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Totem of peace" of Molinari symbol of refugees and human rights. Together with the "Euromed Award", the winner of the 2017 edition - the "International Band" association - a copy of the "Totem of Peace", which represents migrants from all over the world, has been consigned. President Capasso recalled the monumental work present in the port of Naples and inaugurated on March 21, 2015 with the visit of Pope Francis. Big party to the winner by the leaders of the national networks of the FAL of Spain, France, Mauritania and other countries, of prof. Caterina Arcidiacono and Giusy Nicolini (former mayor of Lampedusa and member of the Euromed Award jury).

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The Euromed Award Jury for Dialogue between Cultures met in Tallinn. The composition of the Jury: Fondazione Mediterraneo, Anna Lindh Foundation, Austria, Jordan and then GiusyNicolini (Italy), RistoVeltheim (Finland) and Capoeira (Germany).
On this occasion, the winner for the 2017 edition was selected from the final trio: the association "Banda Internazionale".

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Was held in Tallin (Estonia) on 13 and 14 December 2017, the 16th Meeting of the Lead Leaders of the ALF National Networks.
They were discussed on this occasion:

  • Objectives and Strategies for the new ALF phase with the networks involved.
  • Network development and analysis of the European Commission document on the following main points:
    • Increased direct involvement of ALF members in Foundation programs by avoiding that most of the resources available to support members and their work remain exclusively in the hands of Lead Partners (HoN).
    • Increased horizontal and internal communication to date limited.
    • Definition of common rules for the designation of national network Lead Lead Partners.
    • Insufficient knowledge of ALF members, their work and potential.
    • More space for civil society in the management of national networks.
    • Review and reform of network management in the light of evaluations by the European Commission.

The meeting was preceded by a meeting between President Capasso and Professor Arcidiacono (official delegates by the majority of the members of the Italian Network to represent them at the Tallinn Meeting) with President Guigou and Executive Director Atallah: on this occasion the situation of the Italian Network and the considerable documentation produced (last parliamentary question of 12.12.2017) was analysed. The common hope is that there will be a rapid solution along the lines of other networks (in particular Turkey) in order to guarantee the legitimate democratic representativeness specifically required by the European Treaties and the regulations that the European Commission imposes on the ALF as its main donor.
On this occasion, Tunisia's lead partner Anis Boufrika presented, on behalf of all, an award to the Executive Director Atallah that at the end of the year, leaves ALF.

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The President of the Anna Lindh Foundation, Elisabeth Guigou, during a meeting with President Michele Capasso and Prof. Caterina Arcidiacono, expressed her appreciation for the results of the joint action "Kimiyya", which was also considered by the ONU as one of the main initiatives in favour of women.
President Capasso confirmed the programme for the second edition (2018) dedicated to "Women and Migrants", which will involve more than 70 countries.
On this occasion, one of the bags made for "Kimiyya" by Syrian women who had children killed in the conflict was handed over to President Guigou.

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, Pia and Jacopo Molinari, the members of the Board of Directors and the International Scientific Committee, the delegates of the branch offices and the directors of the autonomous sections are in contact with Nicole and Antonio Voria for the loss of her dear husband and father Michele.
A member of the Mediterranean Foundation, Mayor of Rutino and passionate of the Mediterranean, Michele Voria shared from the beginning the aims of the Foundation with initiatives - starting from 1994 - in favour of the people of the former Yugoslavia.
We would like to remind you of your "generous" being at the service of the Common Good.
In this interview, his testimony on the "Totem for Peace" to Rutino, which he strongly wanted and which we will now propose is titled in his name.

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