples, persist in their will to spread a culture of fear of “the other” which too often leads to terrorist actions against innocent people.

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Despite the worldwide blockade caused by the "Corona virus", the Mediterranean Foundation and the Museum of Peace - MAMT - through multimedia systems, portals and social networks - celebrated World Water Day with a large community, established by the United Nations in 1992.
The theme of the 2020 edition of the "Day" is the profound link between water and climate change. The goal is to raise awareness of world institutions and public opinion on the importance of reducing water waste and adopting behaviors aimed at tackling climate change.
Climate change, in fact, increases the variability of the water cycle, causing extreme weather events, affecting the quality of the water, threatening sustainable development and biodiversity worldwide. Not only that, the ever increasing demand for water leads to a consequent increase in the need for energy-intensive treatments; in addition, some measures to mitigate climate change, such as the extensive use of biofuels, can further exacerbate the scarcity of water. This is why an integrated approach to climate change and water management must be adopted worldwide as soon as possible. In fact, if you want to create a sustainable future, the management of water resources must be examined through a climate resilience objective.
President Michele Capasso underlined the importance of reflecting on the pandemic of the virus crown to return to protect and safeguard our "common home" and the main resources: first of all water

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