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During the 15th edition of the Epiphany Concert, performed on 4th January at the  Mediterraneo Theatre in Naples, the Fondazione Mediterraneo granted the Mediterranean Art and Creativity Award 2011 to Giuseppe Antonello Leone.
The Artist expressed his appreciation for this Award as well as his  personal admiration for the  activity carried out by the Fondazione during these years in favour of art.  The Award was given by President Michele Capasso and the Prefect of Naples Andrea De Martino.

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At the 15th Edition of the Epiphany Concert, held this 4th January  at the Teatro Mediterraneo in Naples, the Fondazione Mediterraneo  granted  the 2012 Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity  to Antonio Borrelli  .
The artist expressed his appreciation for the Award as well as his personal admiration for the  activities of the Fondazione to promote art over the years.

The Award was presented by President Michele Capasso and the Prefect of NaplesAndrea De Martino.

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At the 15th Edition of the Epiphany Concert, held this 4th January  at the Teatro Mediterraneo in Naples, the Fondazione Mediterraneo  granted  the 2012 Mediterranean Award for Architecture to Vittorio Di Pace. The Architect expressed his appreciation for the Award as well as his  personal admiration for the  activities of the Fondazione to promote architecture over the years.

The Award was presented by President  Michele Capasso and the Prefect of Naples, Andrea De Martino.

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At the 15th Edition of the Epiphany Concert, held this 4th January  at the Teatro Mediterraneo in Naples, the Fondazione Mediterraneo  gratned the 2012 Mediterranean Award for Solidarity to the Associazione Scuola di Pace.
The Association expressed  appreciation for the Award as well as admiration for the  activities of  the Fondazione to promote solidarity over the years.

The Award was presented by President  Michele Capasso and the Prefect of Naples, Andrea De Martino.

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The Mediterranean Award for Peace

to Taysser Quba'a
Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean 

For his long-standing commitment to promoting dialogue between Israel and Palestine in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, and for his balanced vision in confronting the historical reality of old and new problems preventing the peace process, in the knowledge that this is the only possible way for two Peoples to live together in two States: it is their destiny to live on Earth side by side due to their geography and history.

Awarding Ceremony
Malta, 13 October 2012

The Mediterranean Award for Peace

to Majallie Whbee
Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean


For his long-standing commitment to promoting dialogue between Israel and Palestine in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, and for his balanced vision in confronting the historical reality of old and new problems preventing the peace process, in the knowledge that this is the only possible way for two Peoples to live together in two States: it is their destiny to live on Earth side by side due to their geography and history.

Awarding Ceremony
Malta, 13 October 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy

to Hillary Rodham Clinton
US Secretary of State

For her actions promoting a new direction for USA policy in the Mediterranean Region, thanks to which it has been possible to give support to the “Arab Spring” movement and embark on the long process towards democratization in Arab countries based on freedom and solidarity.
She has always sustained that Euro-Mediterranean Civil Society has an essential role to play in the building of peace and co-development for the region.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 06 January 2012


The "Rita Allamprese" Mediterranean Award for Children Care and Education

to l’Organisation Nationale de l'Enfance Tunisienne


Founded on 21 May 1948, the Organisation Nationale de l’Enfance Tunisienne has enabled thousands of Tunisian children, especially those from poor families, to benefit from assistance and recreational activities throughout the whole year. As the founder of Municipal Councils for Infancy and the promoter of establishment of the Tunisian Youth Parliament, ONET has developed friendship networks with numerous children, youth and cultural associations in Mediterranean and European countries.
As a Member of the United Nations Economic and Social council (ECOSOC), ONET defends the rights of children at both national and international level.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 29 November 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Institutions

to the Scuola Militare Nunziatella

For having prepared generations of Youths over 225 years for “Life and Service in the Armed Forces”, which represents and invaluable asset for Humanity centred around the history and life of the City of Naples and Italy.
The Nunziatella Military Academy represents educational excellence in the Mediterranean and the world, in which ethical values are placed at the heart of the vocational training and learning of young people who are destined to take on an essential role in social life.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 25 may 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Institutions

to Habib Ben Yahia
Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union

At the Headquarters of the CASA DEL MAGHREB ARABO - in Via Depretis 130, Naples – the Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union, Habib Ben Yahia, received the “Mediterranean Award for Institutions”. 
Those attending included the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, the Director General of ALESCO Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, the Minister Plenipotentiary of the Algerian Embassy Mohamed Mellah, The Tunisian Ambassador Naceur Mestiri, the Moroccan Ambassador Hassan Habouyoub, the Mauritanian Ambassador Moctar Ould Dahi, representatives from Libya, representatives of the Consular Body of Naples, the Mayor of Minori, Andrea Reale, as well as dignitaries civil, military and religious institutions and the world of science and culture in Italy and Maghreb countries.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 26 July 2012



