All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

A group of FMA Juniores Sisters, accompanied by Sister Anna Avenia, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and were entertained in prayer in the Chapel with the relics of St. Giovanni Bosco and of Santa Maria Domenica Mazzarello.

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A meeting was held at the Museum of Peace between the leaders of the main companies of "Innovation lab" to analyze the challenges of the "New style of business".
From "Var Group" to "Helwett Packard Entreprise" and others, the most innovative technologies on the market, such as server virtualization, were presented.
The participants expressed particular appreciation for the Museum of Peace - MAMT and for the high technology present in the emotional paths.

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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the courses of the legendary "HIGH SCHOOL ANTONIO GENOVESI", in the still more legendary SECTION "E", the president Michele Capasso hosted - for an exclusive visit - his high school companions at the "Museum of Peace" - MAMT ": an immersion in emotions and unique and unforgettable emotions.

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