All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the President of the Moroccan Interdisciplinary Centre of Strategic and International Studies Abdelhak Azzouzi, signed a protocol of agreement which foresees the two institutions involved in strict collaboration on the subject of intercultural dialogue, security and stability in the Euromediterranean area and in the world.

Among the planned initiatives is the next edition of the Forum of Fez dedicated to "Youth and the challenges of modern life: environment, education, training and creativity”.

The Secretary General of CMIESI Abdallah Harsi, the Vice president, Mohamed Fakihi and the members of the bureau Hicham Benmakhlouf and Anass Talbi gave oral contributions at the meeting.

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On January the 28th the board of the Euromed Platform met in Brussels. Caterina Arcidiacono, vicepresident of Fondazione Mediterraneo and member of the platform, took part to the meeting that started with one minute of silence to commemorate victims in Egypt and Tunisia. Solidarity was expressed to the platfom members from Tunisia and Egypt.

The board planned the next meeting in Spain and also expressed the willingness to organize the next general assembly in Tunisia within the end of 2011.

The Euromed Platform launched the project Consotrium financed by the European Union and directed by IMED (Rome) to promote relations and development of the Euromediterranean civil society.

This is a project financed in the framework of the regional programme IEPV-Sud to contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of the civil society for a more democratic debate at the national level in the frame of the Euromed partnership and of the European Union. A programme addressed to the organisations of the civil societies of nine South Mediterranean Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Tunisia.

A Totem for Peace with the colours of the Italian flag will be raised in Turin, in 2011, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity. The news was given in Naples by Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo during the presentation of the initiatives for the Shoah Day.

The International Committee of Fondazione Mediterraneo – entrusted with the implementation of the Totems for Peace worldwide – has permitted to build a Totem aimed at paying tribute to the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity. The Totem, that will be unveiled by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, will be 16 meters high, built in reinforced concrete and thoroughly tricolour, in honour of the national flag colours.

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