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A "Totem for Peace" formed by a red sail, symbol of the tragedies that brought bloodshed to the Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East as well as two yellow and orange semicircles, representing dawn and sunset. This is the award, signed by the sculptor Mario Molinari, of "Memoriae", the second edition of the event in memory of the Shoah, which was held on Monday 7 February at the Sala Filangieri of the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per la Campania.

- As for the section Memoriae of the Shoah, the Prize was awarded to the sisters Andra and Tatiana Bucci, born in Fiume and deported to the concentration camp of Birkenau at the age of 4 and 7, together with other family members;

- As for the section Other Memoriae, the Prize awarded to Lawyer Pasquale Cappuccio, brutally killed by the Camorra more than 30 years ago, was collected by his daughter Emma Lorena;

- As for the section Postmemoriae, the Prize was awarded to the memory of Shmuel Haddas, first Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See who died in January 2010.

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The following photographs are only traces of the brutal and incredible violence that has been exercised towards Egyptians asking for freedom, justice and basic human rights during the previous days of the peaceful non-sectarian non-religious revolution of the Egyptian people against injustice and against oppression.

Plainclothes policemen harrassing Egyptians on streets, Interior Ministry hired thugs that shed a lot of blood on streets, some of which still staining buildings and sidewalks in Egypt, and pro-Mubarak protestors that went out on streets after the latest presidential speech are carrying knives with which they have attacked children, youth, old men and women protesting against the current "Democratic" regime.

Photographs by artist Hamdy Reda, and other photographers.

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"After a week, the political situation in Egypt is more and more fraught. The Tunisian Revolution has set a precedent in the Islamic World of laic, authoritarian regimes. The case of the Tunisian President Ben Ali, who took power after the 1987 revolution and who run away as a thief in Saudi Arabia after 23 years, can give hope to other people. Cairo, Alexandria and Suez are the cities where rebellions and repressions are more violent." (...)

See comments by Michele Capasso IT

Following the events occurred during the last few years in Egypt, the National Networks of "Anna Lindh" Foundation, expressed their solidarity to the ALF staff in Alexandria (obliged to evacuate their seat) as well as to all Egyptian people.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo joined this initiative and President Michele Capasso, by a letter addressed to ALF Executive Director Andreu Claret, declared himself ready to host Alexandria staff at FM headquarters in Naples, so that they can go on with their ordinary activities.

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Israel condemned to 9 years of prison Ameer Makhoul defender of Human Rights and General Director Ittijah, an organisation fighting for the rights of Palestinians in Israel. Fondazione Mediterraneo urges the representatives of Governments, European Parliament and Commission and the organisation fighting for the human rights:

- to ask for the immediate release of Ameer Makhoul and the elimination of all criminal charges

- to report the case of Ameer Makhoul in the meetings with Israeli representatives

- to lean on Israel to stop its arbitrary detention policy of human rights defenders