Complete Lest || of events

At the XVIIIth edition of the Epiphany Concert held at the Teatro Mediterraneo in Naples on 4January 2013, the Fondazione Mediterraneo awarded the 2013 Mediterranean Award for Social Solidarity to the Associazione Jerry Essan Masslo. representing the association, Renato Natale expressed his gratitude for the award and personal admiration for the activities carried out by the Fondazione in recent years.


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At the XVIIIth edition of the Epiphany Concert held at the Teatro Mediterraneo in Naples on 4January 2013, the Fondazione Mediterraneo awarded the 2013 “Medal of Honour” Mediterranean Award  to the Mayor of  Torre Annunziata Giosuè Starita for his commitment to the creation of the Totem for Peace by  Mario Molinari in the town of  Torre Annunziata.  The Mayor Starita  expressed his gratitude for the award and his personal admiration for the activities of the
Fondazione Mediterraneo, which he had demonstrated through his agreeing to the construction of the Totem for Peace in  Torre Annunziata.


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On 4 January 2013, the XVIIIth Edition of the Epiphany Concert was held in Naples bringing the Christmas festivities to a close with the traditional message of peace and goodwill once again delivered and celebrated using music as an instrument for overcoming any barriers between race, culture and religion in the name of universal fraternity. The concert took place at the Teatro Mediterraneo in Naples and included a star-studded cast of international artists advocating the ideals of fraternity,.
On that occasion, nominations for the 2013 Mediterranean Awards were announced and some awards were conferred upon the winners.

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At the XVIIIth edition of the Epiphany Concert held at the Teatro Mediterraneo in Naples on 4January 2013, the Fondazione Mediterraneo awarded the 2013 “Medal of Honour” Mediterranean Award  to the Istituto Professionale per i Servizi Sociali "Morvillo Falcone" in Brindisi in memory of Melissa Bassi who was savagely killed. Headmistress of the Institute, Rosanna Maci, expressed her gratitude for the award and his personal admiration for the activities of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, which had been shown through the support given to the construction of the Totem for Peace in  Brindisi and dedicating it to Melissa Bassi.

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