Complete Lest || of events

During the XIII Edition of the Epiphany Concert, held at the Auditorium Rai of Naples on January the 4th, the Fondazione Mediterraneo delivered to the musician Richard Galliano the Mediterranean Award Art and Creativity 2008.

The musician expressed his own recognition owing to this Award and his own admiration owing to the activities held by the Fondazione in favour of peace and dialogue.

The award was delivered by the President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso.

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The Awarding Ceremony of 2nd Euromed Award took place in Cairo. This Award was launched by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in partnership with the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures.

This year the award has been dedicated to the theme of “Women and men hand in hand for gender equality”.

The Winners were chosen by the Anna Lindh Foundation Heads of National Network of the 37 Euro-Med Countries during an election round which took place last July.

The winners ex aequo of this edition, Rodi Kratsa Tsagaropoulou and Jan Willems, encourage, even if at different levels, the role of woman in society.

The Awarding Ceremoy has been introduced by Egyptian star Samir Sabry , with the participation of the President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation Lucio Guerrato.

The Vice-president of the Egyptian Parliament Zeinab Radvan presented the award to Jan Willems, while Boutros Boutros Ghali, Secretary General of United Nations, presented the award to Rodi Kratsa. He, in his speech, congratulated with the winners and payed tribute to the Fondazione Mediterraneo, remembering his participation to the meeting in Skopje “Balkans in the New Millenium” in May 2001.

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President Capasso awarded H.E. Abdel Hadi Majali, President of the House of Deputies of the Jordanian Parliament, the “Honour Medal” 2007 of the Mediterranean Award, "for his contribution to the consolidation of a parliamentary dimension and for his cooperation with civil society, youth and women. With his action he put politics and parliaments in the middle of a partnership with the Countries of the “Greater Mediterranean".

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President Capasso awarded Peter Straub, President of CALRE, the “Honour Medal” 2007 of the Mediterranean Award "for his contribution to the consolidation of a parliamentary dimension and for his cooperation with civil society, youth and women. With his action he put politics and parliaments in the middle of a partnership with the Countries of the “Greater Mediterranean”.

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President Capasso awarded Ernest Benach, President of Parliament of Catalunia, the “Honour Medal” of the Mediterranean Awardfor his contribution to the consolidation of a parliamentary dimension and for his cooperation with civil society, youth and women. With his action he put politics and parliaments in the middle of a partnership with the Countries of the “Greater Mediterranean”.

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