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ECOPEACE Friends of the Earth Middle East, winner of the Euro-Med Award for Dialogue 2010, received the award on December the 3rd during a prestigious Bestowing Ceremony held in Brussels.

The ceremony was attended by André Azoulay, President of the Anna Lindh Foundation and Michele Capasso, President of Fondazione Mediterraneo, in addition to representatives of the European Commission, European Parliament, International Environmental and Peace Organizations including WWF Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace International, European Environment Bureau, European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, the coordinators of the 43 Civil Society Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation and diplomatic figures.

The ceremony was followed by a debate on the theme “Can Intercultural Dialogue Prepare Social Change to Address the Ecological Challenge” .The debate was moderated by Olaf Gerlach-Hansen, Director of Culture|Futures (Denmark).

ECOPEACE Friends of the Earth Middle East, is jointly established by environmentalists from Palestine, Jordan and Israel and member of Friends of the Earth International, the largest grassroots environmental organization in the world. FoEME is a civil society organization, conducting trans-boundary research projects and promoting cross border dialogue for ecological sustainability in the region, a fair share of natural resources of the Jordan Valley, and a just peace.

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The participants in the 9th Meeting of the Heads of ALF National Networks visited the Photographic Exhibition "On this and the other side", organized by Anna Lindh Foundation and MultiCulti Portuguese Association.

The photos tell the journey made by an international delegation invited by the Anna Lindh Foundation to assist and participate in cultural activities in Israel and Palestine, within the context of the initiative « Restore trust, Rebuild bridges » realized in September 2009.


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The Jury of the Euromed Award met in Brussels to decide the theme for the year 2011 and the choise was "Acting for social inclusion of migrants and minorities - Agir pour l´inclusion sociale des migrants et des minorités".
It was also decided the composition of the Presidency of the Jury for the 2011: Fondazione Mediterraneo, Anna Lindh Foundation, Poland, France, Romania, Denmark, Lebanon, Algeria and Palestine.

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SThe 9th meeting of ALF National Networks Heads was held in Brussels, from 2nd through 4th December 2010.

President Michele Capasso and the assistant to network coordination Piera Raimondi were present on behalf of Fondazione Mediterraneo, head of the Italian Network.

The subjects discussed on that occasion were the following:
- Objectives and Strategies 2011-2014
- Budget 2011
- Network development

One of the subjects was the ALF Report presented in Rome on 25th November 2010.

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A meeting, discussion and presentation regarding the contents of the seminar which took place at the Fondazione Mediterraneo in February 2010, later producing the volume "Ricerca Interculturale e trasformazioni sociali" (Edizioni Melagrana 2010) was organised by the Central Rome secretariat of CGIL trades union in central, Angela Ronga.
Caterina Arcidiacono, vice president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo oversaw the publication of the volume and coordinated the work for the meeting of 30th November at the Rome branch of CGIL. An address by Stefano D´Alterio (Segretary Generale CGIL Roma Centro) and conclusions by Silvia Ioli (Segretary Generale CGIL Roma e Lazio ) framed the event which also saw the participation of Bruno Mazzara (Professor of Social Psychology, Università Sapienza, Roma), Jean Bilongo (Flai, CGIL Caserta), Serena Dinelli (psycologist and columnist???) and numerous representatives of CIGL as well as members of Incoparde, the Laboratory of the Department of Relational Sciences at the Federico II University of Naples.

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