Complete Lest || of events

An acknowledgement to his action in favour of the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue between cultures.
Gianni Letta
, Under-Secretary at the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, received the Mediterranean Institutions Award 2004 and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" during a Ceremony held at Maison de la Méditerranée.
The Jury wished to acknowledge his action in favour of the dialogue between cultures as well as his engagement to obtain the release of the two Italian women kidnapped in Iraq in September 2004.

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During the visit of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to the Fondazione Mediterraneo, was held the ceremony for conferring the Mediterranean Institutions Award 2005 upon him.
The award was handed by President Capasso and Secretary General Schwimmer.

Among those present were: Turkish Minister Mehmet Aydin, Turkish Ambassador to Italy Uğur Ziyal, the Ambassadors of Morocco and Syria to Italy, the President of Campania Region Antonio Bassolino, the Prefect of Naples Profili and the Presidents of Benevento Province Nardone and Cosenza Province Oliverio.

Prime Minister Erdoğan expressed his satisfaction with the “Greater Mediterranean” project, defining it very important for peace and dialogue.

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Mediterranean Award "Poetry" - 2018
to the Israeli Poets

On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th Anniversary of the Mediterranean Foundation, the International Committee has deliberated the award of the Mediterranean Award 2018 in favor of all the Israeli poets engaged in the promotion of a culture of peace.
The award will be presented in Israel during an important event.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 11 november 2018

Premio Mediterraneo "Poesia" - 2017
alla memoria di
L. Ron Hubbard
Scrittore Statunitense, USA

Nessun'altra forma d'arte comunica la veduta personale di L. Ron Hubbard sul mondo come lo fanno le sue poesie e le sue parole, avendo egli scritto versi nel corso di tutta la sua vita. Nella sua gioventù e negli anni newyorkesi come durante i suoi viaggi in mare la sua ricerca si è innalzata verso più elevati stati spirituali. Mediante l’opera Dichiarazione di Pace, L. Ron Hubbard ha gridato al mondo intero il suo appello per un sogno di Pace su questo pianeta e mediante il progetto Città Internazionale - da creare nel Nord Africa - ha offerto una visione della Pace tra le nazioni. La Fondazione degli Amici di Ron, sulla scorta di quanto L. Ron Hubbard ha desiderato e fatto in vita per gli scrittori e poeti in erba, ha istituito il “Premio Poetico degli Amici di Ron”, capace di avvicinare e dialogare con centinaia di poeti di tutto il mondo, alimentando le ispirazioni di spiriti liberi.

La Cerimonia di Assegnazione
Napoli, 17 novembre 2017

Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, representing the Monastery Mar Musa (Syria) was awarded ”for its contribution in promoting mutual respect among population believing in different religions and creeds.”
The ceremony was organized on occasion of the 4th Meeting of the Leaders of the National Networks of “Anna Lindh” Foundation in Tampere.

After the director Shoefthaler and president Capasso’s praises, Father Paolo Dall’Oglio spoke about the inter-religious dialogue stating that mediation, moderation and transparency – together with an exceptional perseverance – have to be the foundations on which to build religious, cultural and social interaction in religion.

The Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tuomioja closed the ceremony assuring Finland commitment in favor of the dialogue, mutual understanding and integration of migratory flows. Diplomats representing the Euro-Mediterranean countries took part in the ceremony.

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The Mediterranean Award for Cinema 2003, for the section Venice Screenings of the 60th International Cinematographic Art Exhibition of Venice, was awarded to the film “Il Natale rubato”, director Pino Tordiglione, subject and script by Pino Tordiglione in collaboration with Nicola Vegro.

The reason for award is the following: the film represents and expresses the Mediterranean culture and art through the language of cinematographic communication, emphasizing human values in its contents.

The award was selected by anonymous experts who participated in the showing of the features presented at the Venice Screenings, with the aim to award a prize to the films beinh in synergy with the motivations and aims of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo of Naples.

The special award was given by the President of the Foundation, Arch. Michele Capasso, and by Mr. Vincenzo Siniscalchi, at the Central Office of Maison de la Méditerranée – Accademia del Mediterraneo in Naples, and was preceded by the projection of the film.

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