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The Liceo Scientifico Da Procida, the INTERACT CLUB Salerno and the INNER WHEEL Salerno presented the conference Mediterranean and youth: from the desert to the web which took place on February the 12th at the Aula magna of the liceum.

Michele Capasso president of Fondazione Mediterraneo was the moderator. Through the internet, Capasso put a connection with students in Morocco. Protagonist of many peace-events in the Mediterranean areas, Capasso told his own experiences around the world, promoting the project of the Totem for Peace.

The conference was organized by the president of INTERACT CLUB Salerno, Chiara Picarone together with the president of INNER WHEEL Salerno Marianna Bortone Blasi. The Principal of the Liceo Da Procida, prof. Antonio Vairo and representants from the CLUB ROTARY of Salerno also took part to the event.

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President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele CAPASSO took part to the National Conference "Legal immigration: identity and encounter" which took place in Naples, at the Starhotel Terminus, on 11 and 12 February 2011. The Conference was organized by the Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori, in collaboration with the Fondazione Italiana Europa Popolare. Speakers: Carlo COSTALLI National President Nazionale MCL, Mons. Giancarlo PEREGO Director Fondazione Migrantes, Natale FORLANI Director General of Immigration Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Armin LASCHET Member of Bundestag and Transatlantic Council on Migration Fondazione Konrad Adenauer, S. E. R. Mons. Anton COSA Bishop of Chisinau (Moldavia).

In particular, the President Capasso chronicled the activities of Fondazione Mediterraneo in favour of immigrants hoping in a support for the creation of a "melting pot" of civilizations, in order to promote solidarity and to create a multiethnic and multicultural society.

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The first of the four gates of the city of Naples has been opened. Porta San Gennaro, the oldest gate according to tradition, reopened, restored, on the day dedicated to the Jubilee for Naples, following an initiative of Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, for the renaissance of the city. “It is the gate of sharing, of solidarity - said Pepe - we are opening the gate to let in justice, to reconsign Naples to its inhabitants in the vestages of civil cohabitation”.

After the opening of Porta San Gennaro, the simulacrum of which was made in papier-maché by children from Procida, a long torchlight parade followed the city streets, finishing at the Cathedral.

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Sisters Tatiana and Andra Bucci, who received the "Totem for Peace" award for the section Memories of the Shoah (as part of the event “Memoriae”) visited the offices of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the United States of the World welcomed by President Michele Capasso.
There was a long and friendly meeting, during which President Capasso “stimulated” the sisters, survivors of the Birkenau camp, to write a book with the voices and the eyes of the two children who lived in a concentration camp for a year, recalling their great joy when a German soldier of the SS, in a rare moment of compassion, offered them a packet of biscuits.
On this occasion, President Capasso conferred the title of "Standard Bearer of the United States of the World" on the Bucci sisters.

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The initiative, now having reached a second edition, started with the purpose of keeping alive the memory of the Shoah - especially for the new generations - and, through it, also “memories” which, more than others, have marked humanity’s recent past.

Three sections, one connected to the memory of the Shoah, one to Postmemory and one to other memoirs, were the themes of the event which was held in Naples on the 7th February 2011, at the Filangeri Hall of the TAR of Campania.

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