Complete Lest || of events

On the occasion of the Festival of Mediterranean Choruses, the Mediterranean Anthem composed by the Maestro Marco Betta was performed, for the first time as a chorus and as an absolute preview, by the Chorus of the Theatre San Carlo of Naples.

The Superintendent of the Theatre San Carlo, Gioacchino Lanza Tomasi, received the “Mediterranean Award for Art and Creativity” from the Secretary General of Accademia del Mediterraneo, Mr. Nadir Aziza.

The Prize was awarded to the Theatre San Carlo for the important contribution given to the history of lyric art and entertainment arts as well as for favouring, in the artistic and musical field, the dialogue among cultures in Our common Sea.

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On the occasion of the Festival of Mediterranean Choruses, the City of Herculaneum was decorated with the "Medal of Honour" 2003. 

The medal was given by the Secretary General of the Accademia del Mediterraneo, Mr. Nadir Aziza, to Mrs. Luisa Bossa, Mayor of Herculaneum, for the important role held by the City in the history of cultural and artistic – musical exchanges among the Countries facing the Mediterranean.

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On September 9th 2003 was held, at the Central Office of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, the solemn ceremony to award the Mediterranean Award Culture 2003 to H.E. Suzanne Mubarak for the essential role she had played in the realization of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
Among those present were Mr. Farouk Hosny, Egyptian Minister of Culture and Mr. Helmy Bedeir, Ambassador of Egypt to Italy. Mrs. Mubarak was welcomed by Mr. Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo; Mr. Antonio Bassolino, President of Regione Campania; Mr Claudio Azzolini Vice President of the Council of Europe, and by exponents of the international cultural world.
On this occasion, the agreement signed in June with the Alexandrina Library for the "Library of Peace" was ratified. SELF. Suzanne Mubarak and the President of the Campania Region Antonio Bassolino inaugurated the Library with its first endowment of 10.000 volumes.

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On June 4th 2003 was held, at Maison de la Méditerranée, the ceremony for the Mediterranean Award "Silver Dolphin 2003” to the memory of Federico Bugno.

The Awards were received by Mrs Eleonora Bugno with her son Thomas.
Among those present were the ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina to Italy, the Mayor of Sarajevo, writers and intellectuals, friends of Bugno.

During the meeting, were read some poems of the two authors and were distributed the volumes Il libro degli addii, a collection of poems by Izet Sarajlić, and Bajram and Kanita by Federico Bugno, published by Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo.

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On June 4th 2003 was held, at Maison de la Méditerranée, the ceremony for the Mediterranean Award "Silver Dolphin 2003” to the memory of Izet Sarajlic'.

The Awards were received by Sarajlić’s daughter Tamara with her son Vladimir. Among those present were the ambassador of Bosnia-Herzegovina to Italy, the Mayor of Sarajevo, writers and intellectuals, friends of Sarajlić.

During the meeting, were read some poems of the two authors and were distributed the volumes Il libro degli addii, a collection of poems by Izet Sarajlić, published by Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo.

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