The Mediterranean Award for Institutions

to Michel Vauzelle
President of the  Région Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur

Former Spokesperson to the President of the French Republic François Mitterrand and Minister of Justice, he has dedicated his life to undertaking concrete  partnership initiatives between the European Union and Mediterranean Countries, developing operational programmes that have contributed significantly to mutual understanding and exchanges among peoples on both shores despite the many difficulties encountered along the way.
As President of the PACA Region and the Alps-Mediterranean Euroregion, he has taken on a major role in development and integration policies.

Awarding Ceremony
Marsiglia, 05 april 2013


The Mediterranean Award for Interreligious Dialogue
to Sister Maria Pia Giudici

“For her commitment and dedication to peace and dialogue between different faiths and laypeople, and for welcoming people in a dignified, natural and loving manner in her quest for the true essence of things. Her simplicity and spirituality help rediscover the way to people’s souls through the power of love for oneself and each other.
Her writings offer us guidance and spiritual reflection to overcome prejudice that suffocates love for God and his creatures, leading us back to the way of truth and light”.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 3 september 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Culture

to Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour
Director General ALECSO

ALESCO is an intergovernmental organization that brings together 22 member countries from the League of Arab States. It was established in 1970 and has its headquarters in Tunis.
Under the guidance of its current Director General, Pr-Dr. Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, it is resolutely committed to the defense of culture and human dignity (freedom of the press, denouncement of obscurantism, attacks to human dignity and world heritage).
It also strives to valorize Arab cultural identity
and contributes to building the vision of a universal civilization.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 26 July 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Culture

to Youths of the “Arab Spring Revolutions"

This Award is bestowed upon youth representatives in Syriak Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, who thanks to their actions and conviction, especially through the use of new means of communication, brought about the capitulation of dictatorial regimes and enabled the difficult path towards Democracy and Freedom to be undertaken.

Awarding Ceremony
Nicosia, 10 November 2012

The Mediterranean Award for Information
In memory of Mika Yamamoto
Journalist, Japan

“For having sacrificed her own life at the age of 45 years – after being fatally wounded during fighting in Aleppo between rebels and Syrian army soldiers – and for her courageous spirit in informing the world of the crimes against humanity so that such savagery can be prevented so that our world can be considered worthy of claiming to support human rights and peace”.

Naples, 3 september 2012

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 28 september 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Information

to Pino Blasi

Ten years with the "Mattino" newspaper, and almost thirty with RAI broadcasting company. For fourteen years, he directed the regional news programmes in Campania at the Italian state-owned broadcasting company, RAI Channel 3, where he was also responsible for five weekly programmes. From 2006, he has held courses at the School of Journalism, University of Salerno, which for the biennial periods, 2006-2008 and 2008-2010, respectively, were considered to be among the top National Association of Journalists in Italy.
Honest reporting, professional coherency, and  transparent personal ethics effectively summarize the guiding principles which Blasi has taught to young people in preparing them for a career in the world of information. The qualities of professionalism, rigour, ability, as well as human and ethical values are the distinguishing characteristics that young apprentices and gladly learnt from him in their aspiration to become qualified and capable journalists capable of transforming the modern world into a better place.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 14 april 2012

The Mediterranean Award for Cultural Heritage
to Irina Gueorguieva Bokova
Director General UNESCO, BULGARIA

For her commitment to the defense and protection of world cultural heritage as well as for strengthening the cultural diplomacy as a fundamental basis for peace and mutual respect among peoples. In particular, through her actions, she has created a space with which to recognize the value of immaterial and intangible cultures, considering them as the world heritage of mankind.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 3 september 2012

The "Mario Condorelli" Mediterranean Award for Science and Research

to the Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, 
Innovation and Research

