Complete Lest || of events

The UNESCO World day for Science of Peace and Development, take places the 10th of  november of every year in order to put light on the role of science as peace’s factor between people and as way for the economical and social development. Within this aim, governmental and non organizations, local authorities, scientific institutions, universities, schools and media are pushed to organize events to celebrate this day. Focusing on the need to put in place a deeper relationship between Science, Politics and Society, the day is the occasion to highlight science and scientist’s role in the creation of an inclusive and sustainable society in which all the citizens would part of the scientific development. The day, is included as part of Futuro Remoto dedicated to the sea, the meeting will be an occasion of confront between the public and migrant communities on the topics of travel and integration. The manifestation has also the aim to contrast indifference, which, in Italy and Europe often faces the tragic news coming from the Mediterranean, which is always has been crossroad of ideas and cultures and today has becomed a grave for whom are trying to escape from hunger and war. During the event it will be held a poster section in which organizations and ONG will expose and illustrate their experiences and projects sending their materials through a form available at this link. At the same link it is also available the temporary programme.

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Fondazione Mediterraneo –and its president Capasso and vice president Arcidiacono –supported and joined to the event organized by Istitute of Researches on Third Sector Activities (IRAT) and National Research Council (CNR), in cooperation with Federico II University of Naples and stakeholders who contributed to the regeneration of New York’s waterfront. Within the International Forum of Cultures of Naples, had been held a five days workshop dedicated to young students  and Phd students of different subjects but who are focusing their research about the city and the sea. Participants had been invited to cooperate with local communities, internationals speakers, activists and European scholars with the aim to change the urban maritime scenario of Neapolitan city. Moreover, Fondazione Mediterraneo gave a brief speech about the activities held during its 25 years.

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A delegation from Fondazione Mediterraneo joined in Assisi at Saint Francesco’s holiday, bringing with them the feelings of youngers from all over the world and who decided to gather in Naples on the same date. "Three are the messagges which Assisi send to the govern”said the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi during his speech at Saint Francesco’s holiday.  "The first - he said – invites us to respect the environment, the Creation and to pursue a human and sustainable way of life”. The second, continued Renzi – starts from the expression “Go and fix our house” which means fix our country, focusing on job issue, public administration, justice and school”. Speaking about job, Renzi mentioned the AST trial of Terni, thinking about “all women and men who are waiting for the end of a difficult negotiation”. "The third message it is about the ‘Perfect Joy’ which refers to a lifestyle and a eco-friendly way of life. A greeting to all people named Francesco and a greeting to all of us named Italy in the hope to carry on our future. “Merry San Francesco’s day to Italy!", ended Renzi.

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Fondazione Mediterraneo had adhered, promoted and supported the WORLD YOUTH MEETING. The foundation headquarter in Naples had hosted the event’s organization in the last days.
In piazza Plebiscito a Foundation’s delegation leaded by its president Michele Capasso together with Pia Molinari, Jacopo Molinari, Paola Bovier, Fara Paolillo, Suor Maria Pia Giudici and other members hosted youngers from associations and foundation’s network working in cooperation with parishes and Foundation’s network. In this occasion had been spread Suor Maria Pia Giudici’s message to youngers.

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