All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

On the occasion of World Science Day the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, presented an Appeal for Culture and Research n the presence of ambassadors and permanent delegations of 192 countries. There was unanimous agreement to the document, signed by experts and representatives of international organizations.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo took part in the work on the Interparliamentary Forum on Policies for Science, Technology and Innovation in the Mediterranean Region, organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean and by UNESCO, with an intervention from the President, Michele Capasso.

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Edizioni Magma - Fondazione Mediterraneo
March 2010 (ed. it/en) 14x21; pp.480
ISBN: 88-8127-040-4




The book is a collection of info-files of all the members of the Italian Network of the "Anna Lindh" Euromediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures; it also shows activities and projects from 2005 to 2010.


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The "Anna Lindh" Foundation follows its mission granting funds to the organizations of the civil society through Call for Proposals. Aiming at choosing the best initiatives, the Calls for Proposals focus on very important topics of ALF.

Call for Proposals 2010
The context of this year Call for Proposals: "Cities, Migrants and Diversity".

Deadline to submit: 1st of November 2010 at 4.00 p.m. (Egyptian Time - GMT+2).

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