Complete Lest || of events

The event took place with the patronage of the Presidency of the Italian Republic and with the sponsorship of the Papal Council for Culture and the Academy of the Mediterranean. The event was recorded and broadcasted by Rai Uno during the Epiphany concert, as well as on Rai International and Sat 2000: it was also followed on Radio Kiss Kiss network
of Naples.

The Mediterranean Peace Award 2001 and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was assigned to Leah Rabin: a great Israelian woman who fought for peace.

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On January 4th 2002, at the Teatrino di Corte of the Royal Palace in Naples, was held the ceremony to award the “Premio Mediterraneo”.
The Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, with the Mediterranean Academy – Maison de la Méditerranée – in collaboration with the Regione Campania, the Province of Benevento, the Municipality of Naples, Il Corriere della Sera, El Mundo, Il Denaro, la Rai, Il Centro Francescano di Cultura “Oltre il Chiostro”, the Landscape and Fine Arts Service of Naples and Province – conferred acknowledgements in the relevant sections of the Award.

The Mediterranean Award for Peace 2002 and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was assigned to the memory of the two journalists Maria Grazia Cutuli and Julio Fuentes killed in Afghanistan. Monica Garcia (Julio Fuentes' wife) and Donata Cutuli (Maria Grazia Cutuli's sister) attended the ceremony to receive the awards.

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On May 28th 2004, Mr. Jean Claude Gaudin, Mayor of Marseille and Vice President of the French Senate, accompanied by a delegation of Councillors of the City of Marseille, by the Health Minister as well as by representatives of the various religions joining “Marseille Espérance”, visited the Central Office of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, where he inaugurated the “Marsiglia Hall”.

In the afternoon, at Vesuvio Hall of Maison de la Méditerranée, was held the Ceremony for the “Mediterranean Awards 2004”.

The Mediterranean Award for Peace 2004 was awarded to the Association ”Marseille Espérance”. 

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During the 12th edition of the Epiphany Concert, at the Rai Auditorium in Naples, the Fondazione Mediterraneo awarded the Parishes S. Giorgio Maggiore (Priest Don Luigi Merola), S. Maria della Sanità (Priest Don Antonio Loffredo), Resurrezione del Signore (Priest Don Vittorio Siciliani) the “Mediterranean Prize for Peace 2006” because of their work in favour of peace and social solidarity in the deprived areas of a great metropoly like Naples.

The awards were assigned by the President of the Province of Naples Dino Di Palma, by the Councillor Valeria Valente and by the Counsellor Rachele Furfaro.

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso met the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Angel Moratinos to announce the awarding of the "Mediterranean Diplomacy Award 2005" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World".
The Minister assured his presence in Naples to receive the award.
The Minister also expressed his appreciation for the engagement undertaken by the Mediterranean Foundation and the Maison de la Méditerranée and confirmed his willingness to carry out a joint action aiming at promoting the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and strengthening Barcelona Process and to cooperate with the Mediterranean Foundation in the action undertaken by the Spanish Government and the Arab League.

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