Complete Lest || of events

On the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Italian Unity, the President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso informed the President of the Province of Turin Antonio Saitta that he had been granted the "Medal Honour" of the Mediterranean Award 2011, consisting of the work Totem for Peace by the sculptor Mario Molinari. The official ceremony will be held in Naples in May.

President Saitta is sponsor of the Tricolored Totem for Peace which will be realized in Turin during the next weeks inside the Pellerina Park, on the corner of Corso Regina Margherita and Corso Lecce.

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Mediterranean Award "Memoriae" 2013
The award was handed over to Raffaele Arcella for having shared his testimony of the horrors of the holocaust with young people by narrating stories of the closed prison from his book “Frammenti” and for having dedicated his life to inculcating a sentiment of peace and dialogue in young people.
Lest we forget one of the largest tragedies of humanity.


Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 17 january 2013


Memories of the Shoah Section
The award has been assigned to the sisters Andra and Tatiana Bucci, native of Fiume and deported respectively at the age of
4 and 7 years at the Birkenau concentration camp along with other membersof their family.



Other Memories Section
The award assigned to the attorney
Pasquale Cappuccio, brutally murdered by the mafia more than 30 years ago, was received by his daughter Emma Lorena.




Post-memoriaes Section
The award was assigned to the memory of Shmuel Haddas, first Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See who disappeared in January 2010.



Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 7th February 2011



On the occasion of Yacht Med Festival in Gaeta Fondazione Mediterraneo delivered the "Honoring Medals" 2009 to the following institutions:

The Awards have been assigned to:
Consormare del Golfo
Guardia di Finanza di Gaeta
Camera di Commercio di Latina
Istituto nautico “Giovanni Caboto”
Fausto e Marion Marchi for donating the boat "Megaride–Grande Mediterraneo".

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During the 15th edition of the Epiphany Concert, performed on 4th January at the  Mediterraneo Theatre in Naples, the Fondazione Mediterraneo granted the Mediterranean Art and Creativity Award 2011 to the Italian Association "Amici del Presepio".

The representative of the Association expressed his appreciation for this Award as well as his  personal admiration for the  activity carried out by the Fondazione during these years in favour of art.  The Award was given by President Michele Capasso.

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