Complete Lest || of events

The Fondazione Mediterraneo, which is present with its network of humanitarian initiatives, launched a heartfelt appeal from Gaza to Shimon Perez and Abu Mazen to suspend the war effort.
"The President of the United States has said: 'If rockets were fired at my house, at me and my children, I would certainly react,' the text reads, 'and that is right! But he did not say what he would do if the neighbour entered his home, occupied room after room, and responded to any opposition to the invasion with kidnapping, destruction and killing. President Abu Mazen has sought every possible agreement and has achieved nothing. What else is left for a people but to express their revolt?
But blind faith in force has destroyed all compassion, rejected all dialogue and stands proud in Gaza amidst the ruins and death of civilians as well as in Israel amidst the fear and victims of rockets from Gaza.
Europe and the governments of the West, just as they were silent when the holocaust of the Jews was being prepared and perpetrated, now stand back with empty words, waiting for the victor to give them the appearance of having brokered peace when the fighting is over.
It is up to civil society to rise up and say enough!
To say loud and clear that human values, which are the hard-won part of its history and the glory of its culture, must be respected, now and immediately, in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, in Jerusalem and everywhere".

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In occasion of the 25° anniversary the International Committee of the United States of the World gathered in Rome. In this occasion the main events which characterised twenty-five years have been remembered and big issues of the region as Islamic fundamentalism, the war in Syria, the problem of the migratory flows have been analysed.
For what concerns the last issue, unanimously has been decided to dedicate the “Totem of Peace” to the “Unknown Migrant”. The artwork will host a urn with the remains in order to honour the memory of who lost their lives in the sea, looking for dignity and freedom.
The proposal is to try to realize the artwork for 21 March 2015, day dedicated to the Mediterranean and Migrant, and to collocate it, in agreement with the institutions, in a symbolic city.
The IC charged the Secretary General Capasso for the realization of this last issue, checking the possibility to realize the work on the sea and, especially, in a harbour area.
The president states to have already anticipated such initiative to the President of Senate Grasso and to Cardinal Parolin.

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The awards ceremony of the third edition of the PRAM, the International Award on Mediterranean Restoration and Architectures, was held in Ischia, at the Poseidon’s Garden.

Received by Lucia Beringer, manager of Giardini di Poseidon, joined, among others, Campania Region Turism Assessor Pasquale Sommese, Forio’s Major Francesco Del Deo, Fondazione Mediterraneo president Michele Capasso with Pia Molinari, member of Fondazione, whom were also spoke person at the event.

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The Secretary General of the "United States of the World" Prof. Michele Capasso organised a meeting in the Vatican with Cardinal Pietro Parolin - Secretary of State at the Holy See - and Dr. Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi, Director General of the "Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research".
On this occasion, Prof. Capasso re-proposed the "Greater Mediterranean" programme of the "United States of the World", emphasising the fundamental role of the United Arab Emirates in the peace process and inter-religious dialogue.
He called for a meeting in Abu Dhabi between Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azar to sign a common document on dialogue and fraternity.

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