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The Awarding Ceremony of Mediterranean Awards 2004 took place at the Maison de la Méditerranée, Vesuvio Hall.  
The Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" 2004 was delivered to the neapolitan songwriter Eugenio Bennato.

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By the XVIII edition of Galassia Gutenberg, the Fondazione Mediterraneo assigned the following Mediterranean Book Awards:

- To the work "The end is my beginning”, written by the Italian author Tiziano Terzani (Longanesi), as an authentic vade-mecum on the way of the reciprocal comprehension among peoples and cultures.
- To the work “The house of waves”, written by the Italian author Giuseppe Conte (Longanesi) for his poetry and the ideals of the great poet Shelley.
- To Galassia Gutenberg for its contribution to the section “Mediterranea” to promote cultures and identities of the Greater Mediterranean countries.

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With a solemn ceremony that took place at the Fair Centre in Cairo, the Mediterranean Book Awards were assigned, in the presence of the members of the International Jury and of the institutional delegates.

Born as an issuing of the "Mediterranean Prize", it has the aim of awarding translation, edition, promotion, diffusion and spread of the works, contributing to a better acquaintance with the “other”, considering the variation and the vitality of the literary form of the research and of the contemporary debates on the two shores. This way it will be possible to favour interchanges and open debates to a larger Mediterranean public.

Animated by the will to make possible the dialogue between languages, cultures and thoughts of the two shores, and, more generally, the dialogue about universal values, the Prize has the promotion of the cultural interaction as a fundamental principle.
As a true bridge between the two shores, the prize let the western reader to read reference works of the thought of the northern shore in his own language and makes accessible to the European reader a often unknown side of the Literature and of the contemporary thought of the southern shore, basically the Arabic one.

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The film "L´Enfant endormì", a Belgian -Moroccan co-production, directed by the Moroccan director Yasmine Kassari, is the winner of the section "Europa, Mediterraneo" of the 7th edition of Napolifilmfestival.

The Mediterranean Award Cinema 2005 also went to the film by Kassari. The jury, composed by the Belgian director Frederic Fonteyne, the director and critic from Spain Javier Rioyo, Italian director Antonietta De Lillo, American critic Nick Vivarelli and the Swedish screenwriter Peter Birro, has assigned the Vesuvio Award to the cinematographic work of Yasmine Kassari by selecting it among the ten films that participated in the special section dedicated to production of the Euro Mediterranean area.

The film, produced in 2004 and already presented in the section Orizzonti at the 61st Venice Film Festival, is set in a desert like region in Morocco.
It narrates the story of Zeinab, a young pregnant woman who catches her husband sneaking away the day after their wedding. Hoping to see him soon again, the women exerts an antic ritual of the rural communities in Morocco: put to sleep the foetus in order to postpone its birth.
The long waiting period will be a pretext for following the mission of alone standing women, dedicated to long and tiring days in the fields to get food for the family. Anyhow, we can see that women, free from the strong grip of a masculine figure, allow themselves to evaluate and decide upon their own lives. Even though in a context where they are still represented as trapped in longstanding traditions, a important process of cultural demystification has begun.

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Alpe Adria Cinema renews its annual meeting with Central and Eastern European cinema in occasion of the 18th edition of the Trieste Film Festival, Trieste, 18 – 25 January 2007 (Cinema Excelsior, Sala Azzurra, Cinema Ariston and Teatro Miela), directed as usual by Annamaria Percavassi
The Festival is nowadays the most rich and articulated Italian film festival devoted to the cinema from Central and Eastern Europe and beyond.

Also for this 18th Edition the Fondazione Mediterraneo has collaborated with Alpe Adria Cinema – Triestefilmfestival conferring the International Award Laboratorio Mediterraneo 2003 to the best short film. The jury, composed by Maurizio Di Rienzo, Ivan Karl e Thomas Woschitz, assigned the Prize (€2.000) to:
"LAMPA CU CĂCIULĂ (The Tube With a Hat) by Radu Jude, Rumania, 2006.

Special mentions went to:
TIR by Radoy Nikolov, Bulgaria, 2005 and 10 INSECTS TO FEED (10 INSETTI DA NUTRIRE) by MASBEDO (Nicolò Massazza, Jacopo Bedogni), Italy, 2006.

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