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The press conference for the second edition of Memoriae was held at the Fondazione Mediterraneo offices. The event, planned by the Associazione Libera Italiana (A.L.I.), the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Fondazione Valenzi, had the objective of keeping alive, especially among the younger generations, the memory of the Shoah and, through this, also memories which more than others have marked humanity’s recent past.

At the event, which shall take place on the 7th February from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the “Gaetano Filangeri” Hall of the Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale of Campania, contributions shall be made by: Diego Guida, Assessor for Heritage for the Commune of Naples, Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Pietro Valente, President of the Associazione Libera Italiana no-profit organisation, Lucia Valenzi, President of the Fondazione Valenzi and Nico Pirozzi, coordinator of the event.

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by Michele Capasso
DLibri - first edition June 2010 (it.) 16x24 - pp.576, ill. coloured
ISBN 88-8127-041-2

A non-profit work - Earnings shall be devoted to the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture"
To receive the book + 2cds
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Michele Capasso retraces his experience as “architect of dialogue” at the head of the Fondazione Mediterraneo using the means of the description of a day passed in a hospital. It is a mix of sensations, emotions, reflections, experiences, memories and testimony in which there are set pages of a “Logbook” which the author has published over the years in newspapers and periodicals in the Euromediterranean countries.

It is also the pathway of the author’s private life: engineer, painter, photographer, but more and more an architect of peace and culture in the Euromediterranean scene over the last twenty years. It is the tale of a singularly human experience, in a political and historical moment when the Mediterranean takes on, at the turn of the century, a strategic importance for peace and shared development.

Fratricidal wars, forced migrations, ecological disasters, the absence of democracy and corruption are some of the causes which attack civil society. With these and others Michele Capasso acts by inviting people not to give up, as testified in the storied told in this book with a simple and efficient style: it is a mixture of stories and reports, where everything is rigorously true and corroborated in documents and images. The diary follows the day as a setting for 18 episodes in which the writing comes out of the main characters: the rubbish, the ambulance, the dog, the brothers of Gaza, the fat man, the funeral, the scalpel, the nurses, the probe, the parking attendant, the helicopter, the caress, the clandestine worker, the archive, the prostheses, the lawyer, the rainbow, the last kiss.

The whole sense of the narration is to show, in the encounters of the global society, the ancient knowledge that human beings from the area of the Mediterranean have developed, in the connections with the land, its inhabitants and the sea, confronting adversities of the day without losing faith in tomorrow.

Presentation events


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The Coordination Meeting of the Italian Network of "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures of the Regions Piemonte and Lombardia was held in Turin. On that occasion – in the presence of Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network – it was submitted and discussed the report "Euromed Intercultural Trends 2010"; members were required to confirm their participation in the ALF Italian Network; the common programme 2010-2011 "Meeting Minorities" was illustrated.

The Istituto Paralleli and the other bodies present at the meeting declared their availability to create a consortium to carry out some of the actions laid down in the "Meeting Minorities" Programme.

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The Coordination Meeting of the Italian Network of "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures of Regione Sicilia was held in Palermo. On that occasion – in the presence of Piera Raimondi, assistant of the president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Head of the Italian Network – it was submitted and discussed the report "Euromed Intercultural Trends 2010"; members were required to confirm their participation in the ALF Italian Network; the common programme 2010-2011 "Meeting Minorities" was illustrated.

CE.S.I.E., Narramondi Onlus Association, COPPEM, HRYO Association and the Centro Creativo Danilo Dolci declared their availability to create a consortium to carry out some of the actions laid down in the "Meeting Minorities" Programme.

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With about 200 films, many of which as international and national previews, the Trieste Film Festival is the main Italian event concerning the cinema of Centre-Eastern Europe, this year at its 22nd edition, rendering homage to the master of Slovakian cinema Dušan Hanák.

Thanks to the variety and interest of its programme, including feature films, short films and documentaries participating in the competition, retrospectives, homages, the festival is nowadays recognised as an event not to be lost as well as a show off for the cinema of the “New Europe”.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo has been cooperating with the Trieste Film Festival since 1995, granting the Mediterranean Cinema Award to the best short film.

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