Complete Lest || of events

The Mediterranean Award for Culture 2009 was assigned to Carmen Romero, during a ceremony at the Complesso Museale di Santa Maria La Nova.

Fondazione Mediterraneo assegned the prize to the founder of Circulo Mediterraneo for her contribution in combining actions and thoughts in the Euro-Mediterranean field, promoting integration among Politics, Culture and Civil Society.

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The Mediterranean Award Art and Creativity 2009 was delivered to Pino Cacozza during the Ceremony held in the Complesso Museale di Santa Maria La Nova.
Fondazione Mediterraneo assigned the Prize to the Italic-Albanian artist for giving expression to the collective consciousness of the arbëreshe people, a community socially and politically melted into the Italian nation but still preserving its historical and linguistic tradition.

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The Mediterranean Media Award 2007 was delivered to Ibrahim El Moallem during the Ceremony held in the Complesso Museale di Santa Maria La Nova.

Fondazione Mediterraneo assigned the Prize to the Egyptian editor for his role of constant leader in the field of Arab World. Diffusing values such as freedom and equality through the publishing of hundreds of books he gave visibility to the thousand voices of South Shore of Mare Nostrum.

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The Mediterranean Media Award 2008 was delivered to Alfonso Ruffo, Director of Il Denaro during the Ceremony held in the Complesso Museale di Santa Maria La Nova.

Fondazione Mediterraneo assigned the Prize to the newspaper for his important role specially in the field of Euro-Mediterranean political and cultural informations. With the action carried out it contributed to make Naples a referent point in the Mediterranean, spreading news and reportages on the Euro-Mediterranean region.

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The Mediterranean Award for Sciences and Research was assigned to Ruggero Santilli.
On the 22nd of January, at the seat of Fondazione Mediterraneo, took place the Award Ceremony. The Mediterranean Award was assigned to Ruggero Santilli because of his fundamental research in the field of new technologies to allow a useful and sustainable human development.

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