Complete Lest || of events

IlDr. Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi, General Manager of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, is one of the world's leading experts in strategic studies and political. he discussed with President Michele Capasso about the current crisis and the new world order, anticipating the contents of his book "Mirage", an analysis of the inability of world leaders to manage the power: "Once they reach it - he said - they don’t know how to handle it: you have the illusion to get the sun and to keep owning it forever, without knowing that one day it will disappear, making way to the night."
After the debate, the President Capasso accompanied his guest to visit the city of Naples in the most significant places.

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Dr. Jamal Sanad Al-Suwaidi, General Manager of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research accompanied by a delegation, visited the Fondazione Mediterraneo, expressing appreciation for the ongoing initiatives and remembering the fruitful collaboration between the two institutions. The President Capasso, emphasized the importance, precisely in this historical moment, of cooperation with the prestigious center of studies and researches of Abou Dhabi giving credit to dr. Jamal Sanad Al -Suwaidi to get a vision not common about today's events and strategies relating to the new world order.

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“it is terrible that such a beautiful land is ruined by phenomena like these ,of non respect for the environment and violation". These are the words of Pope Francesco, by observing the areas of the Land of fires.
Among those present were the President Capasso with a delegation of environmentalists. he recalled the figure of Don Giuseppe Diana, to whose memory, the Mediterranean Foundation has awarded the "Mediterranean award for Legality 2014".

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