Complete Lest || of events

On 19 December in the Maison de la Méditerranée the award ceremony for the Mediterranean Prize for Art and Handicraft 2005 took place in the presence of President of the Region of Campania and of the Maison de la Méditerranée Antonio Bassolino, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, Vice-President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Caterina Arcidiacono and Vice-President of the Council of Europe Hon. Claudio Azzolini.

The award was presented by Italian Vice-President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs Gianfranco Fini.

This award underlines the importance of Ferrigno’s works in preserving and diffusing the traditional Neapolitan craft of hand-made nativity scenes.

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On January 6th 2003 was held, at the Royal Palace of Naples, the Ceremony for the Mediterranean Award Special Edition 2005 to the algerian singer Hasna El Becharia, in the presence of the President of Regione Campania and of Maison de la Méditerranée Mr. Antonio Bassolino, of the President of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, Mr Michele Capasso; of the Foundation’s Vice President, Mrs Caterina Arcidiacono and of the vice-president of the Council of Eurome, Mr. Claudio Azzolini.

The “Mediterranean Award for Art and Craetivity” is meant to acknowledge the work of the writer and scriptwriter, in the service of knowledge and of the dialogue among Mediterranean cultures.

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A Prize to the two Presidents, in acknowledgement of an essential action for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
The President of the European Parliament Pat Cox and the President of Moroccan Parliament Abdelwahd Radi have been the author of a careful and patient work which has led to the institution of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly. In fact., on December 2nd 2003, the Forum instituted after Barcelona Process was transformed into this Assembly.

In acknowledgement of an essential action carried out for the democratic development in the Euro-Mediterranean area, the Ad Hoc Commission of the Accademia del Mediterraneo awarded the Mediterranean Institutions Award 2003 to Presidents Cox and Radi. The solemn ceremony took place in Athens on March 23rd 2004, at the end of the first Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly. The newly-elected President of the Assembly, the Egyptian Fathi Sorour, thanked President Capasso for the high acknowledgement and emphasized the essential role played by the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo for the dialogue between cultures and societies in the Euro-Mediterranean area. 

The event is part of the planned activities for the 10th Year Anniversary of Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo.

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On October 18th 2003 was held, at the Opera Theatre of Cairo, the Ceremony for the “Mediterranean Award 2003” and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" to the Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz, in the presence of the President of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, Mr Michele Capasso; of the Foundation’s Vice President, Mrs Caterina Arcidiacono; and of the Italian Ambassador to Egypt, Mr. Antonio Badini.

The Mediterranean Award is meant to acknowledge the work of the writer and scriptwriter, in the service of knowledge and of the dialogue among Mediterranean cultures.



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