For its commitment to carrying out concrete projects in the field of nanotechnology and for having successfully obtained third general biofuel from Moroccan seaweed.
This initiative has produced excellent results for industrial fuel both from an economic perspective and for the protection of the environment.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 06 January 2012


The "Raffele Capasso" Mediterranean Award for Legality

to Don Luigi Ciotti
"Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie"

"Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie" (Free Associations, Names and Statistics against the Mafia) was established on 25 March 1995 with the aim of calling on civil society to combat the mafia and promote legality and justice. At present, Libero brings together more than 1600 associations, social groups and grass roots organizations committed to developing cultural and political and organizational synergies capable of disseminating a culture of legality. The laws on the social uses of property confiscated from the mafia, education in democratic lawfulness, the commitment to fighting corruption, the sectors for vocational training to combat mafias, projects for work and development and measures to combat usury are  just some of the commitments undertaken by Libera. Libera is recognized as an association that promotes social aims by the Ministry of Social Welfare. In 2008, Eurispes considered it one of Italy’s top organizations.
Don Luigi Ciotti, an anti-mafia activist, is the coordinator of Libera. His work aims to make the essential social and cultural progress required to eradicate mafia phenomena and every form of injustice, illegality and criminal activities.

Awarding Ceremony
Chieti, 21 november 2019


The "Angelo Vassallo" Mediterranean Award for Environment and Co-Development

to Greenpeace International

For its long-standing commitment to the energy revolution as a response to climate change, defending our oceans, protecting the last of our primary forests (together with the fauna, flora and human beings that depend on them), working for disarmament and peace by dealing with the causes of conflicts, and calling for the elimination of all nuclear arms to create a future without toxic substances in which sustainable agriculture is promoted.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 06 January 2012

The Mediterranean Award for "Architecture"

to Vittorio Di Pace

At 105 years old, Vittorio di Pace continues to work indefatigably as an architect on the project he has dreamed about all his life: that of creating an interethnic city.
His life has been based on Love for Life and the “Architect’s Profession”, which unites artistic spirit with curiosity for the world. He has carried out projects in Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, The Ivory Coast and Saudi Arabia.
He is a rare example of curiosity and perceptiveness, brimming with enthusiasm for work and wellbeing, as well as being a careful observer of the world and creator of universal architecture without differences or hierarchies.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2012


The Silver Dolphin Mediterranean Award
to Alessandro Ortis
Engineer, ITALY

And professional man who is devoted and dedicated, with a firm commitment in promoting institutions, bodies and initiatives of particular importance for a more advanced collaboration and cohesion among the countries of the Mediterranean.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 21 november 2011


The Silver Dolphin
Mediterranean Award

to Corrado Beguinot

Who throughout his long career dedicated his life to scientific research and experimentation on the theme of town plan, which at international level spilled over into the creation and promotion of the interethnic cable European city.
Together with the Fondazione Aldo Della Rocca, he is the precursor of the new cabled interethnic era based on peace in the world, in which all peoples are united fraternally and unite under the banner of “One People in One City”.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 3
September 2012


The Mediterranean Award
for Civil Society

to Youth Resource Centre (ORC) Tuzla
Miralem Tursinovic' - Director

For having contributed to the integration and cooperation between young people in the former Yugoslav Republics, thanks to an careful and impartial historical interpretation of the recent war and joint projects for integration and partnership with youths and networks of young people involved in Civil Society initiatives in Euro.-Mediterranean countries.

Awarding Ceremony
Cipro, 10 november 2012


The Mediterranean Award
for Energy and Sustainable Development

to MedReg

An associative and institutional body that is strongly committed to promoting cooperation between National energy regulatory Bodies in the Mediterranean thus contributing to effectively supporting energy, economic and social integration among Countries of the Mediterranean Basin and the Continents to which they belong.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 06 January 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Economy

to Teresa Ribeiro

For her commitment to protection of the environment and natural resources. She has applied “economic diplomacy” as an instrument for co-development and equity among peoples.
In her political and scientific activities, she considers the mobility of skills as coherent and indispensable for the promotion of economic partnership as the basis for peace and prosperity.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 21 November 2011



