In occasion of the 25° anniversary the International Committee of the United States of the World gathered in Rome. In this occasion the main events which characterised twenty-five years have been remembered and big issues of the region as Islamic fundamentalism, the war in Syria, the problem of the migratory flows have been analysed.
For what concerns the last issue, unanimously has been decided to dedicate the “Totem of Peace” to the “Unknown Migrant”. The artwork will host a urn with the remains in order to honour the memory of who lost their lives in the sea, looking for dignity and freedom.
The proposal is to try to realize the artwork for 21 March 2015, day dedicated to the Mediterranean and Migrant, and to collocate it, in agreement with the institutions, in a symbolic city.
The IC charged the Secretary General Capasso for the realization of this last issue, checking the possibility to realize the work on the sea and, especially, in a harbour area.
The president states to have already anticipated such initiative to the President of Senate Grasso and to Cardinal Parolin.