Complete Lest || of events

In accordance with the express wishes of the family of journalist Mika Yamamoto - who was barbarously killed in Aleppo – the Japanese Ambassador to Italy received the Mediterranean Award on behalf of her family at a ceremony on 3 September in Naples.

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, handed over this prestigious acknowledgement  to Minister Hoshiyama Takashi who expressed his gratitude as receiving such an outstanding honour on behalf of the family.


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The change Command Ceremony at the Nunziatella Military Academy in Naples, during which Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto handed over command to Colonel Maurizio Napoletano, was attended among others by the Commander of the Military Academy of Modena, General Division, Massimiliano Del Casale, and dignitaries representing civil and military institutions. At the close of the ceremony, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, together with other members including Vittorio di Pace and Claudio Azzolini, informed those attending of the jury’s decision to give the Mediterranean Peace Keepers Award to the departing commanders of the Nunziatella Academy as a token of the Academy’s secular activities.
The highest honour was awarded to Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto and consists of a replica of the TOTEM FOR PEACE by Molinari set on a stone base taken from old block of lava from Vesuvius.


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The President of the Fondazione MediterraneoMichele Capasso, and Pia Molinari welcomed the  Director General, Irina Bokova awarding her “2012 Mediterranean Award for Cultural Heritage” and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" 'for her actions” as is stated in the reasons “promote the protection, valorization and promotion of cultural heritage, including as a vector for dialogue and peace throughout the world”.

Among those attending the ceremony were the Director General or ALESCO (the equivalent organization to UNESCO under the auspices of the Arab League) Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour.
Members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, delegations from world of culture, science, politics, religion and military organizations from different countries, as well as mayors from the Amalfi Coast (which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage) who support and promote the Totem for Peace (by sculptor Mario Molinari spoke at the event).

Among those present were Ambassador  Francesco Caruso, the World President of ICOMOS Gustavo Araoz, the President of ICOMOS Italia Maurizio De Stefano, the Quebec Representative in Rome Daniela  Renosto, as well as Corrado Beguinot, Vittorio di Pace, and Claudio Azzolini.

“At such a historically important time, following the transition from a society obsessed with ”having” more to one based on humanity that is open to the longing for being, a basic truth has to be acknowledged: the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in whatever form is a vector for new lifestyles. It is the guardian and advocate of Creation  leading us towards  strategies for Peace through increasingly genuine and deep movements of civilizations and religions”. This appeal for cultural heritage launched the UNESCO Director General, Irina Bokova was united with the Fondazione Mediterraneo Appeal for Cultural Heritage.

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The President of the Fondazione MediterraneoMichele Capasso, welcomed the Honorary Consul of Japan, Prof. Alberto Carotenuto and presented him with the “2012 Mediterranean Award for Information” dedicated to the memory of the Japanese journalist Mika Yamamoto “who sacrificed her own life at the age of 45, when she was killed in cross-fire between rebels and Syrian army soldiers in Aleppo. She will be remembered for the spirit with which she informed the world of the crimes against humanity so that such savagery can be halted in the name of civilization, promotion of human rights and peace”.

Pia Molinari and other members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo took part, together with representatives from different countries, including diplomats and dignitaries from the world of culture, science, politics, religion and the armed forces, the Mayors of the Amalfi Coast (UNESCO cultural heritage) who support and promote the “Totem for Peace” (by Mario Molinari).

Those attending included

Director General of ALECSO, Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, Ambassador Francesco Caruso, World President of ICOMOS Gustavo Araoz, Italian President of ICOMOS Maurizio De Stefano, Quebec Representative in Rome Daniela  RenostoCorrado BeguinotVittorio di Pace, and Claudio Azzolini

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The President Fondazione MediterraneoMichele Capasso, together with Vittorio di Pace and Pia Molinari, welcomed Professor Corrado Beguinot presentino him with the “2012 Mediterranean Silver Dolphin Award” “for having dedicated  his long working life to scientific research and town planning experimentation at international level aimed at creating and promoting the idea of a European interethnic cabled city.

The Fondazione Aldo Della Rocca is the precursor to the new cabled interethnic era and the basis for peace in the world in which all peoples can unite in kindred spirit as a united people in a united city”.

Members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo took part together with representatives from different countries including diplomats and dignitaries from the world of culture, science, politics, religion and the armed forces, the Mayors of the Amalfi Coast (UNESCO cultural heritage) who support and promote the “Totem for Peace” (by Mario Molinari).

Those attending included

Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, Director General of ALECSO, Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, Ambassador Francesco Caruso, World President of ICOMOS Gustavo Araoz, Italian President of ICOMOS Maurizio De Stefano, Quebec Representative in Rome Daniela  RenostoCorrado BeguinotVittorio di Pace, and Claudio Azzolini.

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