Complete Lest || of events

President Capasso awarded Alessandro Tesini, President of the Conference of the Italian Regional Assemblies and President of the Regional Assembly of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the “Honour Medal” 2007 of the Mediterranean Award "for his contribution to the consolidation of a parliamentary dimension and for his cooperation with civil society, youth and women. With his action he put politics and parliaments in the middle of a partnership with the Countries of the “Greater Mediterranean”.

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The awarding ceremony of the "Mediterranean Institutions Award 2007" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World", attributed to René Van Der Linden, President of the Parliamentarian Assembly of the European Council, ex-President of the European Popular Party, was held on Friday the 30th of March, at the Vesuvius Hall of Fondazione Mediterraneo, in the presence of personalities and representatives of the Institutions.

The Award was attributed to President Van Der Linden by following motivations:
By his contribution and his political action, he propagated the values of dialogue in the Greater Mediterranean area. He encouraged the Euro Mediterranean Politics, especially in order to defend human rights, democracy and equality, at first as President of European Popular Party and then as President of the Parliamentarian Assembly of the European Council.

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Fondazione Mediterraneo bestowed the Mediterranean Prize for Culture 2007 to the Egyptian writer ‘Alaa Al-Aswany , author of the famous novel “The Yacoubian Building”.
The awarding ceremony took place on March the 16th, in the Vesuvio Hall of Fondazione Mediterraneo.
During President Capasso greeting speech, motivations for the Prize were showed.

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Fondazione Mediterraneo bestowed the "Mediterranean Peace Award" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" to the Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Prize for Peace.
The awarding ceremony was held at the Sala Vesuvio of FM.

Michele Capasso illustrated the grounds of this prize in his speech of welcome, underlining Dr Ebadi’s engagement in favour of children, in order to make them growing up in a world without violence.

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