The Mediterranean Award for Social Solidarity

to Associazione Scuola di Pace

The Associazione Scuola di Pace, founded in 1989,  is committed to sensitizing especially the youngest generations to the principles of solidarity and civil commitment. Its actions are directed towards secondary school students with particular attention to migratory phenomena, including  the establishment of an Italian Language School complemented by significant collateral activities, making it an example of excellence of the colourful world of voluntary work.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4 January 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity

to Giuseppe Antonello Leone

His artistic expression has evolved around two opposite poles of figurative art, transfigured by his own brand of tragic surrealism and love for recovered objects, into which he injects powerful irony about post-industrial consumerism. His skilful transfiguration of forms and technical mastery are ever present in all his works.
His works are also an expression of Mediterranean Art. They include among others: the bronze panels of the Way of the Cross at the Church of Saint Peter in Camerellis in Salerno, the cycle of mosaics at the Seminary Church of Sessa Aurunca, the mosaic at the Church of Saint Anthony of Corleto Perticara, the fresco in the Church of Our Lady of Spinoso, the stained-glass window in the Cathedral of  Benevento, three paintings in Church of Saint Anna in Potenza, the fresco in the Rocca dei Rettori in Benevento, the bronze panels for the central door of the Cathedral of  Messina.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 4
January 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity

to Antonio Borrelli

Whether as a sculptor of impressive abstract forms or designer of small refined jewellery with movable interlocking mechanisms, Antonio Borrelli has built his creative genius around the mastery of his “know-how” to such an extent that his inspiration or sensitivity never exceed his technical ability.
He is able to pass from monumental megastructures to microstructure utilitarian objects or jewellery peculiar to art of the last century, the twentieth century. Despite his inherently transient character, as with all definitions, the term “micro-mega artist” may be used describe motivation and the contradictory path taken by Antonio Borelli, as his inquiry into formal completeness transcends the ways in which  plastic art and ornamental objects are used.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 04 January 2012


The Mediterranean Award for Institutions

to Gorge Abela
President of the Republic of MALTA

For having promoted cooperation between Europe and the Mediterranean and for transforming the Republic of Malta into the hub of the wheel where international bodies has located their headquarters for the purpose of strengthening cultural, political and social dialogue between the two shores.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 06 January 2012

Premio Mediterraneo
"Medaglia d'Onore" per l'Infanzia

a Ermanno Russo
Assessore alle Attività Sociali della Regione Campania

At a solemn ceremony held at the close of the World Forum for Child Welfare 2012 attended by delegates from all over the world, the “Medal of Honour for Children" was presented to Ermanno Russo, Councillor for Social Affairs in the Campania Region.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 29 november 2012

Premio Mediterraneo
"Medaglia d'Onore" per l'Infanzia

a Catriona Williams
Presidente dell'International Forum for Child Welfare

At a solemn ceremony held at the close of the World Forum for Child Welfare 2012 attended by delegates from all over the world, the “Medal of Honour for Children" was presented to Catriona Williams, President of the International Forum for Child Welfare.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 29 november 2012

Premio Mediterraneo
"Medaglia d'Onore" per l'Infanzia

a Ivano Abbruzzi
Direttore de L'Albero della Vita Onlus

At a solemn ceremony held at the close of the World Forum for Child Welfare 2012 attended by delegates from all over the world, the “Medal of Honour for Children" was presented to Ivano Abbruzzi, Director of the “Albero della Vita” Charitable Organization.

Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 29 november 2012



best short film by director Anca Miruna Lăzărescu, (DE/RO), 2011.

The 2012 Mediterranean Award for Cinema was announced at the Trieste Film Festival, for the best short film in contest. The Fondazione Mediterraneo
has been collaborating with the Trieste Film Festival since 1995.
The winner was "Apele tac, silent river", by Anca Miruna Lăzărescu, (DE/RO), 2011.

Awarding Ceremony
Trieste, 25
January 2012


Euromed Award


The Rome-based Teatro Valle Occupato Theatre Group won the 2012 Euro-Med Award. The Awards Ceremony was held in Cyprus on 10 November 2012 at the UNESCO Auditorium, University of Nicosia in the presence of the Heads of the National Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Participants at the ceremony included Andreu Claret, Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation, and Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

Awarding Ceremony
Cipro, 10 november 2012