Complete Lest || of events

On invitation of Foreign Affairs Ministry and  Fondazione Mediterraneo, the well known restaurant “La Bersagliera” in Naples hosted participants to the events for the ten years anniversary of Anna Lindh Foundation.

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It has been held at Fondazione Mediterraneo the Opening Conference of events for the tenth anniversary of Anna Lindh Foundation with the partecipation of all institution authorities: 42 Ambassadors members of the Governor’s board, Consultative Committee and National Networks Leader.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo has illustrated the programs for young people involved in intercultural dialogue, including through the new means of information and communication.

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European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle, accompanied by his wife Anna, visited the headquarters of the United States of the World, welcomed by Secretary General Michele Capasso.
Füle plaused the foundation for its 25-year commitment of the United States of the World to Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and cooperation hoping a closer involvment with European Union. Secretary General Capasso showed to Füle and his wife Historical Center of Naples.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded to numerous Academics from various countries of the world who attended the international colloquium on "Ethics and Media".

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Michele Capasso, Fondazione Mediterraneo’s president and Senen Florensa, Executive President of IEMED -  the Barcellona based European Institute for Mediterranean celebrated together the 25 years of both the institutions. This was the occasion to remember the events and collaboration between two institutions which left an unforgettable mark in the euro mediterranean partnership: from the Barcellona Civil Forum Euromed and Euro Mediterranean conferences in Naples, since book publishment to thematic workshops.  “Today I’m in the house of a brother” declared ambassador Florensa hoping in the next 25 years collaboration could be closer.

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