Complete Lest || of events

Kuwait ambassador in Rome Sheikh Ali Khalid Al-Jaber Al-Sabah visited Napoli based Fondazione Mediterraneo in order to organize the next visit of  S.A. Sheikh Nasser Al-Sabah. During the meeting between Kuwait diplomatic and Foundation’s President Michele Capasso, who  hosted him with the prof. Antonio Capuano, the Foundation has been appointed of the Medal of Honour in occasion of the celebration of Kuwait’s 50° anniversary.

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, greeted by Ernesto Olivero and Andrea Bisacchi, visited the headquarters of the Arsenal of Peace in Turin created by the SERMIG.
"It 's a thrill being able to touch the GOODNESS WELL DONE - said Capasso - and the work of Ernesto Olivero and SERMIG’s firends - in Italy, Brazil and Jordan - is the proof of the" Power of Love”.

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Antonio Bassolino, Gianfranco Verderame and Enzo Amendola presents at "Fondazione Sudd" the book written by Gloria Marina Bellelli "The Algeria Woman".
The Mediterraneo Foundation support this evento.

" In the preface by Anna Maria Cossiga you understand how the book traces the troubled history of Algeria seen through the eyes of women: "the struggle to put an end to French colonialism; the socialist period and the one dramatic of Islamist terrorism; the policy of national reconciliation initiated in also adds a new facet and particularly relevant emphasizing the essential contribution of Algerian women that, challenging the strict Muslim tradition, and often their own families, have taken up arms and have turned to underground for the sake of their country.
These are the women who re-tell the story of Algeria, through fragments of personal memory now joyful and nostalgic, now loads of violence which, unfortunately, often accompanies the struggles for liberation and democracy. The heroines of these pages come from various sectors of society and not just they tell us the story of a country, but also the story of the condition of women in the country. Tortured and raped in the name of freedom and human rights, they have been forgotten by the same policy which so much of their lives have dedicated."

The Fondazione Mediterraneo - with its networks, remote offices, the autonomous sections, the "House of Peace", the "House of the Arab Maghreb", the "Maison de la Méditerranée" - adheres to and supports the "4th World Meeting of youth for Peace"organized by SERMIG in Naples October 4th, 2014, Feast of San Francesco.
During a meeting in Turin with Ernesto Olivero - on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of SERMIG - the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and manager of "Youth and Creativity" Pia Molinari shared the spirit of this important event which will see in Naples a thousands of young people from different countries around the world to spread their thoughts, their complaint to the rulers and powerful often regardless to what is happening today.
"Our goal - says Ernesto Olivero - is to give voice to young people, to their needs, their fears, their hopes. We will read a "Letter to the consciousness" born of the encounter with suffering: it is the cry of the young people who have lost their trust in institutions and they feel humiliated by history. This letter is born from the tears of those who are afraid to live in a society without principles, ideals and shared values​​; from the pain of the homeless welcomed in our arsenals; from the anger of those who were forced to leave their country; from the humiliation of rejected, of downtrodden, of no-face. Of those who have lost any hope in life and in others. "
"Fondazione Mediterraneo - says Michele Capasso - could not but fraternize to Ernesto Olivero and the SERMIG, the sharing values​​, actions, perspectives and hopes. What is happening these days in Iraq, Syria, Palestine and other parts of the world is a sign of ethics and moral decadence and a crisis of values​​, rather than economic: all over the world, from Europe to the United States, to the Middle East, to Asia, corrupt individuals, greedy, amoral spread their power, trampling human dignity. Our common aim must be that of transform this "Love of Power" in the indispensable "Power of Love" as Ernesto says, "Consciousness is witnessing with their lives rather than with words." The appointment in Naples is a key step of this path in order to give back to young people the role of "Manufacturers and protectors of our future."

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Tuesday, September 16th, the Archbishop of Turin, Mgr. Cesare Nosiglia, during the celebration of the Eucharist of thanksgiving for the 50 years of SERMIG, delivered to Ernesto Olivero the decree of approval of the Statute of the Ecclesial with which the Fraternity of SERMIG is recognized as a private association of the faithful.
For the Fondazione Mediterraneo have intervened Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, who expressed to Ernesto their  feelings of brotherhood and sharing of the Foundation.
At the end of the ceremony, during a meeting with Ernesto Olivero, have been discussed the upcoming joint initiatives such as the universal naming of the word "PEACE" and the 4th World Youth Meeting held in Naples October 4th 2014.

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