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The EUROMESCO Network of international political leaders, co-founded by the Fondazione Mediterraneo, has a new site that is now online.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo participated in the celebrations of Rome and Capua with various members involved in solidarity actions and assistance to migrants.
It's exciting to participate in this Eucharist among the flags of 49 countries; in the world there are about one billion people on the move - said President Michele Capasso - almost one human being out of seven; in Italy the migrants arrived through the Mediterranean route in 2017 were 119 thousand, 34% less than last year. It is estimated that there have been 3,116 deaths or missing persons on the Central Mediterranean route from North Africa to Italy. Since the beginning of the year, more than 400 children have died at sea, they tried to cross the crossing alone or with relatives, while in thousands they were victims of abuse, exploitation and slavery on their journey through Libya.
Only in 2017 - Capasso concludes - about 15,000 unaccompanied children reached Italy by sea and their trips were generally managed by traffic and trafficking managers ".Before attending Mass, President Capasso underlined the emotions and involvement of more than 5,000 visitors to the emotional path of the Museum of Peace in Naples dedicated to "VOICES OF MIGRANTS".
Celebrating the Mass in St. Peter's on Sunday, January 14,2018 Pope Francis said words of understanding for people's fears in the face of the migratory phenomenon:"To have doubts and fears is not a sin. The sin is to let these condition our choices and feed hatred "

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The United Nations (ONU) has designated Morocco to host the "International Conference on Migration" (ICD 2018) to be held from 10 to 11 December 2018.
The General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on the modalities of this meeting, including the choice of the theme: "Intergovernmental Conference for the adoption of the Global Pact for Secure, Orderly and Regular Migration".
Completing the work of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, co-chaired by Morocco and Germany, and the eleventh summit to be held from 5 to 7 December in Marrakech, the CIM 2018 is the largest international event on the migration issue.
An important meeting as it will see the adoption of the "Global Compact for Safe, Ordained and Regular Migration", the first United Nations document on the issue of migration as a whole.
A consecration for the Kingdom of Morocco and recognition of its role in managing migration in the world in general, and particularly in Africa and the Euro-Mediterranean area.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo will participate in this event in recognition of its role, for 30 years, in favour of migrants and dialogue in general.

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The summit of the Southern European countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Malta) was held in Rome, in Villa Madama.
"If I had to summarize the spirit that unites us is that we are decidedly pro-European countries", this summit "is not characterized by separating ourselves from the rest of Europe but by discussing, reasoning and making proposals for the benefit of the EU because we believe in the future of the EU". Premier Paolo Gentiloni said this at the summit of Villa Madama among the seven Mediterranean countries of the EU. "Europe's demand for Europe at global level and the positive moment for all European economies is the right time to make an effort for greater European cohesion", said the President of the Council, underliningthat the Med-7 meeting "wants to reduce the differences between North and South Europe, between East and West": "the time to do so is now when the economic situation allows investment in the future"."After a decade of economic crisis, Europe has started to grow again, during the difficulties it has developed new tools for governance and strengthened its capacity to react to global challenges". This is stated in the final document of the summit of the countries of Southern Europe, according to which now "Europe is stronger, but much remains to be done".
"The management of migration flows will be a key challenge for the EU in the coming years. Southern European countries are particularly worried and affected, as they are at the forefront of the EU's borders. Our fundamental role in border protection and the weight of this task must be recognised and shared by the EU, "says the summit's final document.
We need to take the necessary steps to complete monetary and economic union in order to ensure sustainable and balanced growth, "the final text of the summit says. The seven leaders stress that "completing the banking union is a priority". Popular consultations throughout Europe from next spring to hear citizens about the future of the European Union. It is the proposal launched by the leaders of the countries of the South that in the final document of the summit in Rome make their own the proposal of the French president Emmanuel Macron. Yes also to the transnational lists for the European Parliamentelections, convinced that this could "strengthen the democratic dimension of the Union". The leaders of the Med-7 countries "reaffirm their support for a viable agreement in Cyprus that brings together Cyprus and its people, and that guarantees the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus, without the need for guarantees. The Republic of Cyprus is and remains a member of the EU, and being part of the EU is the best guarantee for a reunified Cyprus,"says the final document of the Med-7 Summit in Villa Madama. The next summit of the seven southern European Union countries will take place in Cyprus.

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