All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

With the patronage of the Municipality of Naples and the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the association SELF (Secondigliano Libro Festival) has organized a meeting on the relationship between Neapolitans, yesterday and today, with the sea: all through the stories of eight writers who love the city.
On thisoccasion, the book "IL MARE BAGNA ANCORA NAPOLI" and the docufoto of Barbara Di Donato "Dall’alba al tramonto sempre Napul' è" werebothpresented.
Participants included Michele Capasso (presuident of FM), Alessandra Clemente (councillor for young people in the Municipality of Naples), Donatella Trotta (journalist and writer), Ottavio Lucarelli (President of the Order of journalists in Campania), Salvatore Testa (president of the SeLF).
President Lucarelli recalled Michele Capasso's long civil commitment and thanked him for his dedication and for hosting training courses for journalists in recent weeks.

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Continue at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples the review "The Museums today: issues of protection, conservation, education and management": a series of meetings in memory of Gerardo Marotta by the Institute of Art History of the same Academy , coordinated by Viviana Farina.
The professors of the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples assist the speakers by animating the dialogue on the topics covered: on this occasion the proff. Michele Capasso (President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace) and Massimo Pica Ciamarra (Coordinator of the project of the Foundation "The cities of dialogue").
The topics covered (with videos and multimedia documents) were: The Museum of Peace - MAMT: emotions for young producers of the future and what future for the city of dialogue.Present at the meeting the director of the Museum of Peace - MAMT Pia Molinari.The works were introduced by the Director of the Academy of Fine Arts prof. Giuseppe Gaeta.On this occasion the prof. Michele Capasso recalled the affectionate bond with the lawyer. Marotta and her appreciation for the nascent Peace Museum - MAMT.

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Valentina, wife of the late Rino Zurzolo - musician and inseparable friend of Pino Daniele - took to the Museum of Peace - MAMT, in the study of the "Pino Daniele Alive" section, the classic bass and other Rino instruments that recall the beautiful moments in which he performed with Pino Daniele. An exciting moment to remember the bass player, the musician and the teacher of the Conservatory.

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The president Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari carried out a last inspection to verify the last details of the work "Totem of Peace" put as a redevelopment of the courtyard of the oratory of FMA "Mother Mazzarello" in Torre Annunziata.
Welcomed by Sister Marianna and Sister Angela, they had the opportunity to place the "Totem of Peace" by Mario Molinari and to define the criteria for the intervention of the sugnizzi "Peace Carriers" hut on the side panels of the work itself.

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Large turnout of the public at the "Solidarity market” for the Mother Mazzarello Oratory of Torre Annunziata.
After a moment of common prayer in the Chapel with the relics of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, a group of FMA teachers and nuns from the Naples-Vomero Institute visited the "Market" hoping that the generosity of many could allow the restoration of the floor of the Torre Annunziata Oratory.

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