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The Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation, together with the Mediterranean Academy – Maison de la Méditerranée – continuing a collaboration started in 1996 with the “Centro Francescano di Cultura Oltre il Chiostro” – is present also this year at the 4th Edition of the Epiphany Concert.

Since 1997, the Concert has been linked to the Mediterranean Award instituted by the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation.
This year the event took place at the Teatrino di Corte of the Royal Palace in Naples and was preceded by the awarding ceremony of the Mediterranean Awards  1999.

The Mediterranean Award Culture and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was assigned to H.R.H. Hussein bin Talal, King of the Hascemite Kingdom of Jordan.

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In the historic Palazzo d’Orléans, The Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation awarded the Premio Mediterraneo di Cultura to H.R.H. Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, who was able to make Monarchy a tool for a solid and flourishing transition to Democracy.
The Prize was handed over, in the presence of the members of the Government of Regione Sicilia, by the President of the Sicilian Region Mr. Giuseppe Drago and by the President of the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation Mr. Michele Capasso.

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The Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation, which was instituted with the aim to undertake humanitarian initiatives in favour of the Countries of ex Yugoslavia, after awarding, during the last few years, the “Premio Sarajevo” and the “Premio Internazionale Laboratorio Mediterraneo” to representatives of the world of culture, has instituted the “Premio Mediterraneo di Pace”, awarded this year to Kiro Gligorov, President of the Republic of Macedonia.
On this occasion, international juries also awarded him the title "Ambassador of the United States of the World".

A great figure of European anti-fascism and of the liberation war in the Balkans, Grigorov is the politician who, through his action and his prestige in the Yugoslav Federation, has been able to prevent the tragic “drift” experienced by similar European regimes. Through his action and his writings, he has always defended the principles of human rights, of the equality of citizens, of democratic expression, even when these ideas were accepted only by a very small minority of people.

This Prize intends to acknowledge the clear views, the political coherence and determination, the courage that Gligorov has always shown, since the establishment of the new Yugoslav situation after the war, in stating his guiding principles even when they were not in accordance with current policy. He is an example of these ideas and principles and has also been able to make Macedonia an example.

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The Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation, together with the Mediterranean Academy – Maison de la Méditerranée – continuing a collaboration started in 1996 with the “Centro Francescano di Cultura Oltre il Chiostro” – is present also this year at the 4th Edition of the Epiphany Concert.

Since 1997, the Concert has been linked to the “Mediterranean Award” instituted by the Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation.
This year the event takes place at the Teatrino di Corte of the Royal Palace in Naples and was preceded by the awarding ceremony of the Mediterranean Awards.

The "Mediterranean Peace Award 1999" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was assigned to Mr. Lamberto Dini, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic.

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On January 5th 2000 was held in Naples, at the Monastery of the church of S. Chiara, the ceremony for the award of “Premio Mediterraneo 2000”.
The Mediterranean Laboratory Foundation, with the Mediterranean Academy – Maison de la Méditerranée, assigned the Mediterranean Peace Award 2000 to the memory of H.R.H. Hassan II, King of Morocco.
The Prize was received by Mr Mohammed Achaari, Minister of Culture of H.R.H. Mohammed VI, King of Morocco.

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